Do grammatical errors or spelling errors in our comments on HubPages hurt us som

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  1. oceansnsunsets profile image82
    oceansnsunsetsposted 12 years ago

    Do grammatical errors or spelling errors in our comments on HubPages hurt us somehow?

    Does it somehow hurt our Hubs or scores, rankings, etc, if there are comments from others with misspellings or grammatical errors?  I have heard of others commenting in some forums about even deleting such comments because they thought it would hurt them somehow? 

    I just hate the idea of every deleting any comment that someone took the time to leave.  What are your thoughts and experiences, or knowledge on this?  Thank you.

  2. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years ago

    No, I do not believe that this is true.

    If it is true, then I need an official statement from someone on staff, but that won't come, because I instinctively know that it isn't true.

    It's like "God," I believe in God, but I don't need any silly "proof" from his inferiors that he exists, we're talking pride filled humans that don't know which way is up half the time, I have faith in Google and Hubpages the same way, they neither judge us by who comments on something, and why would they?

    You've no control over THAT, and neither are you judged for the nefarious actions that I do late at night while your sleeping.  Go in peace and sleep well.

  3. DIYmyOmy profile image71
    DIYmyOmyposted 12 years ago

    o pleez i hop nut!

    I write for a living, but the truth is that *everyone* makes errors, and unless you are blessed with a good proofreader, some will make it into your finished work. I will say that if a Hub or comment is really poorly written, I first check to see if English is obviously a second or maybe third language for the author--if their Profile lists them as living elsewhere than the US or Britain, for example. But if the writing simply seems sloppy I will stop reading at that point.

    I mean, there is a spellcheck function almost everywhere on HubPages, so just a quick reading before you click 'submit' should help a lot. However, all languages are fluid, morphing things; a certain amount of creativity is okay as long as you get your point across.

    However, not everyone is so understanding, and if enough people vote your Hub or comment down, I would imagine The Gods of Hub will notice and it might very well affect your overall Hub score.

  4. WD Curry 111 profile image58
    WD Curry 111posted 12 years ago

    No. I dunt think it wood hurt yoo none to mispall a feww duzen werds ore say sumptin stoopid fer thut matters.

  5. ChaninDesiree profile image75
    ChaninDesireeposted 12 years ago

    I think that grammatical and spelling errors can hurt a site especially where writers are trying to be taken seriously.  If the work is shoddy it reflects on all the participants.  While I know that we are all human and make mistakes, we should try our best to ensure the work is as error free as possible. Credibility is important and just reading our work to try to catch any problems before publication can only build the credibility of the writers and the site.

  6. profile image0
    Rob Pennposted 12 years ago

    Yes it could hurt your traffic.

    The search engines know if the spelling is wrong and they could lower the page on the SERPs.

    Also if someone is using a search word in a search engine and you have spelt or spelled the word wrong you may not get listed in the results page.

  7. livingpah2004 profile image61
    livingpah2004posted 12 years ago

    Are you guys talking about me.jk.  I am a newbie here. And english is not my first language. I will be scared to leave any comments after reading all the posts.

  8. Sunita-Sharma profile image61
    Sunita-Sharmaposted 12 years ago

    No,I don't think it can hurt anyone! But yes what ever you write should be grammatically correct and avoid spelling mistake. You can always review before publishing it!

  9. againsttheodds profile image59
    againsttheoddsposted 12 years ago

    Many website owners have been questioning the importance of proper spelling and grammatical correctness in user comments on their blogs or on revenue sharing sites such as Hubpages. The theory is that grammar errors and general misspellings in a... read more


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