Do you believe that children love their parents unconditionally?

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  1. chiefmomofficer profile image59
    chiefmomofficerposted 12 years ago

    Do you believe that children love their parents unconditionally?

    Some believe that parents have unconditional love for their children, but do children love their parents unconditionally too?

  2. thebookmom profile image68
    thebookmomposted 12 years ago

    Sometimes I wonder based on how my own children respond to correction!  However, as a teacher I was always amazed to see kids who came from really bad parenting situations defend and even long for their parents.  If not unconditional love, I do think kids have a strong natural bond that draws them toward a parent regardless of their circumstance.

  3. Moms-Secret profile image73
    Moms-Secretposted 12 years ago

    I am very blessed to have seen it in my child.  I am even more blessed to see how her love has changed family members around her that I have known for years.  smile

  4. tonyfischer profile image77
    tonyfischerposted 12 years ago

    Not really.  Children don't understand that concept.  There love initially comes from thier dependence on you.  As they get older they learn the unconditional love concept from their parents.  If they are loved unconditionally then they will love in the same way.

  5. toddlermommy profile image60
    toddlermommyposted 12 years ago

    I think they can until they grow up and their mind and emotions mature into adulthood. Speaking from personal experience, a parent can emotionally scar a child to the point of no return, and as an adult that child has then emotionally matured enough to decide what their feelings have become toward the parent.

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      This is INDEED true.

  6. hawkdad73 profile image60
    hawkdad73posted 12 years ago

    I am sure if they knew what unconditionally meant, they would.  Depends on how old they are.

  7. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago

    The average child DOES love his/her parents unconditionally.  That is because in the earlier years, the average child is very vulnerable physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, & even psychically.  He/she see his/her parents as all encompassing & perfect.  He/she is also highly cognizant of the point that he/she must depend upon his/her parents for his/her very survival & growth as there is no other choice but to love his/her parents unconditionally. 

    Children receive messages that they are to love their parents unconditionally. These messages are not only from parents themselves, societal & religious messages strongly inculcate children that they MUST honor(love, respect) their parents above all else & not to do so is considered to be an affront against a preordained order.  Children in their early formative stages are not knowledgeable enough to not to see their parents more negative aspects & shortcomings so they are quite accepting of their parents, foibles & all.

    Children have the habit of rationalizing their parents, even in the most horrendous, harsh, & abysmal conditions.  They strongly contend that if negative circumstances occur, it is not their parents' fault.  In fact, they rationalize, even justify, such environments as a natural fact/part of living.  How many adults from dysfunctional or extremely negative familial backgrounds state that they grew up in such backgrounds, proclaiming look "how well" they turned out.  They refused to see the negativity in their parents & environment, asserting that all is well although it was quite the opposite. 

    Children want everything to be alright, even the negatives.  They will explain away any quality of their parents that is not possible, always portraying their parents in the most positive light.  They do not want to think of their parents as less than their particular ideal, even though the parents can be classified as very negative people.

  8. NguyenHieu profile image57
    NguyenHieuposted 7 years ago

    Yes, me as an example.
    Even my parent treated me like shit, i still love them and even someday i hopy they will realize their mistake and we can be happy together


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