Do you think it violates your rights for a city to have a dog limit ordinance?

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  1. slaffery profile image62
    slafferyposted 12 years ago

    Do you think it violates your rights for a city to have a dog limit ordinance?

    Our city has an ordinance where you are only able to own 3 dogs within the city limits.  Should the city council have that much power?   Especially when it comes to people who own their homes and property?  Is this a violation of right?

  2. mythicalstorm273 profile image61
    mythicalstorm273posted 12 years ago

    I do not believe it violates your rights.  This is a safety precaution that I actually feel more cities need to take.  If you live in the city chances are that your home is not very big and would not provide adequate room for the dogs to play.  Even if you have a yard and plenty of room the chances are great that the dogs would be suffering some sort of abuse... lack of attention, exercise, room, etc.  I am not saying this is the right situation for everybody, but by putting this ordinance in place they are preventing a lot of animal cruelty cases which saves the city money in the long run.  Besides, as much as I love animals and pets, who has the right to say we even have a right to have any pets? The privilege of owning a pet is abused by many people and the greater number of pets the higher chance of abuse.  Furthermore if it were a question of safety (you had the dogs for safety) then it would be a violation of your rights, but three dogs should be plenty to keep you safe. Also if it is a question of human rights and not just United States rights, then you have to realize that some countries have ordinances for how many children people can have.  If they can say you are only allowed one child then I think saying you can have only three dogs is within the limits.  Within the United States though, there is nothing in any of the written rights that would prevent this from being a right of the city.  It is not personally harming you or barging into your privacy, but a precaution that is for the larger group.  Of course if you disagree with the city you can always move outside the city limits :-) (throughout this I used the word  you many times which does not say specifically to you, but just a word to use to keep structure and stuff so don't take offense!!)

  3. slaffery profile image62
    slafferyposted 12 years ago

    I actually ran for city council and this was a topic that came up a LOT in my door to door conversations with the people in my ward.  I am not sure how I feel about it and it was a hard question to answer.  You made some good points smile

  4. wychic profile image85
    wychicposted 12 years ago

    It's not a violation of rights, and I can see why some cities do it. However, the last town I lived in had a two-pet limit -- meaning, you could only have a combined two dogs and/or cats within town limits. The only time I've ever had to surrender a dog was when I had two dogs, then I met someone who also had two dogs. Animal control decided to start the harassment in the two weeks before my son was born, threatening citations when we didn't even have heat or water at the time (it was December, the gas bill had gotten behind when the water pipes burst). Let's just say I was never so happy to kiss that town goodbye, and I'll certainly never go back there again. I know quite a few people who moved out of county completely solely because of the issues with the pet ordinance. Thankfully, we all have the right to move if we don't want to live with those ordinances.

    Now I hear that this same town is handing out citations if people let their grass get more than 2" long, or have noticeable weeds in their flower beds...

  5. Man from Modesto profile image77
    Man from Modestoposted 12 years ago

    I think so. How many dogs can one person handle? A few years ago in San Fran, a woman had two great Danes that killed her neighbor. She was helpless to stop them.

    In Philly, there was a woman who had between 7 and 9 dogs at a time. Her neighbors constantly complained because of the noise and the smell. She was known as "the dog lady". Few people knew her name because they couldn't get close enough to greet- because of all the dogs and leashes.

    The other people who owned more than one or two were people who trained them to fight. Some would be training, and the others would be starving until they could become "training dogs" for the real fighters to practice on, and to learn to kill.

    So, I am all for a limit on dogs in the city. Who needs more than two dogs, and why?


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