Adsense queries

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  1. profile image56
    steve83posted 17 years ago

    I am seeing no hubpages stats in my adsense account.

    I added my adsense details to my hubpages account, and it appears to be set up correctly. I've also clicked the confirm email from Google to allow hubpages to access my account. I've tried re-adding my adsense details and re-clicking the Google email link.

    One of my hubs is a couple of weeks old has had 700 views but I'm yet to see a single adsense impression reported. I'm familiar with the adsense system having been using them for several years, but can't see what is going wrong here.

  2. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 17 years ago

    Hi Steve, Your account looks like it's setup correctly.  When did you complete this process?

    I don't see anything on our side, but we'll double check.  Try adding a channel URL to Google Adsense for one of your most trafficed Hubs.  Keep us posted if something changes.  Thanks.

  3. darkside profile image57
    darksideposted 17 years ago

    When adding hubpages as a URL Channel in Adsense make sure you have it as and not

    1. profile image56
      steve83posted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that! It clears up the channel issue if not the lack of reporting.

      All my existing channels are custom channels and not url channels. I will add a url channel for a hub receiving traffic now.

      1. darkside profile image57
        darksideposted 17 years agoin reply to this

        It took me a while to figure it out. In fact it was suggested to me by another Hubber at another forum on how to do it.

  4. profile image56
    steve83posted 17 years ago

    Hi Paul, thanks for the speedy response.

    I added my adsense details to hubpages on 3rd April. I also changed the email a couple of days ago. (I had to change my adsense email address due to their upcoming merge with Google accounts).

    I understand about adsense channels. But surely since I can't add my adsense code (with channel id) directly to hubpages just my pub id, I can't make a specific channel for it ?? If it is possible and I'm missing something here, then can you let me know how.

    All my adsense elsewhere is allocated to specific channels so I was simply looking for imps/clicks that aren't already associated with an existing channel to identify hubpages stats.

  5. Angela Harris profile image68
    Angela Harrisposted 17 years ago

    The same thing seems to be happening to me. I've added a Hubpage url channel to see what happens. Thanks.

  6. profile image56
    steve83posted 17 years ago

    I added a url channel to my adsense account last night and am now seeing some stats reported. So, that seems to have cleared up the problem.

    Surely though, imps/clicks should still get reported regardless of whether a url channel has been allocated for that hub or not?

    1. darkside profile image57
      darksideposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      It should. But it may be a little confusing depending on how many other sites a person has linked to the one Publisher ID.

      If you have multiple domains you'd set up a URL Channel for each. In fact be sure to have them as and now because otherwise it will not report any that come via (I learnt that the long way, and the wrong way).

      1. profile image56
        steve83posted 17 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks again darkside.

        I do run adsense across multiple domains. But I've aways used custom rather than url channels, so I can track individual pages too.

        Every one of my adsense pages (except hubs until recently) had a custom channel attached. So, by my logic, if I see any impressions at all that dont belong to a custom channel then they must be from a page with no channel i.e. my hubs. I wasnt seeing anything.

        Now my hubs have url channels set up I am seeing impressions in my stats. However, the number of adsense channels are limited and I have 58 left. Given that I need 2 per hub (www and non www) it only gives me 29 hubs before my channel quota is exhausted, let alone anything else I may do away from hubs.

        I'd rather not use channels for my hubs at all. But it seems unless I do so adsense stats are not being recorded.

  7. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 17 years ago

    One channel per Hub is fine.  Use as the base.  You don't need to setup channels for each Hub, this is just a test we use to make sure that Google is counting the impressions.  It sound like you're fine.

    You can also setup one channel that is just* to count all your Hubs.

    1. profile image56
      steve83posted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent, that works for me!

  8. tvance profile image59
    tvanceposted 16 years ago

    I'm just starting out with the hub adsense. My new separate account was refused for adsense. So I found my old number from my original adsense account and entered it in the form.
    It does not have the "ca-" letters in front of the Adsense regular ID number. I don't know if that is needed for the hubpages as an affiliate or not? How does that work? Do I need a CA letter. Where do I get it?

    Does the hubpages get part of the adsense  revenue or not? I just want it to be correct.

    I read where it is suggested to ad a "channel" with Adsense. I read the forum and it is suggested that we put one of these:*   (what does the * do?)

    What does each one do and which one should I put for a channel? I'm so confused, now!

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You are only allowed to have one Adsense account so that would explain why they turned you down for a second. I have ca in front of my number because I am in Canada.

  9. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    What you want for your AdSense channel is just:

    You don't need the http://, and you don't need the trailing slash or the asterisk.  You definitely don't want: [wrong!]

    since we don't use www in our urls it won't match to anything.

    1. Majidsiko profile image60
      Majidsikoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I recently got approval for my adsense account, but in the host it says how do i chenge it, it wont allow me

  10. cashmere profile image75
    cashmereposted 15 years ago

    So I just add to a new content channel?

  11. gamitabha86 profile image60
    gamitabha86posted 15 years ago

    Do I need to have any experience to join google adsense? like-I created my account on hubpages 2weeks before.Can I apply to adsense now? Or do I need to wait for a time period? Please reply

  12. viryabo profile image83
    viryaboposted 15 years ago

    I cant seem to figure out the channel at google stuff. Please where can i get enlightened on that. Any hubs explain this in detail?

  13. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 15 years ago

    Also if you link your adsense account to google analytics through the link that should be on your adsense dashboard there is a section that collates your best earning hubpages from top to bottom and I find this quite useful to see how many ad clicks each Hubpage gets.

  14. dipless profile image68
    diplessposted 15 years ago

    Channels are a great way to track specific hubs when using adsence and analytics here is a link to adsence's info on channels … ?topic=152

  15. nithinpeter profile image61
    nithinpeterposted 14 years ago

    I have created a hub-pages and written some hubs and applied for ad sense account some months before. Now after a long time when I logged in to my account, I could see that ad sense account is active on my account. I don't remember the email id I used to apply ad sense. Help me out..

  16. thisisoli profile image75
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    create a single adsense tracker for on adsense and then make Hubpages your primary adsense link on Google Analytics, tehn you should be able to view which pages are earning you money, and even which keywords are earning you that cash too!

    Nithinpeter, how many emails do you have?

    Just use the forgotton password tool for each email.


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