What is the difference between sunny side up eggs and over easy eggs?

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  1. dappledesigns profile image69
    dappledesignsposted 12 years ago

    What is the difference between sunny side up eggs and over easy eggs?

    I'm allergic to eggs, so I really didn't know how to properly boil an egg (nor did I have any reason) until I met my fiance. Every time he asks me to cook him eggs in some weird named way (sunny side up, over easy) he normally gets scrambled because it is all I know. What is the difference? And are there other ways of cooking them with names like this?

  2. MarleneB profile image93
    MarleneBposted 12 years ago

    If I'm correct, sunny side up is when you fry the egg without flipping it over. Instead, you take some of the oil from the pan with a spoon, scooping and drizzling the oil over the top of the egg until the top of the egg is cooked. With over easy, you flip the egg over to finish cooking. And, because it is over easy, the yolk is runny. In fact, the yolk is runny in both the sunny side up and over easy methods of cooking eggs.

  3. Jlbowden profile image90
    Jlbowdenposted 12 years ago

    I usually scramble eggs myself to avoid confusion. However when cooking eggs-sunny side up, cook the egg in such a way; where the yellow side, or yolk is upward in the pan. The opposite holds true for sunny side down. With that egg, in the pan, after it has been cooking long enough to become solidified and making sure the yellow egg yolk is pretty firm, just take your spatula and flip the yellow side downward. This is what is referred to as sunnyside down. At least that is what we call it here on Long Island. And I also want to let you know that I am not an expert chef or cook either, but know something about eggs.  Hope this helps you out and that it will make your finace happy in return.


  4. Handicapped Chef profile image66
    Handicapped Chefposted 12 years ago

    here's what makes an egg over easy or sunny side up:

    Over Easy - Eggs cooked "over easy" means that it gets fried on both sides, but the yolk stays runny. To make one, you cook the raw egg just until the whites are set on the bottom, then you quickly flip it over to cook the other side. "Over" refers to flipping the egg, and "easy" refers to the doneness of the yolk. You can also cook eggs "over medium" and "over hard," depending on how cooked you prefer the yolk!

    Sunny Side Up - This means that the egg is fried just on one side. The yolk is still completely liquid and the whites on the surface are barely set. You can cover the pan briefly to make sure the whites are cooked or baste them with butter. We've always assumed that the name refers to the way this egg looks like the morning sun

  5. crazyhorsesghost profile image72
    crazyhorsesghostposted 12 years ago


    There in the photo are sunny side up eggs. They are cooked on one side and are never flipped over.

    Here are 10 basic ways to cook an egg.

    1. Over-easy

    You break your egg into the pan with oil or butter and when the egg is cooked on one side you flip it over. You can learn to flip them in the pan if you have a good quality egg pan.

    2. Sunny-side up

    This style lets only one side of the egg cook. The other side is slightly cooked by the heat below. You will find that the yolks will be liquid.

    3. Hard boiled

    Hard boiled eggs are cooked usually for 12 minutes boiling until the white of the egg is done and the yolk is done and firm to the touch.

    4. Soft boiled

    Soft boiled is the opposite of hard-boiled. Using the same boiling method, eggs are place in boiling water and cooked for a short period of time. The egg white is slightly cooked leaving some parts liquid. It will also produce liquid egg yolks.

    5. Basted

    This is similar to sunny-side up. You cook the eggs in the pan until they look like the sunny side up eggs in the picture and then you put a tight fitting lid on the pan and cook until the yolks are cooked firm.

    6. Over-hard

    This is the opposite of over-easy. One side is cooked then flipped to cook the other side. The yolk is always cooked until it is firm.

    7. Poached

    Poaching eggs means bringing water to a boil. Once the water boils, it is reduced to a simmer. The egg is cracked and placed in simmering water, and cooked until the desired results are achieved.

    8. Steam-basted

    Steam is used to help cook the egg. Instead of pouring oil over the egg, a little water is added on the pan. The steam produced by the water helps cook the egg.

    9. Shirred

    This is done by baking the egg. Eggs are cracked and placed in an oven-safe cup. Butter is placed on top of the uncooked egg, and then the egg is baked for a certain time.

    10. Scrambled

    Scrambled eggs are prepared by whisking eggs in a bowl along with some salt and pepper. The whisked egg is then fried in a pan. This style suggests constant stirring while the egg is starting to cook. Be sure to have your pan hot enough so the eggs don't stick.

    I hope that is what you were looking for. Have a nice day.

  6. smcopywrite profile image62
    smcopywriteposted 12 years ago

    sunny side up eggs is when you fry eggs but only cook them on one side. one side stays raw, the white and the yolk.
    over easy eggs refers to the whites of the eggs are cooked, but the yolk remains raw. you flip the egg over to cook both sides of the whites, but keep the yolk in the middle uncooked.


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