What will it take before networks stop turning lowlifes into reality show stars?

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  1. bethperry profile image79
    bethperryposted 10 years ago

    What will it take before networks stop turning lowlifes into reality show stars?

    TLC's show, "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" is off the air. The show had centered around young Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson and her "white trash" family, including mother (June Shannon), who had once been jailed for unpaid child support, and a convicted felon father. Now the show has been canceled, after photos have come to light indicating June Shannon has been dating a convicted child molester - the same man another daughter says molested her years ago. I can't bear television that creates celebrities out of lowlifes and wonder WHAT will it take for networks to STOP making these awful shows?


  2. The Examiner-1 profile image60
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    When enough come along which they cannot do it with, then they will stop.

    1. bethperry profile image79
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Kevin, I tend to think TV exec's scour the land looking for these kind of people. As if they want the worst in humanity to put on shows. I hope I'm wrong, though.

    2. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think they can just go to the street outside the studio and watch and listen to people discussing what they want on their shows. Only when there are not these types of persons anymore, then they will wonder and have to look farther, and farther.

    3. bethperry profile image79
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Kevin, if the world was as sweet and unpolluted as you, they'd definitely be hard put to find such persons smile You have a definite way of bringing sunshine into my day, and thanks for that.

    4. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well there is nothing wrong with hope and faith is there?

  3. Alastar Packer profile image69
    Alastar Packerposted 10 years ago

    Glad this one is off the air. Alabamians are smart folk and this makes them look like funny buffoons. Too bad about Honey B-B being a has-been at nine and that will probably affect her negatively...second thought maybe not so negatively. Anyway, lets hope no other cheaply made "reality" show picks it up. Btw, have you seen the excellent "Hillbilly Blood?"

    1. bethperry profile image79
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Alastar, I resent the stereotypical portrayal of Southerners as dumb, white trash. And I hope the little girl and her siblings get a chance to overcome the obstacles that have been put before them. No, I've not seen Hillbilly Blood. What's it about?

    2. Alastar Packer profile image69
      Alastar Packerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      We're certainly in tune together on the HBB show. Hillbilly Blood I found on Netflix and is  one reality show that has impressed me, Beth. It follows two friends and their families from Cold Mt ,NC who live as much as possible like their ancestors.

    3. bethperry profile image79
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'll try to find it, Alastar. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. profile image0
    Lybrahposted 10 years ago

    As long as low-lives continue to make spectacles of themselves in public, we will be watching and laughing.

    1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this


  5. sassypiehole profile image69
    sassypieholeposted 10 years ago

    It is INSANE! I was asked to interview for one last year by a casting director in LA. Sort of a "Real Housewives" type show. I pretty much just laughed in her face and told her I didn't want my kid to grow up thinking I was a bigger idiot than I already am. The whole thing has gotten so far out-of-hand and it seems like it's only going to get worse. Thank God for Netflix!

    1. bethperry profile image79
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good going, sassypiehole, you made the right decision!

  6. thomasczech profile image37
    thomasczechposted 10 years ago

    I find that there is nothing worthwhile on TV, this is the reason I have gotten rid of it. Now I watch what I want and when I want on the internet. I am back to watching some of the old classics from 1980's and earlier, such as Bewitched, I dream of Jeanie, A Team, Magnum PI, Fantasy Isand etc. TV has been going down hill fast and is filled with trash and idiotic drama. Will this ever change? Who knows?

    1. bethperry profile image79
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      thomasczech, I think a lot of folks feel that way. And the worst part I think is that TV seem to want to limit the variety of what we watch. As if maybe they want to dumb down audiences.

  7. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    As soon as the demand & their obvious "popularity" stops.  Let's face it, it's all ALWAYS about the $$$.  Rationally and civilly speaking, especially in the case of this particular show, what on earth would possibly be the motive?  I never actually saw this show.  What I saw and read online was enough for me to know I would only be disgusted by it.
    Sadly, these people probably don't even have a penny of whatever they earned.  Yet they exposed themselves and their ignorance for the viewing public to sneer and laugh at, while pitying them.
    I hope that the "child" can now get some ongoing help through this, so that there are not future repercussions for her.  The adults are the IDIOTS.
    You're on track, Beth.  Can we at least hope the network big wigs grow a conscience?

    1. bethperry profile image79
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      fpherj48, I once felt it was a matter of TV giving audiences what they "want", but with so many like you & me who refuse to watch this kind of garbage, it makes me truly wonder about the motives TV exec's have! You're right about the "adults", to


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