Gay Marriage/ Sex/ Open Marriages

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  1. Raven1001 profile image61
    Raven1001posted 13 years ago

    Gay Marriage/ Sex/ Open Marriages

    It may remind me of a child’s question I can’t help but wonder WHY?
    The enforcement of morality has always confused me. I’m refer only to those behaviors of consenting adults that do not cause harm to anyone else.  Ex: gay marriage, religion,  sex before marriage,  cursing, open marriages, etc 
    Can’t remember the movie, but a sentence that accurately, if crudely, sums up my feelings  “ If I’m wrong can’t you just be content that I’ll burn in hell??”
      Some of these things make me uncomfortable but why should my comfort level dictate how someone else lives their life?

  2. profile image0
    dracaslairposted 13 years ago

    gays should be allowed to marry because you cant help who fall for.need to be a adult for sex marraiges can fail easy.its different strokes for different folkes.

  3. Doc Snow profile image87
    Doc Snowposted 13 years ago

    I've never understood why adherence to morality under duress is considered by some to be a virtue.

    Surely, to be a virtue it should be freely embraced, not merely acceded to out of fear?

    If so, then I think we should accept and respect the (non-harmful) personal choices of others.

  4. Stump Parrish profile image61
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Most people feel this way for two reasons. One, they have been taught to think this way and two, they live in constant fear of the unknown. Same reasons people still believe in the pagan based religions of the world. The belief that my God who we can't prove exists, trumps your God, who we can't prove exists, proves what? I'll give you a hint, it also proves that there are still multitudes of people who will stop their forward progress in life, turn completely around and run the other way simply because, a black cat spilled some salt and then walked under a ladder right in front of them.

    It proves that a large percentage of people have made the conscience decision to go thru life with out one single coherent thought of their own.

  5. The Demon Writer profile image60
    The Demon Writerposted 13 years ago

    Who cares if gays can marry? If you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that.

  6. meow48 profile image65
    meow48posted 13 years ago

    hummmnnn.  i thnk anyone should be allowed to marry... i mean perhaps the gay marriage influence might change the percentage of divorce rate in this country, right now, at least last i heard, over fifty percent of heterosexual marriages end in divorce.  just a thought......

  7. mannyrolando profile image61
    mannyrolandoposted 13 years ago

    Stump Parrish said it best! I agree 100%

  8. The Mad Aunt profile image58
    The Mad Auntposted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure anyone should marry. What does it mean? Isn't it some kind of religious ceremony, or was? I think the concept of marriage has been watered down, it's just a big show now. I find that immoral, in some ways. I think we've all got totally different morals and ideas of what is right and wrong. It comes from our upbringing and environment. Someone who has been brought up in a liberal family will either have more tolerance or less.  Many who are brought up in strictly moral families may rebel and find their own level of morality.  I've found that my morals have changed. I used to think it was cool to get drunk. Now I know it isn't. I used to think all people who committed crime were bad. Now I don't, I just wonder why they went that way.  I don't think your comfort level should dictate how someone lives their life, but equally, I think if you believe they are damaging themselves, you could speak.

  9. Tony L Smith profile image53
    Tony L Smithposted 12 years ago

    If you can't see the pattern, then love has shaken foundations. I am very acceptable of most liberal things when they are truly freedom. Some things called freedom are just bondage we are trying to dress up pretty.

  10. profile image0
    BethDWposted 12 years ago

    I have asked the same question myself multiple times over the last few months...My partner and I just got engaged, and we're struggling with the judgement we know we're going to receive as a married gay couple. I'm lucky to live in a country where gay marriage is legal, but there are still certain groups and people fighting to reverse legalization. I don't understand why me marrying my partner has anything to do with their lives or their level of happiness...I really don't understand how some people can get so riled up about the life choices of people they don't even know. Evangelical Christianity makes me uncomfortable, but I'm not picketing at churches to make evangelism illegal. They have the right to their lifestyle and I have the right to mine. Claiming that 'marriage' is a religious institution is complete crap, in my opinion. It's a legal institution, people of all different faiths get married and people of no faith (athiests, agnostics) get married as well. We're not preventing those people from getting married, and they don't live their lives in accordance to biblical teachings. So why are so many people against same sex couples marrying? If you don't want these weddings happening in your churches fine, we don't want to get married in your churches anyway! Why would gay people want to get married in churches that preach homophobia?Anyway, I'm rambling so I'll stop here. But yes, I often find myself wondering WHY as well...

  11. sickdub profile image60
    sickdubposted 10 years ago

    there are many ways to live a human life, why do we need everyone to fit into a nice little preconception of how things should be?


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