Does feeling like a failure qualify as a mental condition?

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  1. profile image0
    Ivan Hernandezposted 6 years ago

    Hello, Hubbers. I just wanted to ask a question, Is failure a mental condition or a behavioral condition?

    1. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I believe that failure can be classified as psychological trauma.  It can also be physical- you simply were not capable of successfully completing an act.   Yes, failure is real.  There are people who are failures i.e. they cannot complete what they undertake whether it is school work and activities;  a postgraduate program i.e. graduate school, law school, or medical school; job promotion, or even being fired from a job.
      It is reality that some people are successes i.e. they seldom, if ever, fail while conversely, there are people who can be classified as failures.

    2. theraggededge profile image95
      theraggededgeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Failure, from a personal point of view, is a perception. It's also a choice. You can choose to see it as a failure, as in you didn't achieve what you set out to achieve. Or you can see it as a stepping stone.  Maybe a chance to try again. Maybe a chance to change direction. Some people wouldn't have been rock and roll stars if they hadn't failed school. Some people wouldn't have been writers if they hadn't experienced failure. Some people wouldn't have become engineers if they'd passed English. Every failure is a chance to choose again.

      To answer your question, failure is simply when you don't reach a goal. It is neither a mental condition or a behavioural condition. How you deal with it shows what kind of person you are. Do you give up? Do you try again? Do you try it in a different way? Do you accept that it was never right for you and make a different decision?

    3. patchofearth profile image84
      patchofearthposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are asking the wrong question or at least you are not giving enough information. For example: how do you define failure? How do you know that you failed.

      Depression and anxiety go hand in hand. A sense of failure can be a sign of either or both. They can make you wake up in the morning feeling like every decision you have ever made in your life has been wrong. Objectively, if you are still alive, then every decision could not be wrong.

      If you believe you have failed in a particular situation, then you pick yourself up, dust your self off and try again. Having one or more people to give you a little moral support can be way helpful here.

      If on the other hand, you have this overwhelming perception of yourself as a failure, that is a mental disorder. You need someone to talk some loving sense to you to help you see that this is simply not true. It is the evil, pervasive  sort of thinking that is derived from and a perpetuator of a mental illness.

      This is the wrong forum to ask that question. We don't know you. Ask someone who does know you and cares about you. And if you don't think that there is anyone in your life that can help you with this, then find a therapist. There are even a couple of reasonable priced online platforms that can get you in touch with licensed therapists that you can chat or skype with.

      Best of Luck

    4. TessSchlesinger profile image60
      TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's a psychologically imposed value by society.

      Technically, while I have probably 'failed' in everything I have ever done, I have never felt failure. There are simply things I couldn't get right. It never occurred to me that I had 'failed.'

      Nobody in my environment ever spoke about failure. I honestly don't recall hearing that word until I was in my 40s.

      If I try to bake bread and it comes out a flat slab of hard brick, I suppose one could look at it as a failure. I never have. It just didn't turn out the way I would have liked it to, and I really never really considered what other people thought. So I just tried again.

      Some in the community would regard me as a 'failure' because I have struggled for most of my life to earn an upper class living. Others regard me with respect and admiration for my intellect, wisdom, activism, writing, whatever. I don't know. I have never been overly concerned about what people thought of me.

      I think that there are some words in the English language that are more based on an ideology than anything else. Some of these words are 'lazy,' 'failure,' 'loser,' 'wilfully ignorant,' etc.

      I think the real issue when confronted with 'failure' is what you mean by it.

      Do you mean that you're trying to do something and you can't get it right? If so, you need to ask yourself some questions. Do you actually need to get it right? Or can you do without it. I gave up on baking bread. It was not a requirement in my life. I still struggle to earn a living. I can't give up on that. I just have to keep trying. I do. Do you know any way I can sell my photographs? I'm a reasonably good photographer! smile

      Do I feel bad because I struggle to earn a living?

      Oh, totally, but not because other people might regard me as a failure. I have no time for people who are that ignorant. It really is ignorance to label someone as a failure. I just feel bad because I'm figuring out how to buy the camera I want. Or pay the rent. Or figure out if I can afford ford this month...

      So if you're asking because you have persistently failed at something you want to do, you have to investigate why you want to do it, if it's important to do, and if there is any way you can achieve it. If it's not important, then let it go. I don't believe in wasting time on something one can't get right for some reason.

      If it's something you need to do or want to do because it's essential to survival, you have to either figure out how to do it (and keep trying), or you have to figure out a way around it. I am a great believer that if you can't get to it one way, you figure out another way. It works.

      1. profile image0
        Ivan Hernandezposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        You're right. However, there's one problem. My Mom's my legal guardian, and she doesn't want me anywhere else but college. The group home is mostly a positive-negative environment where I live in. Look at me. I was supposed to move on to at least Chapter 8, but I'm on Chapter 5 instead, which is 3 chapters behind schedule. I've been on chapter 5 since Mid-2009. I was supposed to finish Chapter 5 in 2015, but didn't because of my two-time failure status. Now, I'm a Level 3 Permanent Failure, upgraded from Level 1 just 2 months ago.

    5. Marketing Merit profile image95
      Marketing Meritposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      There's nothing wrong with failure. It's how we learn.

      To answer your question, I don't believe that feeling like a failure on its own, qualifies as a mental condition. There may, however, be underlying conditions, such as anxiety and depression that contribute towards feeling that way.

      Nonetheless, it's a classic case of the glass being half-full or half-empty. You control how you view things. Neither is right or wrong, but looking for the positives in everything you do, will serve you far better.

    6. peachpurple profile image82
      peachpurpleposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      nope, failure is not a mental condition, could be the effort and practice problem

  2. ghulam33 profile image61
    ghulam33posted 6 years ago

    The failure  can be mental condition and behavioral condition too.It depends on the situation whether you got failure because of your mental condition or behavioral condition.But mostly the failure is because of mental situation .Like you think that the goal is difficult to be reached ,though it is not that much difficult ,you make it difficult for yourself ,it is the failure which is because of mental condition .And the behavioral condition when your behavior is against your hard working and when your behavior doesn't leave you to work this is the behavioral condition .In this way the both conditions are responsible for the failure.

  3. hashtag17 profile image61
    hashtag17posted 6 years ago

    In my opinion failure is part of anything just like success. Talking on the psychological level, not taking failure in the proper way can lead to various mental problems. But that does not mean failure cause mental problems. It all comes down to how the person takes it. It is very subjective.
    Many people take failure as the step stone towards their success, and some take it with a pinch of salt.
    I would say failure is like any other word. It is on how one takes and perceives it.

  4. Ryan Cornelius profile image80
    Ryan Corneliusposted 6 years ago


  5. Sherry Hewins profile image92
    Sherry Hewinsposted 6 years ago

    The act of failing is just part of the human experience. If a person labels himself a failure and stops trying, that is mental. If you are still alive, you still have the opportunity to succeed. Everyone who tries hard things fails, at least some of the time.

    1. profile image0
      Ivan Hernandezposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I don't feel like a failure anymore. As of right now, I have five articles in niche sites. That's because I submitted an article to HealDove, but it got moved to RemedyGrove instead.

      1. profile image0
        Ivan Hernandezposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Now, all I need is that Owlcation website in my profile, and I'm done.

      2. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Well done.

        1. profile image0
          Ivan Hernandezposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you.


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