Which Military Force Is Superior - The Army, Air Force, Navy, or The Marine?

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  1. ngureco profile image79
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    Which Military Force Is Superior - The Army, Air Force, Navy, or The Marine?

  2. Beth Therese profile image59
    Beth Thereseposted 14 years ago

    I think the Marines are considered the most elite. But all the brave men and women who choose to serve their country in such a brave and selfless way deserve our respect and gratitude. smile

  3. Super Chef profile image62
    Super Chefposted 14 years ago

    In my view the British Army wins this hands down any day, we are renound all over the world as having the best.smile

  4. Lalulinho profile image74
    Lalulinhoposted 14 years ago

    Not so easy to say.  On the whole, the Marines are an elite branch--your average Marine is more disciplined and tougher than your average sailor or GI Joe.  But each of the other service branches in the United States anyway, has very very elite branches.  The Army Rangers are an elite branch with the Army as a whole.  Navy SEAL, divers or naval aviators are elite.  And I think it is the US Air Force that controls the nuclear arsenal (aside from the submarine based nukes).  One would hope that US nuclear guys are elite.

  5. Torq94 profile image61
    Torq94posted 14 years ago

    Do you really need to ask?
    The Marines!

  6. commisioner profile image58
    commisionerposted 14 years ago

    i think all are equal and all work together as one unit with all different specialties. as an ex air force guy, i was glad to see the marines and the navy as well as the army. we all worked well together when working and partied together in good times.
    by the way, super chef, we won twice and bailed the brits out twice.who knew.

  7. Wayne Brown profile image82
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    Superior? In what way?  Once you answer that portion of the question, the answer becomes clear.  Each has a particular skillset that sets it above the other in a particular specialty. The Navy controls the waters and shoreline, The Air Force maintains air superiority, The Marines make the assaults, storm the shores, and the Army does the bulk of the ground battle. It is an orchestrated effort that takes place in coordinated concert with an overall goal to dominate.  If any element fails, the others will suffer. That is the way of war in this day and time.

  8. profile image0
    Longhunterposted 14 years ago

    The Marines are the best as a whole but the SEALs are the elite commando force,

  9. proton66 profile image64
    proton66posted 14 years ago

    I agree with W. Brown. It is an orchestrated effort. The USMC is famous for its ocean to land assault and must hold its ground till the guys with the big guns show up i.e. army. The best part of the USMC is that it has it's own airwing units - Cobra helicopters and F18 Hornets.

  10. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 14 years ago

    The US has the best and strongest air and naval forces in the world. But aside from the Corps of Engineers and special forces, the US Army is terrible. I would go so far as to call the army a liability at this point. Anytime we engage in a war where our air and naval forces are not a factor, we always lose. The army has a WWII organization still and we have been fighting and losing guerilla wars for decades.

    Marines are innovative, disciplined, and possess this thing called leadership that is lacking everywhere in American business and government. The US Navy has always been the lynchpin to our success in war and imperial expansion. The air force, though corrupt, is brilliant. What it may lack in fiscal prudence, it makes up for with shear competence.

  11. scubadoggy profile image68
    scubadoggyposted 13 years ago

    In terms of schools and food, definitely the Navy.  No sleeping in foxholes eating out of 10 year old tin cans for sailors...  The chances of catching a bullet aren't too good either!

  12. DJProfessorK profile image60
    DJProfessorKposted 13 years ago

    If we are talking about the US, then they are for the most part equal and complimentary.

    Africa and the Middle East have been traditionally reliant on the Army to be the driving force of military action. They were created as symbols for the newly independent nations but were also mainly responsible for many of the coups that occurred during the 1970's and 1980's.

  13. DanielleCherise profile image62
    DanielleCheriseposted 11 years ago

    The navy! You have to be both mentally and physically strong to be a sailor.


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