Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may ha

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  1. Aisha Maragarette profile image59
    Aisha Maragaretteposted 13 years ago

    Colossians 3:13
    Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one...

    another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
    But how you can forgive someone who almost destroy your family and Life???

  2. hope4couples profile image59
    hope4couplesposted 13 years ago

    I don't know the details of your problem, but I will try to help.

    There is no easy answer, but honestly I don't think we can forgive, at least not on our own. That's why the Lord says in the Bible, "Let my grace by sufficient, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

    What this means is that when we are weak to do something we must rely on the grace of Jesus Christ to help us through.

    You ask, how can you forgive someone who almost destroyed your family and your life?

    Now ask how can Jesus forgive the very people that scourged him, spat on him and nailed him to a cross. How can Jesus forgive a world that is constantly rejecting Him, criticizing Him and would much rather see him dead and never hear from him or about him again.

    Don't forget that Jesus also suffered, the Lord God became man and suffered for us. He is God. He didn't have to suffer, He could've used all his powers to escape his suffering, but He didn't, but chose to suffer instead.

    For what purpose? So that in his suffering he can relate to us and we can relate to him. He can say with all sincerity and honesty, I know how you feel, I felt your suffering at the cross. I'm also suffering with you and I will help you get through this.

    Jesus forgave you for all your sins, past, present and future. He forgave you when you didn't deserve to be forgiven. So forgiving is not a question of do they deserve it or not. You forgive because you were forgiven.

    But that's not the only reason to forgive. It's also for your own good. When you forgive you're not only setting the other person free but your also freeing yourself from the bitterness and hatred that can eat you from the inside out and can affect your health and your relationship with other people.

    Again, I don't know the details of the problem. If this is a person who is causing you physical harm then forgiveness is not tolerating what he does. If this is a person who is constantly cheating on you, then forgiveness is not accepting his behavior.

    Forgiveness is saying, in your heart, I'm not going to judge you. I'm not going to take revenge for what you did. Judgement and revenge belong to God. I'm setting you and myself free.

    I hope you can get through this situation, seek the Lord's help. He can help you forgive. I hope his grace and his peace will dwell n your heart.

    Wish you the best.

  3. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    you shouldn't forgive them. if someone destroys your life, forgiveness is not on stupid but it only helps the person who did the destroying.this is the part of religion i find silly. why should you forgive this person. destroy my family and i promise i will destroy you beyond anything you ever imagined.

  4. krillco profile image84
    krillcoposted 13 years ago

    Here is another take on the theology of the Scripture verse:

    In this verse, Paul is teaching to a community of believers about their shared faith inside the understanding that they are saved. He is not speaking about major transgressions of people who may say that they are believers, but do not demonstrate their belief with Godly behavior.

    Forgiveness in this Scripture about community means that there is a repair to the relationship that restores the relationship to the way it was before. He uses the word 'grievance' which is a disagreement about an issue or complaint about a behavior. These are disputes that arise naturally in community; he is not talking about sinful behaviors. The verse is not saying that everything must be forgiven. God Himself (or Herself) has standard of behaviors and will pass judgment and not forgive some acts.

    Rather, the issue you are having may be one of 'laying down the burden' of your anger and resentments about the person. It does not mean you forget it, it just means that you have decided to stop carrying the strong emotions and the event around with you all the time.

  5. mattmilamii profile image60
    mattmilamiiposted 13 years ago

    The view you take when it comes to forgiveness depends largely on what you believe to hold value in your own life.  If you are a follower of Christ, then on some level you must understand just what was done to reconcile you back to a right standing with God.  Christ not only forgave us but also suffered to do so. 

    Did we deserve it… could it be justified by anything we did; in both cases the answer is no. 

    Forgiving is not based on what is deserved; it is rendered based on what is needed.  Everything that we have and have received from Our Father in Heaven is meant as a blessing to be shared as a blessing among others.  The act of being saved is only brought about because of forgiveness.  As Jesus plainly said, if we don’t forgive others Our Father cannot forgive us (Matt. 6:14-15). 

    There are many who would advise you to go with your feelings, to act as the world acts; seeking the satisfaction of revenge; or at least the holding on to grudges.  Remember we must try the spirits as well as the advice that comes from them to make sure that it is in line with the Word of God.  We cannot pick and choose the parts and instructions that we feel work for us.  In doing so what real faith do we exhibit for a belief in Christ.  The whole work of our faith is to believe in the one God has sent (John 6:29).  To forgive another is not always easy and we will not always feel great and wonderful when doing so; but by the same token we are not feeling great as it stands in carrying the anger and hatred.  In the end it becomes a matter of love and our allowing love to cover a multitude of sin.  Ask yourself if you love what the world teaches more than you love the directions of Christ.  We must overcome this world as best we can… and in difficult times take comfort in this promise from Christ himself… 

    John 16:33
    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 



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