The ability to intellectualize food ingestion to think of the future is very forager. Case in point you.
As for meat-eating, check out the Greek One. Another case in point. The biochemistry is addicted to it, so even if its not logical given the serious implications on our long term survival and the planet we live in, they still will choose on the basis of what the biochemistry is calling for.
"I eat meat, I am already primed for meat eating, don't change the system!"
Meat eaters will eat at the expense of what it eats. Because well, it's food. In the same vein, (pun intended) meat-eaters will have no qualms to be top of the food chain psychologically. I'm on top, you're food sort of mindset. The body needs to have that apathy in order to enable the body to ingest the dead animal.
The more you eat vegetables, the less you have these hormonal behaviors and are able to think clearly about choices.
Deer thinks, should I go this path or that path? Hmmm.....wait. I think something is looking at me. what's that? A lot of deliberating going on when you're an herbivore. You stay alive by being away from danger and thinking in advance.
Predators however are territorial, a little lazy and lethargic with occasional spurts of energy.
I think if meat eating is reduced, coffee drinking will go down with it as well (and that is a sad sad prospect, sorry caffeine addict)