Who's your favorite Star Wars character?

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  1. profile image57
    Mr. Phantasmposted 16 years ago

    Who's your favorite character from all the Star Wars films?  Mine would probably be Luke Skywalker.  He was like Rocky Balboa with a lightsaber, the small-town boy making it big in the galaxy.
        I'd love to have a lightsaber at Thanksgiving.  Man, could I do some serious turkey slicing then!

  2. Soya profile image58
    Soyaposted 16 years ago

    mine is Yodha, the tiny little guy who swirls in the air and swings his lightsaber so much.. i love that anime character..

  3. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Darth Vader. I used to know the guy who was in the suit - Dave Prowse - He is an awesome person and used to own a gym near where I lived in Birmingham.

    Of course, you never got to see him - just the suit LOL

    1. ZEV profile image73
      ZEVposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      My favorite too, James Earl Jone's voice made the character.

  4. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    I saw this thread and knew I had to post something since I love Star Wars (much to the dismay of my wife!)

    My favorite character is probably also Yoda.  The scene where he finally broke out into a full light sabre fight in Episode two was pretty sweet, I must say!  (Seen here if you're interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ6ZHBPK4LI )

    Plus, you have to say he pretty much saved the Jedi when they were down and almost out at the start of the original trilogy.

  5. Princessa profile image79
    Princessaposted 16 years ago

    Mine is Chewbaka  big and cozy to cuddle.

    1. WeddingConsultant profile image65
      WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Can't say that I've cuddled with Chewbacca...

      1. Princessa profile image79
        Princessaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Well... I imagine it would be like that.  After a rainny day though it could be like a smelly wet carpet ! 

        BTW can you post me a photo of Chewb.  I don't know how to do it.  Thanks!

  6. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago


    haha, sorry I couldn't resist putting a funny picture up of Chewy.

    Here's how to post pictures (thanks FUNRIDE for showing me!):
    find the website of the picture, and copy-paste it in between [img]and[/img]
    Give it a try!

    1. Princessa profile image79
      Princessaposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      Did it !!!!!

      Not my favorite character (in fact I found Princess Leia irritating) but I love this costume!

  7. SparklingJewel profile image68
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    R2D2 and 3CPO (Or was it C3PO?) If it wasn't for them I probably never would have gotten involved with computers.
    The whole Stars Wars series especially the core plot with Luke and the "force" is a good metaphor for life and my belief of God as Energy and our responsibility to use it properly.

    1. WeddingConsultant profile image65
      WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      R2D2 and C3PO

      1. SparklingJewel profile image68
        SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        SWEEET! I saved that to my desktop for future reference. Thanks

  8. stephhicks68 profile image87
    stephhicks68posted 16 years ago

    My boys (ages 8 and 10) are completely into Star Wars!!  Its so funny because I was their age when the original (Episode IV) came out!  That being said.... my favorite character is Han Solo (cause he's so darned HOT! - and I love his wry, "whatever" approach to saving the Resistance)

    C'mon Wedding Consultant - post me a photo!  Thanks - Steph

    1. amy jane profile image65
      amy janeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Steph! I remember crying in the movie theater during  "Empire" when he was frozen.  My mother threatened to make me leave.

    2. WeddingConsultant profile image65
      WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry I was late, Steph!  I got lost in the other forum threads.  Here's another shot of Hans for ya:


  9. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    Yoda, my favorite character is.

  10. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    OK, I changed my mind. I forgot about the delectable Leia:

  11. Princessa profile image79
    Princessaposted 16 years ago

    Are you trying to steal my costume Mark??? 

    I hope not!  I tell you what... You keep the Princess and I'll take the costume.  Deal?

  12. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    No - sorry. The costume is part of the deal big_smile

    Although - I am open to who is in it big_smile

  13. stephhicks68 profile image87
    stephhicks68posted 16 years ago

    OK, OK, someone.... has to put up a photo of Han Solo for Amy Jane and me.  Please? smile

  14. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago



  15. stephhicks68 profile image87
    stephhicks68posted 16 years ago


    You must have known I was sick and under the weather.  Thank you.  I'm going to bed now.  I know I'll have pleasant dreams.  LOL.  wink

  16. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    Sure, anything you say (and it certainly wasn't b/c of the pathetic begging). LOL

  17. stephhicks68 profile image87
    stephhicks68posted 16 years ago

    Oh Thank You, Peter and Wedding Consultant.  (cough, cough).  I'm still under the weather, but dear Han Solo... he brings a smile to my face.  smile

  18. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago


    So is it safe to say you'll be watching the new Indiana Jones movie or does "the force" of your fanship of Harrison Ford only pertain to Star Wars?

  19. stephhicks68 profile image87
    stephhicks68posted 16 years ago

    Oh my goodness - I LOVE Indiana Jones too!!  And I am lucky enough to have young fans in the household that will give me an excuse to go to the movie with me (in case hubby raises his eyebrows... LOL)!!!  Can't wait to see it.  smile

  20. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    haha I thought you'd like it!  I'll be sure to watch it as well, but I might wait for the DVD to come out so I can rent it.

  21. yenseca profile image61
    yensecaposted 16 years ago

    I've always been a fan of Jar Jar binks, what a nice fellow he seems to be.


  22. Silent Assassin profile image61
    Silent Assassinposted 16 years ago

    Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn

  23. DJ Funktual profile image68
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    You guys have touched on all the best Main Characters.  Chewie Rules!
    But my favorite character in the whole trilogy is Jabba the Hutt's snickering sidekick Solacious Crumb!  (Eh  heheheheeheheeee)

    p.s. Lando is a Pimp!

  24. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Lest we forget:


  25. DJ Funktual profile image68
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    This wonderful thread needs more hub love!

  26. profile image52
    johnmusic88posted 16 years ago

    yoda ftw


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