Any good advice for a first-time horse buyer/owner?

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  1. profile image0
    Ken R. Abellposted 14 years ago

    Any good advice for a first-time horse buyer/owner?

  2. MeaghanTS profile image60
    MeaghanTSposted 14 years ago

    I suggest that you have previous knowledge of horses, before considering on buying one, If you have been taking lessons, I suggest you work with a trainer and get there advice/opinion on a horse you like to buy. My horse was bought as a x-mas present, she was 6 month old foal when I got her.

    Deffinately get a pre-purchase vet exam done, to be sure the horse is ok to ride and wont be sore when u get it back to where your boarding it or at your barn.

    Check out the horses attitude towards people, as well if it is ridable, have someone who has been riding it , ride it before you so u can see how the horse goes for them, then you should ride the horse and only do what your comfortable with, knowing the horse can jump 4', if you cant, dont try it. Try to look for a horse that is around your riding level, that you can progress together with training, if the horse is a pleasure horse take into consideration the horses attitude with you on a trail ride, what it is afraid of and what it likes in terms of riding and daily care.

    Good luck, and feel free to contact me with any other questions. I may not of covered everything here so just contact me

  3. Powerful Pierre profile image61
    Powerful Pierreposted 14 years ago

    Yep Ken don't go on your own to buy it,  bring your veteranarian or a friend who knows horses, and if its a mare make sure she isn't preggos unless you want a pony to take care of also.

  4. HorseRider33 profile image58
    HorseRider33posted 14 years ago

    Well the first thing to do any time you get a horse is too let the horse smell your hand so he or she gets used to you and make a bonding relationship with your horse or pony.

    Then if you do have  a riding stable they will teach you too tack up like when i first did or if i should tell you put the saddle pad down the things that comforts the horses spine before the saddle then but the horses saddle on in the correct position behind the neck the long strap that goes under the horses stomach goes on and attaches the other sides then the stirrups come down to any where you want depending on your size or you can just check on you-tube on how to tack a horse.

    When your washing you use light warm water start gently from the legs so they get used too it then work you way on the body then tap a bit on his or hers face. Then use the scraper to rub any more water on the horse.Then tack up.

    Any more advice then just go on you - Tube

  5. whatchathink? profile image60
    whatchathink?posted 14 years ago

    Ken: above wall...take your time!  Many people, once they decide to buy, rush the process.  Absolutely take someone you trust (that has an in depth knowledge of horses) with you.  Its a major decision and it worthwhile asking if you can take a horse 'on trial' for a period.  Also, be aware that a change an environment often affects horses.  The dynamics of their new environment can be confusing and stressful.  Don't panic if a horse doesn't immediately fit the picture of what you thought it would be.  Take things slowly and carefully - it can take weeks and sometimes even a few months before a horse truly relaxes in to their new home.  This is especially true if they are kept with others horses as they need time to find their place in the 'herd'.  Lastly, its a good idea for horses to be kept with other horses.  They are 'prey' animals with a constant focus on survival.  This is a remnant of their evolution.  If you observe horses they take turns while they rest.  Usually, at least one horse 'stands guard'.  Its quite unusual to see them all lying down together.  If they are you will often see that they face different directions to detect any threat.  Their mental well being is best served by being kept with other horses.  Having said that its also wise to introduce them to their paddock mates slowly.  Being able to see them and 'converse' over the fence (but in a separate paddock initially) is the best bet.  They can be very hard on each other when sorting out their pecking order.  Happy to answer any specific questions!    Good luck.  Remember to be patient smile

  6. dreamrider0723 profile image60
    dreamrider0723posted 14 years ago

    Make sure the horse is sound and healthy, maybe take your vet. I would make sur to let your vet check its' teeth and hoooves. depending on its' job I wuld test it before you buy it. If it's for carriage take it on a test drive, pleasure, ride it in the corral, etc. Also I would spend a day with it. See how it really acts around you. I would try grooming and tacking it before you buy it.
       Also If you don't have much horse expierience, try volunteering at your local theraputic riding center. It's basically a riding farm for people with disabilities. I've got 5 years horse expierience and I love going. I learned everything there from how to clean my horses hooves to cleaning saddles and bits.     
       Well good luck!!!!

  7. SOKCGOLD profile image61
    SOKCGOLDposted 14 years ago

    Ken, make sure to take your time. Don't take the previous owner's word for anything. Horses are herd animals that have a well-developed hierarchy. Just because the horse respects the current owner as a dominant member of the herd doesn't mean they are going to respect you - especially as a first timer. Ride the horse, have a knowledgeable friend ride the horse, and then ride the horse some more.
    My wife and I (an absolute beginner at almost 50) bought two horses from a family that needed to downsize. When we went to look at them, the owner jumped up on my horse bareback and rode him in the just a halter. For me, once we got him home in the new setting, he was skittish and jumpy. Four months, several nervous trail rides and three broken ribs later (mine), we sold him to a more knowledgeable, experienced rider.
    I now have a calm, collected Missouri Foxtrotter. I wrote about the breed at … tter-Horse First timers want a quiet, dependable, bomb-proof horse. If you see ANYTHING on the test rides that concerns you, don't try to justify - just WALK AWAY!
    My wife is currently looking for another horse for herself, since her mare was moody and unfriendly. She started riding when she was eight and continued until college. Now that she is getting back into it, she is realizing that she puts way too much emphasis on how a horse looks, rather than how it acts. So she always takes a knowledgeable friend along to be the voice of reason. It makes for a long and trying buying process, but it's better than having a horse you don't want on your hands.


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