Can you make a nice profit from Hubpages?

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  1. Emma Harvey profile image83
    Emma Harveyposted 12 years ago

    Can you make a nice profit from Hubpages?

    I have just read a blog which states many people (maybe after a year) can earn around $1000 a month through affiliate programs. I am not convinced this is typical, but if you are one of these people, I'd love to hear from you!

  2. tnvrstar profile image66
    tnvrstarposted 12 years ago

    Yes it is possible to earn over 1000 dollars from Hubpages. But unfortunately I am  not from these people. But I can earn over 15 dollars per month from Hubpages Ad program (& 2 dollars from adsense sad) with  less than 30 Hubs. That means If I would have written 500+ Hubs then I could earn over 300 dollars per month.

    To earn big you have to work hard. Your article should be unique and very interesting. If your articles gets traffic from Google you will earn a lot. You just have written 19 Hubs. It will take time for you to earn big amount of money. make a goal to publish over 200 hubs within 1 years. Beside quantity don't forget about the quality. Hopefully you will earn sufficient amount of money.

    Btw, You look good in the Photo.

  3. Emma Harvey profile image83
    Emma Harveyposted 12 years ago

    Thank you very much smile

    I didn't actually realize you needed to publish a lot of hubs - I thought it was quality over quantity.

    My hubs are a long way off (I am still learning). Will aim to write more though.

  4. Millionaire Tips profile image90
    Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years ago

    I am not up to that number yet on HubPages, but it is my goal.  Writing quality articles is important, but so is quantity.  The more popular hubs you have, especially ones that entice the viewer to click on the ads, the more money you make.

  5. itsmonkeyboy profile image68
    itsmonkeyboyposted 12 years ago

    I'm afraid I'm no expert in this as I haven't really started on Hubpages with the idea of making money, more as a hobby than anything. Plus I haven't written many hubs. But what I've learnt so far is that quantity is fine, but it can't beat quality. I'm much more likely to read a hub if it's well written and interesting/intriguing. If there are ads associated with the subject and it's something I'm really interested in then I may click to follow up my interest.

    I think your writing is great and am always looking forward to your next hub, so keep up the good work and I'm sure the quality will shine through.

  6. relache profile image72
    relacheposted 12 years ago

    There are a number of people who make significant amounts of money from their Hubs, and no those results are not typical.  But it shows what is possible,

    If you read those shared stories, you will notice that the number of Hubs, the length of time each person has been with the site and how much they are earning all varies.

    Quality content is key, but depending on what you choose to write about, it might take you lots of quality Hubs to earn $1000/month or fewer if your Hubs really hit the right audience.

    And just for the record, don't follow blind formulas like "you must publish more than 200 hubs in one year," especially if they are coming from people who aren't hardly making money.

  7. profile image56
    Scouritposted 12 years ago

      You can, and I believe you will. Be patient, write on subject matters that interest you; these are the types of articles other will read. The money thing will happen with good quality content; as other will read and click through ads, we know the ads is how the money is made. Don't rely on Google ads to drive up profits. As you write try to find products or some service to collaborate with the topic you are writing. Amazon, is in my opinion is the best resource. Too Make More Money: write good content on topics of interest, add Google ads, then pull it all together with Amazon......the fun is in the writing, never lose it.

  8. whoisbid profile image60
    whoisbidposted 12 years ago

    If know about websites more than blogs. If you have a 10,000 visitors a day on a website then you can earn a few hundred dollars a day.

  9. itfergs profile image61
    itfergsposted 12 years ago

    While I'm new to Hubpages I'm no stranger to writing over the years, I found the most successful "formula" is to enjoy what you're writing about.  Rather than write articles about subjects you're not exactly familiar with, you should focus on hobbies and skills you've gained throughout your life.

    Another great way of looking at writing is a tool to learn - write about things you WANT to learn about and do your research.  For instance, if you're looking into learning a new language, write an article about starting a new language! Give advice as you learn it through education.

    In terms of financial gain, it really should only be a secondary characteristic.. it should come as a reward and a bonus rather than a necessity.  I'm sure the more quality articles you write and the more you learn/have fun, the rewards will follow along with it.

  10. Andme26 profile image62
    Andme26posted 12 years ago

    If you learn the basics and put in the hours you can do it... as you learn and build up your knowledge and hub portfolio you can earn more than that ... anyway it all come s down to hard work

    I myself am not even close to that because I'm lazy big_smile

  11. chicagoguy profile image63
    chicagoguyposted 12 years ago

    no idea !! as i joined just two days ago !!

  12. Jarn profile image59
    Jarnposted 12 years ago

    Quality of articles doesn't matter so much compared to the marketability of said articles and their sheer number. If you are a lawyer, a doctor, a real estate agent, and accountant, or someone with skills and knowledge that the general public could find useful on a day-to-day basis, you've got a shot.

    If you're a fiction writer or a freelance writer that simply regurgitates other people's information, it's gonna be an uphill battle.

    Either way, the sheer number of hubs out there, when combined with the general apathy of most people, means earning a living on Hubpages is extremely atypical and more of a fluke than anything else. So, if you need a certain paycheck every month, this is not a certain business venture.


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