What is the funniest thing your ever heard a child say?

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  1. Str8up Hookups profile image38
    Str8up Hookupsposted 13 years ago

    What is the funniest thing your ever heard a child say?

    Kids are brutally honest and while small have no idea of hurting someone's feelings,and sometimes it's so on point it hilarious.

    My son stated while we were at a baseball game,Mom I want to be like that man when I grow up,he's always got something to eat.See he keeps hot dogs on the back of his neck"

    I peed my pants laughing.


  2. kallini2010 profile image80
    kallini2010posted 13 years ago

    That is definitely a hard question.  Children say a lot and unless we write it down (and we should), we forget.

    This is one of mine.  I was an only child and you know how children are unaware of certain details until they are aware.

    I was probably no older than two years old and I saw my father in his underwear and I was so genuinely surprised:

    What have you put in there?!


    But my son and his fiancee (LOL) were almost four and we took them to the same sauna and they did not seem "to notice" any differences, they were simply oblivious.


    This one is not so much about saying it is about being like everybody else.

    I was probably two or so, we were at a sea resort.  I was running freely naked, but then I saw people queuing to change from their swimsuits into regular clothes or the other way around.

    So I took mine and joined the line.  The whole beach was laughing and the people in the queue were letting me go in front of everybody.  I did not want any preferential treatment.  I wanted to be like everybody else.  Not only was I naked that made the whole enterprise ridiculous, but the change stalls did not reach the ground, they exposed legs - from knees to feet.  Adult height that is - when I was there - the only par that was covered was probably my head.

  3. JayDee Sterling profile image59
    JayDee Sterlingposted 13 years ago

    I was out to dinner at "Outback (Steakhouse)" with my friend Robin and her daughter Rebekah, who was 5 at the time. We were reviewing the menu and discussing what sounded good to eat that night. Robin said, "I think I'm going to get the shrimp on the barbie".  Rebekah stopped drawing and coloring and with all seriousness and enlightenment, leaned over and said "how about you get the shrimp and I'll take The Barbie."  {Barbie, as in the doll}

  4. Jarn profile image60
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    Daddy, why do mommy's goodnight kisses taste so salty?

  5. txcollegekid101 profile image60
    txcollegekid101posted 13 years ago

    "Let's get chocolate wasted!"

    All I could do was laugh.

  6. Shahid Bukhari profile image59
    Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years ago

    My nephew's kid from LA, visiting us at Karachi ... was about 3 years old at the time ... and wanted to see the fried Egg in the sky ... besides doing some Cookies and Chocolate shopping at the local Mall ...

    So we went a seeing, the setting sun at Clifton beach ... and  shopped what kids shop ...
    On our way back, I got a frantic call from home asking ...
    "Where are You ... Benazir has been Murdered by some Foreign agents and Pakistan is on Fire  ! "

    I don't know if you have the Experience of a child sitting next to you in a car, in such a situation ... and I doing my best to save us both ... avoiding street bonfires crated hurdles, and stray bullets swishing past all around ...

    Anyway ... we reached home safely ... I noticed, that while I had that harried look on my face ... the kid sat there smiling ... So I asked ...

    "whats so funny Zuber ... he replied...
    "Nana thath wad real smart dwviving ... "


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