How Many of you were "raised in hell" ?

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  1. Ken Crow profile image60
    Ken Crowposted 13 years ago

    I do hope this finds each of you having a wonderful day, and I further hope this finds you at peace in your lives.

    Question: How many of you would say you were raised in a very dysfunctional home, that was laced with alcoholism or drug addiction?
    How did it affect you then, and how do you feel it is affecting you today?

    Do you believe it affected you?
    My new book "Raised in Hell" deals with and tells the story of, how deep this type of child rearing affects children and how they carry this into adulthood.

    Do you feel being an "ACOA" or Adult Child of Alcoholic's had affected your working career, relationships, ability to love, be loved?

    Do you constantley seek approval from others? Do you keep your loved ones at "arms length" emotionally? Are you able to accept responsibility for your actions or do you blame others for your mistakes? How do you feel about abandonment? Can you stand being "dumped" by your significant other? Or do you do like me and stick a gun in your mouth?

    Yes, I am a recovering ACOA and finally decided to tell the story. I spent 35 years living in hell (hence the title of the new book coming soon) before I ever realized I had a problem. All I knew was that my life was lived in chaos and I could not understand why. Today I am at peace and I am listening. I am dedicating the rest of my life to helping others. Drop a line, ask a question. I will stay tuned to this and help or refer you to someone that can. Tell us your story and let us know how your doing. God Bless each of you and I am so happy to know you "survived hell". Ken

  2. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

    hey Ken...good topic....there are many that have been raised in dysfunction...not just through d/a...a variety of reasons...some rise and do not become a product of their environment and some just don't have the strength to make it....glad you made it!..and tell your story...will you be doing hub versions of it?...i wouldn't mind reading it...or I guess it's written...(i re-read your post)


    1. Ken Crow profile image60
      Ken Crowposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Someway: Yes it is written in "Raised in Hell" at Amazon. However, what I am doing here is "Hubs" and the forum. The book Raised is about my childhood up to about 19 years or so. The abuse, shootings, etc. I am currently doing "Living in Hell" and it will go to the editor soon. That will take up and carry through my adulthood when I did not realize I had some serious problems. This is where I loose so much, my children, wives, relationships, jobs, money and then become addicted to porn, gambling and on and on it went until I finally had someone sit me down and say "hey boy, you got a problem"....
      I do have a publicist coming on board soon and will be starting a national speaking tour and book signing tour early next year. I do hope to meet everyone out on the trail at some point in the future.

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good for you Ken...and a 2nd book to boot....congratulations!....too bad though that it as a result of some horrific times...I say horrific because of your post (shootings? - wow!)

  3. lyndre profile image60
    lyndreposted 13 years ago

    Hi Ken.
    I wasn,t raised in hell, but as a recovering alcoholic I lived in hell for too many years.
    I know I cuased my family a lot of heartache and pain,but alcoholics are very selfish creatures who don,t think of others when our addiction takes over. I have to put the past behind me and move forward.
    I am very fortunate that I didn,t cuase my children any longterm mental or emotional problems, and we are now a close family who can talk openly to one and other.
    I look forward to reading your book.

    1. Ken Crow profile image60
      Ken Crowposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Lyndre: Thank you for your response. I am very happy to hear your getting along with everyone in your family. As I posted in a Hub yesterday, nothing happens without forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key to starting over and repairing. We must forgive those that harmed us, and we must forgive ourselves. I believe the latter is the hardest to do. I will be writing a Hub soon on forgiving ourselves. I was going to include it in the one yesterday, but I felt it would have too long for most to want to read any of it.
      I would and I am sure that you have, had some serious discussions with your children. Outwardly, I appeared totally normal, but on the inside was another ballgame altogether. I harbored so much rage toward my father and mother, and yet was afraid to say anything to any of them about it. It was 20 years before I ever told my mother how I felt about her "back then". I am not saying this to frighten you, I am only saying it because that is what happened with me personally and others I have known.
      Again, thank you and have a blessed day. ken

  4. Wendy Krick profile image63
    Wendy Krickposted 13 years ago

    I think we all have our own demons. I had a lot of death in my family and was the child of an alcoholic...

    But I have no regrets about my past, because it brought me to where I am today. smile

    1. Ken Crow profile image60
      Ken Crowposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If your interested it, the book might enlighten you just a bit. I am pleased to hear you have no regrets. That is a good thing. Be blessed and crush those demons. "Raised in Hell" amazon for Kindle download

  5. Disturbia profile image61
    Disturbiaposted 13 years ago

    My mother was an alcoholic and she also talked to spirits, but I don't feel like I was raised in hell. The hell didn't come until my mother passed away and I went into foster care.  Now that was hell.

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