Why in a wonderful place like this must we have so many questions about religion

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  1. Paul Marshall profile image61
    Paul Marshallposted 14 years ago

    Why in a wonderful place like this must we have so many questions about religion?? Why do they not j

    I have been dealing with the public for many years now, and there are several subjects that are avoided at all costs due to the strong emotions that people have about them. Number one is Religion, followed very close by politics.

  2. jacklhasa profile image61
    jacklhasaposted 14 years ago

    Because religion should be discussed, when it can be civilly and with an open-mind.  If it were not avoided so much in public conversation, people would not have so many questions to which they need answers. 

    It's important to be open and accepting in these kinds of discussions, but so many people are either not capable or not willing to be. 

    Knowledge is meant to be shared, so that it may grow, and we may grow as a people.  Without questions and discussions, this is simply not possible.

  3. Paul Marshall profile image61
    Paul Marshallposted 14 years ago

    Interesting results to my question at this stage. Seriously, I have not blasphemed nor ridiculed at any stage.
    I am a simple and logical person that simply wonders why people with religious questions do not ask a priest or their religions equivilant. In the same way as with a question about the workings of a car you would ask a mechanic.
    Judging by the responses that have at this stage been posted, I think I may have also been very close when I said it was not asked because of the highly emotionally charged debate that results.
    Yet the most clear & concise answer at this syage was given by jacklhasa, & he was sating that there should be more of it. I give him merit because he gave a very measured & unemotional reply that did not attack any person or faith.

  4. mamac32 profile image61
    mamac32posted 14 years ago

    Oh-my-goodnesses folks!  Clam down.
    It is a simple question.... Why do people discuss religion so much?
    Here is my two bits on the subject...
    Religion is one of those topics where everyone has an opinion, nobody can scientifically prove it one way or another, and it touches every human being in one way or another.

    Religion has been, and always will be, the greatest abstract debate topic...but now that is up for discussion, now isnt it.

  5. profile image53
    i am cazzaposted 14 years ago

    i agree with your question, as religion is a PERSONAL beleif and it should not be ridiculed or forced upon one self, i am shaman in belief, but i do not feel i need to be defensive or to preech as i feel people should be allowed to choose and believe what feel is right for them in a non intrusive manner. but questioning religious beleif is just the human way and always will be.

  6. Darrell Roberts profile image70
    Darrell Robertsposted 14 years ago

    Religion get people so emotional because of the fear of being wrong and not knowing.  Faith is not knowing. If you challenge the core belief of most people they will not know how to handle it because they do not know what will happen when they die. 

    Real humility is admitting that we do not know, and to have an open mind.  The cosmos is infinite, and eternal, the planet Earth is temporary and very finite. 

    Not to sound like Dr. Spock, but it is illogical to have finite beings i.e humans trying to define and quantify the infinite being i.e. GOD. 

    There should be many questions abuot religions because it deals with our most important and only true possession our soul.  People spend a good amount of time trying to figure out what to buy, but not enough people spend enough time quesitoning these people who claim to be religions.

  7. EdG. profile image59
    EdG.posted 14 years ago

    The beauty of the internet (for better or worse) is that nobody gives a damn about eachother's feelings. Pretty much any subject is open to debate, including religion. In more personal settings with friends or family, religion just makes things awkward. I find that this is both because people have strong emotional attachments to religion and because they don't really explore their religion enough to have a logical answer as to why. This is not true for all people but the lack of a logical answer causes anger and distress and thus shuts the mind to reasonable debate.

    As for why there are so many questions about religion, the answer is quite simple: common sense. Religious belief in the supernatural just doesn't make sense in today's modern society and people are realizing this more and more. Religion was originally developed to answer supposedly unknowable questions but as we discover more about our universe, religion steadily becomes more obsolete.

  8. TheBizzness profile image61
    TheBizznessposted 14 years ago

    I believe that topics like religion must be discussed. Not only because they are important but because people need to talk about them. We agree at work about the topics that should not be talked about, but guess what, they keep coming up. It takes a very open-minded person to talk about something like this. I talk about it with my roomate who shares a much different view on life, but we manage to respect each other's thoughts.

    Also, the fact that this is a place where you can discuss anything with anyone and if someone does not want to participate in the discussion they do not have to. I think this was a good little topic to bring up, even thou you should have known some people can not be trusted to be adults!! lol wink

  9. Lee Boolean profile image62
    Lee Booleanposted 14 years ago

    It was inevitable, its mankind's number one obsession, so when there is a new media available, people are going to eventually use it to discuss the merit of what they believe or were told to believe.

    I guess its also one of the many evolutionary steps we have to go through, much like the makers of buggy whips and horse poop scoops became unemployed, the propagators of religion are fearing for their own existence in a world that is evolving past them... More and more people have access to knowledge that was purposely hidden from them, its unavoidable that they will start asking basic questions... its a part of maturing as a species.

  10. aguasilver profile image69
    aguasilverposted 14 years ago

    Because people who have a relationship with God want to tell others about it, and people who do not, have a God shaped hole that needs filling. Even atheists need to talk about the religion they do not believe in!

  11. NewHorizons profile image78
    NewHorizonsposted 14 years ago

    We have so many questions about religion because religion is belief and everybody believes in something.  Even those who believe in "nothing" believe in the "nothing" notion.

    Man needs some kind of religion if only for his own peace of mind.  Those who believe in 'nothing' can set their mind at rest that whatever they do in life is OK, nothing will happen when they die.  I believe in what I have been taught from childhood if only to be on the safe side.  My religion (I'm not saying what religion) gives me an objective, something to live for.  Without it  my life would have no sense or meaning.  Why am I here? Why?  To grow, mature, shrivel and die like a tomato plant?

  12. peteradepetun profile image56
    peteradepetunposted 14 years ago

    the thought of my hero(es) being less attractive to yours is a main ingredient to the emotions that run wild in a heated debate over religion. I suppose there should lie an understanding in the 'golden rule' that in most cases gets overlooked instantaneously by everyone who's anyone; can anybody tell me what religion stands for? is it a system of belief, a school of thought or what? How on earth can one person tell another that their religion is the true one; i mean how does anyone work that out?


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