Why do parents feel the need to let their children misbehave?

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  1. profile image52
    Elise Mealorposted 9 years ago

    Why do parents feel the need to let their children misbehave?

    I have friends, family members, and even strangers tell me how well behaved my son is. He is polite, respectful, and generally just a nice kid. I can count on one hand how many times he's needed a spanking (yes, I believe in spankings! I'm from the south!). I don't understand parents that let their kids humiliate them, act out, back talk, etc, especially out in public. The idle threats of "I'm going to put you in time out" or "lets not behave that way or you will lose a privilege" doesn't seem to be working. Do the parents not see it? Or do they chose to ignore it? Please advise.

  2. Express10 profile image85
    Express10posted 9 years ago

    I begin this with the fact that I am a single lady however, I observe people who appear to ignore their parenting duties in a variety of setting and situations. I see people who allow their children to disrespect them by calling them names, calling the parents by their first names, or allowing small children to scream at the top of their lungs without reprimand whatsoever to the misery of those around them. 

    There are a variety of things at play such as a lack of parenting skills, energy, and commitment to doing what's best for the children and not necessarily what is easiest. Many people have children without regard for the hard work that it truly is and once they're in the thick of it lose their commitment to their role in their children's lives or find they never were as committed as they need to be.

    1. profile image52
      Elise Mealorposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree w this completely. I also feel like many parents don't have the "heart" to discipline their children. I just hate that this is the behavior that leads to so many more problems for children.

  3. profile image0
    Dave36posted 9 years ago

    Because parents like most people nowadays are too lazy to be bothered, & they rely on the T.V & bribes to distract their kids..As technology etc moves forwards & everything is getting easier, people are getting lazier & fatter..So basically they can't be arsed with themselves or their kids, not all people obviously just "most" people!lol..& before anyone says anything i know loads of people, that have had kids just for the welfare checks, or because it's cool or as one last attempt at saving their relationships..Most probably now that they've got them regret it, & so can't be bothered & just go through the motions.

  4. bethperry profile image82
    bethperryposted 9 years ago

    I think a major part of the problem stems from the way parents are treated like idiots from the very moment they find out they are going to have a baby. This treatment comes from care "experts" to teachers and even lawmakers. If a woman chooses to bottle feed instead of breast feed, it is presumed harmful for the baby. If we have questions about immunizations, we are doing the children harm. If we home school them, we are denying them opportunities. If we have a licensed gun in the house we are teaching them to be homeland terrorists. If we spank them, it is abuse. If we smoke, we are going to kill them. If we give them a candy bar with lunch, we are jeopardizing their health. If we don't put them on the drugs a school teacher suggests, we are negligent. If we don't have the money to get Little Johnny or Janie the video games their friends have, it is because we are too lazy to get a second or third job to pay for those games. Today's parents live under a rigid set of social expectations on how to raise children, and have to look over their shoulders constantly in fear the kids will be snatched away by child services if they break from social expectation. It is no wonder today's children have much less respect for others; they see their parents disrespected on a regular basis and so don't think twice about their behavior. It is not the children's fault, of course. The fault lies with the fact the government and its social toadies have been given too much power.

    1. profile image0
      Dave36posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      When you live in a supposedly free country where you've got a government that instead of working for the people, creates a new law so they can come arrest then detain indefinitely without any evidence or trial one of it's own citizens.It's Fubared!.


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