Should the Movie Rating System for PG13 and R be Updated?

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  1. American_Choices profile image76
    American_Choicesposted 13 years ago

    I am frustrated shopping for good movies to watch.  With the old fashion movies, the old fashion rating system worked.  Now with Netflix and other streaming movies our choices are greater and yet our ratings don't tell us much.

    I don't mind sex and language but when there is violence, I want to know.

    Is there are any plans to update the rating system to give more information at a quick glance?  I know the fine print details what is included but I want to know with a scale of RV - For rated R with violence, RVSL for rated R with violence, sex and language.

    Any suggestions?  What would you like to see?

    On an international basis, Wikipedia reports:

    "    *  Spring Green + Lime  – All ages may watch.
        *  Yellow  – Parental guidance is suggested.
        *  Orange  – Not recommended for a younger audience.
        *  Red + Brown  – Restricted to an older audience."
        *  Black  – Restricted to adults only.

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, most movie sites will tell you exactly why a film is rated exactly what it is.  Just go to imdb, yahoo, msn, or whatever, and you'll find a ton of useful information on why a film is rated for what it is.  Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with the current rating systems for films, as I think it's perfect the way it is.  I just think people need to start paying more attention to ratings for films.  Most parents are often so naive to let their kids see R-rated films that they don't even bother to research the film they're allowing their child to see...even though the film clearly states an R-rating!

      it's not the studios problem to raise your kids.  It's the parents job to do that.

    2. BGollihue profile image59
      BGollihueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think the entire ratings system should be done away with anyway. It's all just another form of censorship, a small segment of the population imposing their values on others.

      A lot of the "deleted scenes" you find on DVDs were only cut to try and get a lower rating (PG-13, PG, etc) in order to boost opening weekend numbers. A prime example of this would be the last 3 "Harry Potter" films (DH1, HBP, OotP), all of which received an "R" rating* on their initial screenings by the MPAA.

      It's just a way to extort film makers. Personally, I always watch a movie first if I think it may be questionable for my kids, and when it comes down to it, parents are the only real "rating system" that we need.

      *according to IMDB Pro.

  2. kerryg profile image81
    kerrygposted 13 years ago

    Yeah, I agree that the movie rating system could use some updating. I prefer the TV rating system that gives recommended ages and a simple code explaining why the episode got the rating it did.

    For example, one of my favorite movies is My Cousin Vinny, which is rated R because they swear approximately every third word. There is nothing else objectionable about the movie, and I think it's silly that a 13 year old can waltz into a comic book movie that is a two hour long bloodbath with no parents, but can't be exposed to a little swearing. tongue

  3. tobey100 profile image61
    tobey100posted 13 years ago

    From my experience movie theaters don't pay any attention to the ratings anyway.  I've been to many an R rated movie full of pre-teens.  The whole concept is a joke unless it's enforced don't you think?

  4. leahlefler profile image97
    leahleflerposted 13 years ago

    The only "rule" for an R rated movie is that a child must be with an adult for admittance. A pre-teen can go with an older (18 year old) sibling and get into an R-rated movie. Also, parents are free to take their children into R-rated movies. I once sat through the 10pm screening of Gladiator, and there was a four year old child in feetie pajamas sucking his thumb and watching the movie. His parents brought him to an intensely violent film at an hour that all children should be in bed. It was ridiculous!

    The only movie rating that prohibits children is NC-17.

  5. frynch profile image60
    frynchposted 13 years ago

    The ratings system should be done away with in it's entirety. I truly don't like anyone, let alone a secret room of half a dozen rich folks(paid by who knows) judging a movie's rating based on THEIR morality. Gimme a break! Lift the veil!!! Who's ratings????We don't decide these ratings...

  6. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

    I reviewed a film for a site that helps paretns decide what to let their young children see. The film was rated PG-13, allowable for 3 F-words...It had SEVEN and one more, mumbled (8 total). One rep said it only had 1.

    RANGO is PG,  but other critics call it a Hard PG. imo it's  PG-13 for realism in several areas. I still liked it a LOT - but not for 5-and-8-year-olds in the audience. Some studios/producers/directors seem to be pushing film content to the maximum of rating limits, sometimes surpassing them. It's a little like inflation - over the top and hit bottom, maybe. Or add another top and bottom designation. I think we need a Pre-G, LOL -- Parents can't afford sitters any more and take the little ones to "R" -not very good.   

    It happens in the food industry. Pnderosa started with a simple cowboy mess hall decor, became fancy over 20 years and then many or most closed. Golden Corral added a lot of higher-quality foods, closed some shops, re-opened with cheaper foods and in some markets is spiraling down. Maybe all industries do it.


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