Proposed new food labels in the United States - are they enough?

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  1. Easy Exercise profile image83
    Easy Exerciseposted 10 years ago

    Proposed new food labels in the United States - are they enough?

    The FDA has proposed new food labels in order to help combat obesity. I have to wonder if these labels are enough? Your thoughts?
    Their proposal is to address the font size of the calories and to address the proper number of servings. Yet, from my understanding, there is nothing about showcasing the amount of sugar in each container. I would prefer to see an image of a tablespoon of sugar or a white sugar cube with the actual count on the front of the bottle.
    Food is medicine and we must stand up and recognize this. Both sodium and sugar, I feel, should be included on the front of the bottle.

  2. Attikos profile image78
    Attikosposted 10 years ago

    The reports I've read say the new labels will show more information about added sugar. Sodium content is already listed.

    There's no reason I can think of to put that data on the front of the container. People who want to know are already aware of where it is. It seems promoting it would be showcasing, which essentially is propagandization.

    I hope you're not offended if I comment that the objective should be full disclosure, nothing more. Pressuring the public on personal decisions is something government in a democracy has no business doing. We don't need food police, we just need information. Ensure that, then leave it to the consumer to choose what to consume.

  3. Alphadogg16 profile image78
    Alphadogg16posted 10 years ago

    Sadly Easy Exercise I really doubt this is going to help at all. First off, we as people should care enough about our health that the government shouldn't have to intervene. Whether you are over weight/obese as a side effect of a health condition or simply from bad habits, you are well aware that you need a lifestyle change. Many people don't take their health seriously, are morbidly obese and still sitting in Mcdonald's on a regular basis, stuffing their face with burgers.

  4. bethperry profile image80
    bethperryposted 10 years ago

    I think we have MORE than enough nutritional info on labels as it is. People who want to eat themselves to death will do it with or without governmental warnings. And as far as sugar content goes, artificially created sweeteners are much more hazardous to health than naturally grown sugars. We just need to go back to relying on common sense in selecting the foods and drinks we put into our bodies. Relying on governmental warnings about nutritional levels has done nothing to improve the general health of our species.

  5. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 10 years ago

    My first reaction is it will never be enough to one faction experiencing a growth rate here in the states anyway. I giggle + giggle of many whom seem to want the chemical structure of the food on the label with conversations. I ponder how enough is enough.

    Personally, I accept and acknowledge I have the right to choice. I too realize educating the basics of nutrition may be at the government level of administration especially educating our youth, yet its regulation I ponder its responsibility. The question of family responsibility and its socializing consequence I ponder being closer to the crux of the problem.

    Today more than yesterday I feel, though is only speculative, our youth are educators of our parents on the subject of nutrition. That conclusion is based on how many times I have seen a child reading the nutrition label while shopping in the grocery store. And, sadly the response of the parent is "we cannot afford that one."

    So, does the label give cause to being informed? Does the label give cause to feelings of guilt? Does the label give cause to making the best overall decision? Does the label allow the flexibility of choice with the diet at any level of acceptance and acknowledgment of a preferred choice of nutrition factors?

    I ponder those with adding that I look at the labels. The only thing I tend to have concern of is the carbohydrate count, the sugar content, and the sugar alcohols. Those are on the labels today and available at fast food websites. Restaurants only sometimes. The rest I presume as givens and have the attitude those other factors overall have a midpoint with nutrition for me.

    From that you may realize I am diabetic. Sharing I take a vitamin regiment to counter the results of mass manufacturing foods to have an extended shelf life. That is the economics for me of least to the solutions available today. I prefer organic, yet that appears to be more and more an illusion many times weighing truths with benefits and the costs.

  6. thomasczech profile image37
    thomasczechposted 10 years ago

    I think it is important to have accurate labels and ingredients placed on products. However, I do not think those alone will combat obesity. It is important for paents to teach their children from a very young age about healthy diet and exercise.
    I am a single parent, it would be easy for me to order fast food in. But I don't. I cook every meal. I also do not buy junk food, and when we do go to a restaurant it is always a proper sit down restaurant that offers good quality meals. When I pack my kids lunch, it has fruit, carrots, yogurt, granola bar and a sandwich.


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