I've joined hubpages last month because of all the words spreading around about it and since then I've created about 50 hubs all spread out over several accounts. Now I've targeted long tail keywords for my hubs with average CPC of 2$ and about 1000 hits per day. My hubs are ranking well and I'm getting search traffic. But no CPM for this traffic has appeared on my adsense panel.
I've received about 1000 uniques over the course of one month. I've made a few amazon sales.
But I've yet to see one click on adsense. In fact I don't even find a channel for hubpages in my adsense account? How come? Does anyone else have the same problem or is it only me?
I get clicks but only on the hubs that have low CPC keywords. But then again i havent been around for long. Why do you use several accounts of you dont mind me asking?
It sounds like you are off to a good start, but remember that by targetting high value keywords you have to work a lot harder to get people willing to click.
1000 views over one month is not a huge amount, and it sounds like you are targetting some difficult areas to get in to. Keep it up though and you will start to see some success
Hi thisisoli.
Actually getting the traffic is the hardest part. Getting people to click is almost the same for every one. Keeping it simple: More traffic = more clicks.
I've not focused on hubpages. I've been experimenting with different types of content and keywords to see where each hub stands on the SERP. I've done zero backlinking. For the moment only about 5 out of the 50 hubs are seeing traffic while the others are bringing occasional hits. If I start backlinking each, I'm sure I'll be able to get all ranked well.
But before I continue further with hubpages I just want my adsense to work well.
Anyway thanks for the encouraging words. All the best to you too!
Welcome HubPages, Yanminis for starters, clicks don't happen in 3 weeks. It takes time. If you have HP urls in your channels then they will show up but also can figure out what's popular if you look at the keywords being used to find you under Content or Adsense if you use Google Analytics. Hope that helps.
Hi Dame Scribe. Thanks for the welcome!
I've checked everything with analytics and I know which hubs are popular. And sorry to disagree with you but you can get click within 2 hours if you know what keyword to target. Hubpages is already an authority with google and if you how to get indexed very fast with google, usually you can get to the second and sometimes first page on google if there is little competition. Half of my pages rank well (within the top 10).
To test this, I've been using the same keyword but with different original content on Infobarrel, blogger and hubpages. All with the same number of words, backlinks and date of publication. Hubpages ranked first then infobarrel and last blogger. I've got a few clicks on infobarrel, none on blogger and hubpages.
So I've just wanted to know if there is a problem with adsense here on hubpages. I know my adsense ads are being displayed but I can't find any channel for my adsense account.
I mean I don't want to create another 50 hubs if there is a problem of adsense integration with my accounts.
Also I've used two adsense accounts on my hubs to test this and none have received any clicks or any Page Impressions whatsoever.
I thought you were only allowed one adsense account?
Hi Izzy.
You can have only one per person. But you can create one for your husband, mother, father, uncle, aunt, grandparents, etc... Anybody who is above 18 can have one adsense account.
Well, you sound like you know what you are talking about. There is something obviously wrong somewhere in the set-up. I'm sure hubstaff will help you out
It may be due to there being a set number of ads in place for us where we get 60% and 40% for HP. It could just be timing of the ads and high traffic not coinciding?
Hmm... Even if hubpages got all the clicks, then atleast adsense would still show the number of page impressions.
Do you happen to know if the admins of hubpages reply to questions or are we left to ourselves while they collect our hard-earned clicks?
If HubPages got the clicks it wouldn't show you the ad impressions, as it would be on their Publisher ID.
Have you set up hubpages.com as a URL channel in Adsense?
You need to have hubpages.com added as a URL channel, not www.hubpages.com
In case you haven't, go to the Learning Center Tutorial on Adsense and scroll down to 'Setting Up An Adsense Channel for HubPages' for more information.
Hi Darkside,
I did add the hubpages.com to as URL channel. In fact I've got a url channel tracking for each hub.
I won't be able to see their 40% page impressions but atleast I'd have seen the 60% CPM on my adsense account. I've got nothing.
mmm darkside i have set up channels for separate hubs with the www included, and i do get clicks and impressions at adsense. but i also seem to get clicks that are not accounted for. is it better to add your channels without the www?
HP team are wonderful they will answer your emails if not today at least by tomorrow.
I think it's team@hubpagesdot com.
Are you certain that your adsense publisher id is set properly under your affiliate settings? And also is your analytics set up in your affiliate settings?
Hi livewithrichard,
Yes it is set up properly. Its status is active. Yes my analytics is working fine with hubpages. Everything is working fine, amazon etc.. Except for adsense.
It really sounds like something went wrong with getting your adsense id set up then. I don't have channels set up for hubpages yet because my hubs are newer, but I have channels for everything else and know the extra impressions I see have to be from hubpages, so I know it is working in mine. No clicks yet, but the impressions are showing up.
I'm confused. Don't you have to set the channels yourself in adsense. As I recall from my other blogs etc. I put in the channels myself to see how they were doing. And there is never a guarantee of clicks on adsense.
I have individual URL channels set up to track all my hubs, and I find this is the best way to get the most accurate stats from Analytics and earning info from AdSense.
1000 pageviews in a month is only about 33 visits per day. That means a really popular Hub would only be getting a few dozen visits per day at most, and averaged across all your Hubs, that's only 1-2 per day. In my experience over the last four years here, you need more traffic.
What I think is your biggest stumbling block is that you are writing about subjects that might pay well with content that is undistinguished and of no special usefulness to a visitor when compared to any other pages on the Internet on the exact same topics.
Hi Relache,
I've done the same with my hubs. Each hub has it own url channel.
Hmm... Your logic is fine but there is one flaw with it. You are assuming that each hub is receiving the same number of hits from search engines.
For the first hour (day) only, when you write a hub, only hubbers see it. Afterwards it is traffic from search engines. 60% of the hits came from only 10% of my hubpages which are ranking well while the other hits came from long tail searches.
The content is not an issue here. If you read what I wrote above, I tested this with Infobarrel and blogger before making this topic. About the usefulness of a content, the more useful your content, the less the tendency to click on an ad. I've tested this before.
I know my hubs are not great stuffs. I'm just testing the water with Hubpages before diving in it. I've done high volume search keywords, low volume, keywords, product keywords etc... to see first how well the hubs are ranking. Some are ranking quite well. I'm getting traffic. But it is not showing up.
Yep, you'll have to be contacting 'team at hubpages dot com' to sort this one out as it sounds like you've done everything you can do on your end.
have you opened up your hubs and right clicked your links or used adspy (free tool with seo quake)to confirm that your pub-id is being included?
Hi Sunforged.
Yes. I use seoquake. My adsense ads are showing on my hubs alright.
,,than there cant be a problem really, 1000 search views no clicks is a sucky conversion but its not impossible...so you are saying that no impressions are registering in your adsense account under your hub urls? or just no clicks?
and do you have analytics and adsense linked?
Yes I know. I'm not worried about clicks. I can live without any clicks on 1000 hits. But I'm not getting page impressions or any data at all from hubpages on my adsense account.
Yes my adsense account and analytics are linked and so is hubpages. Hubpages is working fine with analytics but not with adsense.
Also my adsense accounts are working fine on all my other sites.
So you are getting 0 impressions shown on adsense?
P.S the rules are one adsense account per household I believe, be careful!
There is nothing showing that hubpages have integrated the adsense even though my ads are showing here.
No it is one adsense account per person. I'm always careful!
Adsense adverts will show on your account even if you have not linked Adsense with your account.
If you use other sources, set up a URL tracker on your adsense account, if your adsense is showing 0 page impressions for that url tracker after a couple of days, and your hubpages stats are much higher, then send an email to team@hubpages.com! *edit* Ohhh just seen that you already have the email!
Actually it is hubpages' id which is showing "40%" of the time. I know that if you have no adsense id attached to your hubpages account, then hubpages' id will show 100%.
I've done everything on my side. URL channel for each hub, different adsense accounts, analytics linked with adsense, etc...
Thanks for the mail ad! I've mailed them.
obviously, hub staff is the best final word but considering that you can see that hubs is serving your pub id and the rest of your ids are rotating correctly, the tracking issue would be adsense side
CPM is not guaranteed by Google Adsense by the way, and rarely amounts to much, but if your ad impressions are showing as 0 then you may need to contact hubpages staff!
There's nothing wrong with adsense on HubPages. I have several very new identities and they've seen clicks on their first hubs within hours. So I agree, you don't have to wait with the right mix of keywords.
But not all hubs make money. Sad but true.
I also think you need to pick a place to make money and learn how to optimize it and then move on to the next. Making money on HP is different than working on my own website. So I've had to spend a lot of time here to make it work well. You're trying a lot of things at once and I've found that that doesn't work well for me.
Hi Nelle,
You are absolutely right. Time is not a factor here. And you really need a lot of hubs to make decent money. I guess a minimum of 100 hubs.
I think that my problem is a technical one and it has either to do with adsense or hubpages and not search engines. Thanks for confirming the fact.
If you are showing 0 page impressions I am not sure if that could be caused by no URL tracker or not, did you set one of those up in Adsense for Hubpages?
If not then it really does sound like a technical issue.
Just to double check,
Make sure your affiliate settings are
And make sure that the status is set to active.
Actually nothing is showing.
Yep. My adsense id is working fine. My ads are showing alright on hubpages. The status is set to active alright. But apparently, adsense is not receiving any data from hubpages for my adsense ads on here.
My adsense is working fine on all my other sites by the way.
You didn't add a space when entering your code on hubpages did you?
What code do you mean? Adsense?
Actually there is no code for adsense as far as I know. You just have to link your hubpages account with your adsense account.
I didn't see anywhere a place to add a space.
Sorry I meant your adsense id which would have been part of your code...when I first started I copied and pasted my code in and forgot about a space that was there and it wouldn't track my earnings or any stats...
No you don't have to paste any adsense id now. Hubpages link your account automatically to your adsense account with your adsense email add. So there is no way to make a mistake with the publisher id.
Great fantasy art drawing btw! Liked the demonic face!
Who told you that? I don't think it is correct, you have always needed to post the adsense code starting ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in to that box and confirming it.
It sounds like you may have linked your analytics account but not your adsense account.
You need to find your Adsense publisher ID and copy it in to the Hubpages affiliate settings page
Lol man! I'm not a newbie. I know my publisher id when I see it on the adsense ads on hubpages.
I think when you guys joined hubpages you had to copy-paste your publisher id but this is no longer the case. Now hubpages can link directly to your adsense account with your email, last 5 telephone number digits, and you area code.
Try create a new account and you will see.
Haha I'm an old timer here, showing my age and more than likely my dementia!!
Cheers on the drawing, trying to write ebook tutorials for each of these hubpages and am stressed, but will get there soon, this year I hope!
I'm an old timer too to the internet marketing world but still a newbie to hubpages I guess!
Good luck with the ebooks mate. I'm sure it will sell well. Clickbank will do the trick for you. Who knows but maybe I'll be promoting some of them myself!
Clickbank is one site I was looking at, but there are others to spread my work on such as Amazon, E-junkie, Lulu and my own blogs too, can't wait and there's my graphic novels too...
Back to your adsense query I'm sure you'll get it sorted out soon, it'll either be an error or something so simple...good luck with it!
Damn, loooks like you should be working fine, sorry you are having problems!
Yeah hubpages takes 40%, but when if there is something wrong with your adsense setup up within hubpages it can be hard to tell because adverts always show.
If you refersh your hubs afew times and each time check source code you should be able to spot if your adsense ID is being used, or if there is amistake
Thanks mate for all the help! There is a better and faster way to do this. Do not bother yourself with source code.
Just use seoquake. It has a feature adspy on it which you gives you the publisher id of all adsense ads you see on the internet.
If there is no adsense ID in the box then it must not have saved, especially if the status is not set to active!
Have you checked through viewing source code that hubpages is showing your adsense ID and not their own?
The problem is resolved. I sent an email to google and they fixed the problem for me. Apparently there was an issue with the link between adsense and hubpages and the fact that I live in France.
Thanks again to everybody for having taken the time to reply to me.
Good good, now to earn with hubpages...............you have some good product hubpages there....good luck now!
That was quick service yanimis! Brilliant. Am really glad you are sorted
It was adsense who responded first. Actually I'm quite surprised. Normally they take longer to get back to you.
sorry I got your name wrong - I meant of course yanminis..
by leocbrito 15 years ago
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