Why do Ladies throw Thongs and other underwear at Male singers on Stage?

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  1. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 13 years ago

    Why do Ladies throw Thongs and other underwear at Male singers on Stage?

    What’s the psychology behind it?

  2. Grant's World profile image79
    Grant's Worldposted 13 years ago

    Because they don't have water balloons.

    Water balloons can break in their purses and thongs are dry and easier to transport smile

  3. Right On Time profile image60
    Right On Timeposted 13 years ago

    I don't know if there's an exact psychological explanation for it - but it'd be best summed up by "projection" whereby they project an idealised fantasy onto the male singer.

    I'm not sure it happens that often though!

  4. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    because they can. women tend to get carried away when it comes to famous people so i guess throwing their underware and bras is a way of showing it.

  5. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    No Idea, but I do know that back in the 60s, it was very easy to pick up girls after pop concerts and I didn't care who they were fantasising about, and often, one obstacle was already gone.

  6. profile image0
    surlyoldcatposted 13 years ago

    Oh this is an easy one, I'm surprised you hadn't caught on yet...
    The male singers/celebrities have extremely poor oral hygiene! You see the pics in magazines and TV, right? Photoshopped. All of it. These guys look like their teeth were modeled for Mike Meyers to use in Autin Powers. These guys have smiles that would crack a polished steel mirror! They smile and wild animals run from disgust! And that's saying something.
    All of these kind and genteel ladies toss thongs and undies at these guys (I know they are fresh out of the package because throwing used pants is just...eww.) They hurl said cottony, silken, or spandexy garments so these lazy louts will at least do something about the yuck in their mouths. Usually, I am led to believe, that now women will tape some Dentyne or Trident in those fancy bits of cloth so the performers will have something to freshen their breath too. It's not my fault that the lasses use too much tape and the singers are forced to jam said pantaloons in their gobs.
    At least that's what I am led to believe...I imagine I'm wrong. At least I tried...

  7. robertbradley profile image60
    robertbradleyposted 13 years ago

    why do people think it's gross if males throw their underwear at female singers on stage? thumbs down for double standards!

  8. stclairjack profile image73
    stclairjackposted 13 years ago

    i say this as a music fanatic, concert goer, and as a woman,... cause theyre stupid.... thats it,... its that simple,... i'never thrown my unders at anyone, let alone on stage,.... i'm under no illusion that kid rock will be impressed with my unders,... plain truth is,.... some times folks do dumb things.

  9. LasanthaW profile image54
    LasanthaWposted 13 years ago

    Music is a sort of dream architecture which passes in filmy clouds and disappears in nothingness —Percy A. Scholes

    While dancing to the music,  ladies start dreaming that they are sharing the same bed with the male singer who is performing on the stage. The rest is all about it.

  10. profile image54
    todd65barrposted 13 years ago

    @robert - Loved your comment, but had quite a good chuckle for some time, just seeing that picture...Oh, man that is funny! It is just because it is something society is not used to. Say like: Women with unshaven legs perhaps, but men are fine either way. Women can wear dresses and pants....men, not so much. Back to the question:

    I think it is a wild expression of:"I want you hot stuff!" but these girls know there are competition, so I wonder if some of them buy like a whole pack of underware or if some write their names and numbers on the labels.(might be a bit small) Or you are actually a xxxxL size, but you throw S-sizes on the stage? I don't know really, because if it was all about competition, I recon some would just throw their whole wardrobe on the stage or (because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach) they might just start throwing tasty recipies on stage to impress them with their cooking talent.

    Yeah...so now I am really confuced - there is absolutly no explination for this behaviour.

    I'm sure there must be some woman out there that can answer this.

  11. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    I would assume the psychology behind this practice might be that women, in general, tend not to be violent, hurtful, people - and throwing horse-shoes, baseballs, or encyclopedias might hurt the performer.

  12. Jarn profile image60
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    Probably because jockstraps send the wrong message entirely.

  13. jwood00 profile image63
    jwood00posted 13 years ago

    They want to be invited backstage, but usually they're even bolder than that. I see them sit on the shoulders of men with their tops off. Definitely an easy way to get invited backstage after they've been watching you half naked for an hour.

    I've never done this, by the way. The only times I've met musicians, I simply waited for them after the show.

  14. jimmyp profile image60
    jimmypposted 13 years ago

    cuz its cheaper than washing them. (the underware i mean not the men) they never wash.

  15. networkrecruiting profile image59
    networkrecruitingposted 13 years ago

    I think the reason is women find these artists sexy or they think they are ozzing sex appeal. it's the only way to say hey you are sexy enough for me to sleep with you. That is the only reason I can see someone throwing their underwear at another person lol lol

  16. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 13 years ago

    I don't have a clue but I do know women like that are trash.

  17. Swing Dance profile image61
    Swing Danceposted 7 years ago

    They are simply crazy.  I think throwing undies is gross.


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