I am on a gluten free diet and want to know how to cook with gluten free flours.

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  1. agaglia profile image76
    agagliaposted 13 years ago

    I am on a gluten free diet and want to know how to cook with gluten free flours.

  2. Rachel McGrath profile image69
    Rachel McGrathposted 13 years ago

    Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour in most all cases is a great replacement for flour in any recipe - simply swap the exact same amount of flour called for the recipe for the Bob's Red Mill. In my experience, my nephews often prefer the pancakes and waffles made with Bob's Red Mill to the traditional flours. It's made of garbanzo and fava bean flours, so if you're sensitive to beans, you can substitute rice flour cup for cup. Cornstarch can also be a replacement for flour in many recipes, like gravy. Bisquick makes a gluten-free mix that's great for biscuits, pancakes and fried foods. In a pinch, Betty Crocker makes cake and brownie mixes that are great. The vanilla isn't my personal favorite as it has somewhat of a cornbread-like consistency, but the chocolate is great - especially if you add chocolate chips to the batter for extra moisture.

    One thing to remember when using gluten free flours is to watch more often, as gluten free flours act differently than wheat flours and can cause your foods to burn more quickly if you aren't stringent about cooking time.

  3. msviolets profile image79
    msvioletsposted 13 years ago

    I'm gluten free too (and a host of other allergens, *sigh*)  I have a hub on the basics I've learned about baking gluten free: http://msviolets.hubpages.com/hub/Tips- … luten-Free if you're interested. 
    I don't tolerate the gums well, so I just use a basic flour combination of 1 cup sweet rice flour, 1 cup brown rice flour and 1/2 cup tapioca starch for 2 1/2 cups 'regular' flour in my old favorite recipes.  Just the rice flours work well in most pancake recipes.  The combo of sweet rice and brown rice flour lightens it just enough without being gummy.

  4. mamidee03 profile image60
    mamidee03posted 13 years ago

    Hi. I am new to "hubbing", so I don't have any hub links yet, but wanted to know if you are looking to bake things like muffins and cakes, or for cooking more along the lines of pastas, and meals? Also, are you experimenting with the gluten-free diet, or is this for allergy purposes? It doesn't matter really, but if you plan on still eating gluten, making the change to gluten-free can be tough unless you go "whole hog!"

    Two of my favorite gluten-free flours are "Pamela's baking and bread mix", and "sof'ella" pancake and bread mix. I would also invest in a cookbook called "Gluten-Free Baking Classics" by Annalise Roberts.

    I am working on a hub link for gluten- free chocolate chip oatmeal cookies as well as a quinoa pasta and chicken dish. I hope to have them posted by this weekend!

    Hope this helps! good luck smile

  5. mama_em profile image58
    mama_emposted 13 years ago

    It takes time to master baking and/or cooking with gluten free flours. If you are using flours that are premixed substitutions for glutinous flours make sure you purchase something that contains xanthan or guar gum. These gums help recreate the elasticity that gluten gives and prevent crumbling.

    If you are blending your own flours add 1/2 teaspoon xanthan or guar gum per cup of flour blend to make cakes, cookies, bars, muffins and other quick breads. Add 1 teaspoon per cup of flour blend to make bread containing yeast, pizza dough or any other baked items that call for yeast.

    I have a Hub that contains a few flour recipes: http://mama-em.hubpages.com/hub/Allergi … stitutions and one with tips for using a bread machine: http://mama-em.hubpages.com/hub/Tips-fo … ad-Machine

    Good luck!

  6. glutenfreekid profile image59
    glutenfreekidposted 12 years ago

    I personally love Pamela's Products.  I use the Gluten Free Baking and Pancake mix as a substitute for all purpose flour and omit the baking powder and baking soda from recipes because the mix already has these items.  I also use the Amazing Wheat Free Bread Mix.  I actually purchase both through Amazon's subscribe and save because of the 15% discount.  If you go to www.pamelasproducts.com there are a ton of great recipes using the mixes, too.  Best tasting mixes I have found so far!

  7. agaglia profile image76
    agagliaposted 12 years ago

    I folks, Thanks for your answers. I have a gluten _ and a lactose allergy, plus sugar sensitivity, along with allergy to molds (including yeast) So, baking has become a challenge since I found out about the latest allergy-gluten.
       Anyway, I am familiar with Bob's Red Mill flours and have been using Glutina products with some success.  It seems for a regular diet, meat and vegetables is the best. But, once in awhile, I'd like a bread.  Some products that have worked for me are the gluten free pancakes, rice crackers, and the gluten free brownies.
       I subscribe to the magazine Living Without, which is giving me some good tips. I appreciate all your good suggestions and I plan to keep plugging along, learning as I go.  Thanks again.


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