Babies and to get them better without medicine.

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  1. BoGirl profile image61
    BoGirlposted 13 years ago

    There is nothing worse than watching your little ones get a cold. After the FDA, recommended that all cold medicine be taken off the shelves for kids under 2, parents have a hard time nursing your sick one back to health. A cold is always a hard thing to judge, is it a cold, the flu, or something worse.
    Colds in a child under 2, usually takes the form of a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, mucus. It is never fun when one of your kids gets sick so I've come up with a list of things you can do to treat the symptoms not the cold itself.
    VICKS BABY VAPOR RUB:  Vicks vapor rub is great for opening up the passages in the chest and nose. Rub on the back, chest, neck, even the bottom of their feet and I rub a very small amount under the nose to keep the nose clear.   If it irrates the baby's skin rub it on their clothes, just the smell can help.
    NOSE SALINE SPRAY:  A saline spray like Little Noses, Oceans, works all the same. It allows for you to pull the boogers out the nose, a lot of boogers are able to come out especially with the nose plunger they give you at the hospital or your local Target, Walgreens, Safeway, and other drug store.
    VAPOR PLUG-UNIT: A mini waterless vaporizer unit that lasts up to 8 hours and releases a Vicks like vapor smell throughout the room. It let's the baby breathe a little easier. It comes in two brands that I've seen: Vicks or Pedia-Care. Both works good you buy the unit and can buy refills almost anywhere. Plus, it's an alternative to the messy and high-maintenance of a water vaporizer or humidifier.
    BABY TYLENOL:  I always have this at my house, it's a necessity.  In case of a fever , Tylenol or a generic version works wonders in comforting a baby during a cold, teething, or ear ache.
    Hope you found my list to help during you baby's next cold. These are the remedies I use to comfort my baby during a cold. It takes awhile for a baby to get over a cold so making them comfortable will get you through their cold.

    1. New 2011 Mom profile image61
      New 2011 Momposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      also i want to add that they have a vicks vapor plug. It is VERY powerful, but does wonders.

    2. smcopywrite profile image59
      smcopywriteposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      you simply must treat the symptoms. anything you can do to make them feel better should be done. sometimes this is simply holding them close to you.

  2. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    From what I've heard (both when my own kids were babies (20-plus years ago) and from more recent info, putting anything menthol, like Vicks, under a baby's nose isn't a good thing to do at all. … ks-vaporub

    If anyone searches, "should Vicks VapoRub be used on babies" he'll come up with several resources that discuss the hazards.

    Respectfully, I think your list would be safer if you left out the Vicks part, and let others think up for themselves whether they think that would be a good idea for their baby or not.

    (It looks like you're new here, and I'm not all that comfortable bringing up a "disagreement point" so soon.  It's just that I think the question about hazards of menthol is serious enough that  people should know there's an issue with it.  )  Anyway, this isn't intended to come across as "unfriendly" or "unwelcoming" at all.

    1. recommend1 profile image60
      recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You shouldn't feel uncomfortable about disagreeing with the OP - it is only a totally self promotional link of some kind, a kind of spam I suspect.

      And you are right, uninformed shallow advice written by somebody who has not done any real research is dangerous and just adds to the confusion of people looking for real answers for real problems for real babies.

      This kind of writing is typical of the hubs that I think are 'also' responsible for downrating HP with Google - keyword dense, product spam on a bed of glib and meaningless words.

    2. Mommy S profile image59
      Mommy Sposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree about the menthol. I'd never put that in my daughter's room. That's why Baby Vicks is made without it.

      To the OP: a humidifier (with nothing in it) running in the room helps. Also, an elevated mattress (elevated only on one end) will help with congestion as well as reflux.

  3. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Without medicine? Leaving it defenseless?

    How to get them better is by understanding more than just applying medicines. It is best for you to understand the problem, how to address it and what best works?

    Just a thought

  4. 2uesday profile image66
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    If this is turned into a Hub I think it is important to include a note to the parent to consult a doctor if they are unsure if it is a just a cold. As mentioned other illness sometimes appear to be a cold at the start. A pharmacist will give advice about age suitability for medicines for children/babies.

  5. profile image48
    amanda7878posted 13 years ago

    sitting in a hot steamy bathroom with the hot water going helps

  6. falconboy profile image60
    falconboyposted 12 years ago

    I you facing that problem then use paracetamol syrup for as a medicine.its mu8ch better for your baby. other wise contact  with child specialist he must give proper treatment.


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