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Vegetable Recipe Variations

Updated on May 6, 2011

Vegetable Recipe Variations

Vegetable Recipe Variations. Moms are always right --  eat vegetables please -- and of course, there's Popeye who eats spinach to gain the strength and save the love of his life. While Popeye gaining the muscles and strength after eating spinach is overly stated, the fact is vegetables are truly healthy. No doubt about that, we all know that already, but it is worth mentioning. For those who have a vegan diet, they still need the total nourishment they can get from different sources of nutrients, that is why there are substitutes for meat products if they don't partake them because of health reasons or other moral issues. Some substitutes are tempeh and tofu which are very rich in protein. Avocado is a rich source of protein and low fat, so it is worth including it in your vegetable recipe. Other than that vegetable is a rich source of nutrients in themselves without the ingredients like tofu or tempeh and seafoods.There are a lot of vegetable recipe variations and we can do a lot with vegetables. In short, it is always good to include vegetables in your diet and I hope this hub helps you in cooking your most loved vegetables.

Like what I have said, you can always mixed all vegetable which you are going to used with seafoods like shrimp or fish fillet, tofu or tempeh to have alternative source of protein and to have a distinct taste and more flavorful vegetable meal. You can see later on with the recipe here that I am including either or of these foods in vegetable recipes.

I can tell you that I am a lover of vegetable in general as I  grew up eating and planting them from tomato to eggplant and other root crops, we plant them in our backyard. The climate in a tropical country are best for some kinds of vegetables.

Why vegetables?

  • Green leafy vegetables specially the more darker ones are very healthy
  • it is a rich source of Vitamins and necessary nutrients for having that glow in our physical body
  • for beauty purposes and good hair and skin complexion -- vegetables and fruits makes us beautiful
  • Have heard of spinach and its wonderful health contributions -- rich in most of the nutrients we need specially Vitamin A
  • easy to digest -- high in fiber content
  • Research shows that it is less cancerous of the powerful components of fruits and vegetables -- antioxidants.
  • A serving of vegetables everyday will definitely keep the doctor away
  • It is very healthy for breastfeeding mom, to eat green leafy vegetables


To achieve best results for vegetables :

  • Wash and cut them as per your cooking needs. Some vegetables need not cut by a knife, buy by your hands like spinach etc.
  • Harder vegetables like carrots or pumpkins should be smaller in sizes than the softer vegetables and easier to cook like spinach or cabbage.
  • Wash then thoroughly but not soaking them, like some vegetables like avocado
  • The harder ones are usually put in cooking first than the softer ones
  • If you can, please don't overcooked vegetables

Other hubs about healthy vegetable and fruit preparation

Actually I wrote an earlier hubs about veganism and its health benefits -- Is Veganism Good For You and another one about healthy green salad recipes -- Healthy Green Salads as Side Dishes : Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipes plus Pickled dishes, healthy preparation of fruit salads, and wanna try fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies? So if you have time you can check it out if you want to whipped out one healthy recipe for ya. Check it out.

How to make sure you buy healthy foods?

I think it is helpful if you always include it in your checklist of the list of things to but for food when you go to market for food shopping. This is a helpful hub to guide you about shopping for healthy foods : Grocery Shopping List to Use as a Checklist



Ingredients which you can add to vegetables

  1. Tofu or bean curd  is made up of soy milk for coagulation and is usually mixed with vegetables to add protein to the recipe. It is also sometimes marinated, and it is devoid of smell and usually colored white. It is made of soy bean.
  2. Shrimp or Prawns -- the larger one is also used as an added ingredients to vegetables to make it tastierand have a taste that you will love
  3. Tempeh is a cake like soybean (whole soybean) made from fermentation and is popular in Indonesia and in some South east Asian countries mixed with vegetables for protein supplements

Chopsuey mixed vegetables with starch

Recipe for Mixed "chopsuey" vegetables with starch

This is very healthy as it also included starch which is a source of carbohydrates.

Ingredients ;

  • two cups broccoli, cut into bite sized
  • two cups cauliflower
  • one half cup carrots, sliced thinly (one in. long)
  • one cup chayote ( a vegetable which is shaped like avocado), sliced bite sized
  • three fourth cup starch
  • one cup water
  • olive oil, one table spoonful
  • garlic cloves -- three pieces, flattened
  • onion, one medium sized sliced
  • salt one half teaspoon
  • one half pound tofu or fish -- like shrimp or crab meat (depends on your choice) --thawed, flakes removed and cleaned

Directions :

  • Set the cooker to medium heat. Saute in a skillet, olive oil first then, garlic, onion and then put the sliced tofu or the shrimp.Cook for ten minutes, then add water, let it simmer for five minutes.
  • If the tofu is half done put, the hardest vegetable first, carrots, chayote, broccoli then cauliflower
  • In a separate small bowl mixed the water with the flour, whisking it, then add it to the vegetable you are cooking.
  • Test the doneness of the vegetables, it should be crispy and not overcooked.

Spinach with avocado

Sauted Spinach and avocado mixed

Ingredients ;

  • three cups of spinach (three grasps in your hands)
  • two avocado medium sized deseed and sliced lengthwise
  • tomatoes (two medium sized and sliced lengthwise)
  • garlic cloves three flattened
  • onions medium sized sliced like ring
  • shrimp two cups
  • salt two pinches or soy sauce two table three table spoonfuls
  • one tables spoonful olive oil

Directions :

  • Put the cooker to medium temp
  • Saute with minimal cooking oil, olive oil, first garlic, then onion.
  • If the ingredients are lightly browned, put the shrimp (thawed, flakes removed and cleaned)
  • Put the salt either or soy sauce
  • Put the spinach after the shrimp is nearly done
  • Test if the spinach is cooked and crispy, removed from the heat
  • Garnish it with tomato and avocado on top

Lumpia spring roll

Lumpia -- vegetable spring roll, my style

This is my version of vegetable spring roll -- this is healthy food sauteed first then enwrapped with a wrapper and then cooked in oven.

Ingredients :

four carrots minced medium sized

garlic minced one ten cloves

two onions minced

sprouts, two cups, if it is too long cut it into two

string beans minced (Baguio beans)

one half teaspoonful salt

soy sauce three tbsp

tofu-- one half pound cut into square bigger than the minced carrots

shrimp -- three cups minced

Lumpia -- roll wrapper

Directions :

  • Saute garlic, onion, then put the shrimp until browned
  • Put the carrots, string beans, then sprout
  • Put three tablespoonful of soy sauce
  • Test for doneness, if done put it aside and let it cool
  • Prepare the lumpia wrapper where you are going to put into the oven
  • Put the vegetables cooked in spring roll wrapper
  • Arranged them in the oven pan and put to cooked for twenty minutes and look if the wrapper is browned already but not burned. Or you can fry them in with cooking oil.

Coconut Palm roll -- Ubod roll

Coconut Palm roll -- Ubod roll

Ingredients :

  • Garlic and onion (six cloves garlic and onion one medium sized sliced)
  • Shrimp three cups
  • one large sized carrots
  • soy sauce (three tablespoonful)
  • heart of coconut palm (six cups cut into longer strips)
  • lettuce which will be ad on as a display and accompanying the finished ubod
  • peanuts which are pulverized
  • carrots (cut into thin strip) three carrots medium sized
  • cabbage, sliced two cups
  • ground pepper one third of teaspoon
  • salt two pinches
  • crepe or wrapper

Directions for coconut palm roll :

  • First you saute the garlic with little olive oil, then the onions, then put the shrimp. Add one half stock of shrimp, then simmer and put two pinches of salt and ground pepper.
  • Add the coconut palm until it is soft and cooked
  • Wrapped it in wrapper or the crepe

How to make the sauce :

Ingredients : one half cup of sugar, water one and half cups, soy sauce, tablespoon one, starch -- one and half tbsp, salt one half teaspoon -- to taste

Put the sugar in a pan and heat it. Mix starch, sauce (soy sauce and small amount of water and whisk it nicely until blended). Then you can put all the water and mixed it with the one you just mixed. Put it in the pan where the sugar is put and then stir it until it is thicken.

Grilled eggplant

Grilled vegetables eggplant and tomatoes

You can also grill vegetable like eggplant or tomatoes :

  • Get the bigger ones and cut them lengthwise
  • thee eggplants - sliced lengthwise, one fourth of an inch thick
  • Marinate it with soy sauce
  • Set the grill to medium and put the eggplant
  • Tomatoes cut it one fourth of an inch and the bigger tomatoes are preferred

Sauce : vinegar sauce

  • one half cup vinegar
  • chopped garlic mined three cloves, one medium sized onion chopped minced
  • Mix it altogether

fresh asparagus which can be roasted

Roasted vegetable -- roasted asparagus

Yes you can roast vegetables too like asparagus :

Ingredients :

  • asparagus which are fresh (a pound)
  • olive oil tablespoonful
  • three tables spoonful soy sauce
  • salt to taste sprinkled to top of asparagus

Directions :

  • Heat the oven to 450 F
  • Wash the asparagus
  • Put the olive oil in the pan, and then put it in a pan and put some salt to season and soy sauce a little bit on top of the asparagus
  • Roast for

Sauce : vinegar sauce

  • one half cup vinegar
  • chopped garlic mined three cloves, one medium sized onion chopped minced
  • Mix it altogether
  • ten minutes

Steamed vegetables with dip

Grilled vegetables variation recipe

Steamed vegetables or boiled

Steamed vegetables or you can boil it, of course vegetables can be boiled and steamed too, like for example boiled eggplant, carrots, cabbage and then dip with a sauce

Ingredients for boiled vegetables :

Cabbage, cut in to three parts

  • Two big Carrots, cut and sliced into one third in thickness and two in long
  • Or eggplants three medium sized cut into two parts
  • Boiled it in water as in poached
  • Garlic clove six pieces flattened
  • Onion chopped minced one medium size
  • soy sauce one half cup
  • vinegar to taste
  • chili -- one fourth of a teaspoon

or steamed vegetables

  • carrots, cut two medium sized
  • broccoli cut two cups
  • or cauliflower

Sauce :

  • Mixed all the ingredients in a small mixing bowl
  • Boil the vegetables or either steam it in the cooker
  • Dip the vegetable with the sauce when you eat


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