Rejected For Owlcation

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  1. paperfacets profile image86
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    Need advice on this Hub. I spent a couple of years reading about Haeckel and this Hub is a product. I trimmed much info from the original to submit to Owlcation. There is a STEM category with Zoology and I thought this would be a fit in Owlcation.

    I received this: 1.Sit tight and wait until we get to editing the article. In the meantime, your article will remain on HubPages.
    2.Edit the article yourself. If you choose this route, you will need to make substantial edits to the article. Resubmitting the article with minimal edits or to a different Network site will result in the article being rejected and it will be removed from our editing queue.

    What do you think I should do to the Hub?

    Thank you for the help. Sherry

  2. RonElFran profile image97
    RonElFranposted 6 years ago

    Sherry, the first thing that caught my attention was that you seem to drift back and forth between the past and present tenses:

    "Ernst Haeckel graduates from high school in 1852 and begins medical studies. One summer he traveled and studied marine biology as an assistant peering at sea creatures through a telescope."

    I found that disconcerting - my focus as I read was knocked away from what you were saying to these shifts in tense. Personally, it would be a lot easier for me to read with understanding if it stuck to the past tense.

    As to whether you should resubmit it or wait, unless you are pretty sure you know and have corrected the issues as the editors see them, I'd say let it stay in the edit queue until staff can edit it. Otherwise you could do a lot of frustrating wheel-spinning trying to figure out what they want. I'm not sure it's worth chancing getting kicked out of the editing queue and maybe still not getting it corrected to their satisfaction..

  3. Jesse Drzal profile image92
    Jesse Drzalposted 6 years ago

    This was an interesting read, I enjoyed it. Maybe from a style standpoint, and take it for it's worth, but the information reads a little bluntly in parts to me. I do prefer matter of fact and pointful writing to something that's rambling and lost, but I kind of felt I was being beaten over the head in parts with just straight facts and statements. Perhaps speak a little more to your personal experience to the works, how or when you discovered, your thoughts, things of that nature to engage your reader a little more. Maybe some more stories or antidotes about the subject too. Good luck with it!!

  4. Will Apse profile image88
    Will Apseposted 6 years ago

    You subtitle the first section 'Art Nouveau in Nature' but do not mention art nouveau or nature.

    The tenses are eccentric. as already mentioned, and the syntax, odd e.g, 'The Romantic Movement ushered the acceptance of emotions as a valid experience', should be something like: 'The Romantic Movement ushered in an acceptance of emotions as a valid inspiration for art'.

    I reckon you need a proofreader.

    Also, you need to work on the title.  'What inspired Ersnt Haecke's most popular illustrations?' might work but that is just off the top of my head.

  5. paperfacets profile image86
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    Ron, Jesse and Will,
    Thanks for the feedback. I will use an editor to clear up some of the writing issues. I have used an editor called Hemingway in the past.

    How about the pictures and modules? Anything that brings up flags for anyone?

    1. Glenn Stok profile image97
      Glenn Stokposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      The prior answers above were very helpful for you. In reference to your last question about pictures and modules, I see you are using two columns.

      Many of your images do not fall into the proper sequence on mobile devices. Due to the increased views from mobile users, HubPages plans to eventually drop the two column format. It's best to avoid that now.

      If you must use two columns, then at least use the mobile preview in the Hubtool to be sure things look okay. If you need help, check out my hub on How to Make Your Hubs Mobile-Friendly.

  6. paperfacets profile image86
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    Glenn, You are right. Full page pictures are wanted, but the preview for mobile seems to handle the two columns fine. They are converted to full view.

    My adsense numbers still show Desktop is highest.
    desktop 641
    tablets   213
    mobile     14

    So I am redoing each text module and using Hemingway Editor. I get highlights rating my sentences too hard to read. I change the sentences to clear the highlighting and then the grade level goes down.

    That is disappointing. Now they read as good but at the Grade 6 level. Is that what HubPages is going for? The Hemingway Editor did work for the last Hub I had to redo to get in a vertical.

    Has anyone noticed that reading a newsstand magazine is very disappointing? I read all these half page tips or discussions and come away thinking. Where is the new info?

  7. Glenn Stok profile image97
    Glenn Stokposted 6 years ago

    Sherry, of course the preview shows how the two columns are converted into one. However, you missed the point I was making. If you look closely you will notice that some of your images fall above the subtitle you want for that section. You really want those subtitles above the image. In some cases entire text is above the image on mobile when you meant for it to be below for better understanding. Read my hub I mentioned, I go into more detail about that problem there.

    As for grade level, I once took the writing course given my Yahoo that tought us to write in a lower grade level to attract more readers on the internet. Grade level 6 is fine. Too high a grade level might turn off some readers who aren't educated enough to follow you. Sad to say, but that's reality.

    Your AdSense stats showing more desktop users might mean that your type of writing attracts desktop users. More likely it might mean that mobile users are turning away. But make sure you're not confusing stats of ads vs. stats of views, which you would get a better report of from Google Analytics rather than AdSense.

    1. paperfacets profile image86
      paperfacetsposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I am convinced Glenn. Two columns may be one editing issue for being rejected in the first place.

      It is work they do not want to do for me.


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