What are some good ways to encourage children to help people who are less fortun

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  1. AliciaC profile image95
    AliciaCposted 12 years ago

    What are some good ways to encourage children to help people who are less fortunate than them?

    How can we encourage children to think about and safely help - even in a small way - other people who are less fortunate than them, such as people who are ill, infirm or lonely, or who are living in poverty or in a disaster area?

  2. profile image0
    susanm23bposted 12 years ago

    I think the best way is by modeling this behavior.  When our children see that we care about others and follow up our feelings with action, they will learn that these things have value and are worth doing.

  3. hobbynob profile image81
    hobbynobposted 12 years ago

    Doing good things yourself will rub off on them. Each year we participate in Operation Christmas Child, where the kids each pack a box for a child who's less fortunate. The act of packing up a gift they might like to have themselves is a sacrifice they learn benefits someone else and it opens a conversation...

  4. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    When it is time to clean out closets and they have outgrown toys or clothing, have them help you glean items out. Explain to them in simple terms that some children cannot afford toys or new clothes and what he/she gets rid of will go to a child that needs it.

  5. teaches12345 profile image77
    teaches12345posted 12 years ago

    As a family you can volunteer at a soup kitchen. This is a good way to let them see how helping others makes a difference. As a child, our church used to take us to nursing homes to sing for the residents. It was always nice to chat with them afterwards and we saw how much they enjoyed our visit.  It also helped us learn to respect our elders.

  6. profile image52
    babithababaposted 12 years ago

    ....JUst  practise what you intend your kids to do . Do acts of charity in front of your children . Frequently encourage them  to disperse their good things like cash , clothes , sweets etc. to the lesser fortunate .

       To have quick results , to prompt your offspring in your ways of charity and concern to the fewllow humans , do one more thing .Whenever you observe your child act  favourably to the deserved , just encourage them by  presenting them with further gifts !

  7. Shawn May Scott profile image60
    Shawn May Scottposted 12 years ago

    First of all make sure you can have an open discussion with you child about people that are less fortunate. It is important that children know the difference between being able to afford the grocery staore or using a food bank to survive. Children will understand and want to help when they know why. We often clean out the closets and drawers and stuffed animal pile and as we do so each child knows that what goes into the give away box is going to be shared with some else who is ready to love the toy or clothing. We often go into our local thrift shops and see our belongings that we have given away being purchased by someone else. My children see the smiles and joy on the faces of other children and that makes them happy to have been able to give that gift.

    As for the people that are ill, infirm you would need to talk to some of your local hospitals they will have a volunteer program you and your children can join and visit. As for the disater area there are many stories on the internet about how young people have put together packages that contain simple things such as soap, pencils, paper and simple toy that can be distributed through Red Cross.

    The ways are endless, although it all take supervision and organization. Good luck. smile

  8. Mmargie1966 profile image72
    Mmargie1966posted 12 years ago

    Setting examples are always the best way to teach your children proper behavior of any type.

  9. GDiBiase profile image67
    GDiBiaseposted 12 years ago

    The best teacher is by example. Child mimic what they see. If the parents are compassionate and giving of their time and effort, the children will hopefully see that and want to do the same.


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