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Anger Management - Giving peace a chance

Updated on November 30, 2018
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The person has been working as a freelance writer since 2011 and graduated from Indira Gandhi National Open University in Delhi, India.

Anger Management - Giving peace a chance

There is war everywhere in the world. The war in Afghanistan. The war in Sri Lanka. The war within India between Maoists and government troops. The war inside the political party. The war inside the organizations. Even inside the family, there is war. Fighting husband and wife. Children fighting with their parents. Fighting brothers and sisters. Everywhere there is war.

We saw that Israel was striking back heavily against Palestine. CNN was reporting the event. In one roundtable discussions, one participant had finally said something which is the core of it. He quoted a leader of Hamas who said that "peace is not possible because Isreal is an affront to God and they must not exist". That is all. If we carry that kind of thought, peace will not possible for the 100 generation. It can only wound badly everyone involved.

Why this war is going on everywhere? Can't we stop the war and live a peaceful life. When disputes are aroused, can't one party see or appreciate the other parties viewpoint or side without being angry? When you see someone doing wrong and you think they should suffer in some way or other, the only thing that can happen are fighting, injury, war, hatred, revenge etc. And it always ends in tragedy.

Every day in hundreds and thousands of cities and villages around the world anger takes control of humans. Often this anger gets out of control and taken to unnecessary levels. Sometimes these anger can be justified. But many times it is not. Decisions made under the influence of anger and frustration show the worst side of a person. It could be the end of a loving relationship. It could be the end of a mutually beneficial business relationship. These decisions will bring more harm than any benefits. It kills and covets.

It reminds me of the contestants of beauty pageants who were asked what they want during their reign? Most of them want world peace. That is what we all want. We cannot suddenly stop the war and remove anger form this world. One thing we can do is that we can control our anger. This small steps and collective efforts will make tremendous effect over the time. How can this possible? The strong determination and desire for peace will lead you to anger management. Educate oneself to express dissatisfaction without being angry. Letting go off negative and harmful emotions. Disagree without becoming angry. Respect the regional, cultural and religious beliefs of a fellow citizen. Completely and unconditionally forgiving others and yourself for the mistakes. Try to understand the feelings of others. No more trying to change the unchangeable. Setting disputes without raising your voice and in a peaceful manner. Always in control of your emotions and feelings. Finally, channelize your anger in a positive and constructive way. These are some of the anger management techniques. This will save your life.

There is a great benefit in controlling your anger. You can save your marriage, your relationship, your business, your family, your children, the list goes on.

So why don't we try to control our anger? Let us have a peaceful life.

Anger Management - Avoid to do foolish things when you are angry

Mahatma Gandhi expressed his anger over the rule of England in a non-aggressive manner. He stands as a good example for the world. It is strange to see while protesting, people tempt to destroy public property. By setting fire on public buses, damaging government buildings etc. are not the solution. I don't know why they are doing so. These properties were built from the taxpayer's money. If we damage it, we are the one who will be responsible to rebuild the same. Our money will be used again by the Government. So it is a nonsense thing to destroy our own property. We could see such people around us who destroy their own property when they get angry.

Some of the benefits of anger management are listed below:

  1. Anger management improves interpersonal relationships
  2. Anger management increases empathy
  3. Anger management improves self-esteem
  4. Anger management improves morale
  5. Anger management improves leadership skills
  6. It reduces legal problems.
  7. Anger management improves interdisciplinary communication
  8. It reduces financial loss/problem.

The more you succeed, the more gets thrown on your shoulder

Hope for Hopeless 1

Hope for Hopeless 2


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