Why don't people check their spelling and grammar when they write and publish th

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  1. steveso profile image77
    stevesoposted 13 years ago

    Why don't people check their spelling and grammar when they write and publish their Hubs?

    It is understandable when the person is not a native English speaker, but when the author is a native English speaker with some amount of education, it is quite sad.

  2. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 13 years ago

    I will admit this has happened to me.  I run a spell and grammar check on word before I publish a hub.  Sometimes though, I still don't catch something like difficult instead of difficulty.  There is a rush of excitement when one finishes a hub to click the publish button, and I think sometimes most of us (myself included) get caught up in that and don't always proof read the way we should.

  3. Dina Blaszczak profile image73
    Dina Blaszczakposted 13 years ago

    I'm not a native speaker, but I don't think I should take "checking spelling and grammar" less seriously. I'm using two spelling checks before publishing, those are very helpful.  However in my latest hub about children and dogs I mistyped word "dog" twice with the "god", it was so embarrasing because the hub was already published. When I discovered my mistakes, I re-read my hub three times to make sure there was no more mistakes.  So I think it's very easy to make yourself look unprofessional wink

  4. MickS profile image62
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    I have a knackered key board, some times it leaves double letters sometimes it misses letters, I don't always catch the errors ( a case in point, here I had to go back and re-insert  the 't' in don't)  And what spelling of English, and grammar, are you saying is correct?  It irritates me to see USA spelling and lack of commas, but I don't think it is incorrect, just different.

  5. urgurl_bri profile image81
    urgurl_briposted 13 years ago

    Sometimes you may check your spelling and grammar but you miss something.  But later on if you find an error in your writing you should go back and edit it.  It only takes a second and will make your hub look much better.  I have done that a couple times.  It wasn't something major, just a word with an s instead of an ed or something like that.  I always try to change it right away when I notice it and make sure it looks good and is readable.

  6. Daxman profile image61
    Daxmanposted 13 years ago

    I bought a designer wallet for my mother on her birthday last year, very exclusive and expensive. 

    When i asked the lady in the boutique why there were some minor flaws on it she answered "So one can see that the wallet is hand-crafted by human beings and not mass-produced by machinery"

    I apply the same mindset for my writing, i've written it spontaneously and with a certain "flow", if i go back to spell-check i will probably end up making more changes and causing my article to lose its spontaneousness.

    When freelancing as a writer i do of course deliver correctly written articles.

  7. OKSara1982 profile image59
    OKSara1982posted 13 years ago

    I don't have any hubs, but I do mess up. I can only speak for myself but it's usually do to one of my 3 kids or I am in a hurry or its one of my animals or phone due to auto-correct.

  8. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 13 years ago

    The big problem is if you did not know how to spell the word the first time, then you are not going to realize it the second time you read it. If you think you have spelled it right you are not going to look it up in the dictionary, if you did  you might find out your spelling is wrong, but you still will not know what is right.

    I am a terrible speller and misuser of commas. I work on it constantly with moderate success.

    The other problem is that spell checkers are not perfect.
    From and Form are both good words but not interchangeable.
    Not and Now are both good words and not only are they interchangeable, depending on the position of the word in the sentence, it can change the whole meaning.

    If I write:
    I am now going to the store.
    but have the typo, the sentence will read
    I am now going to the store.

    I was told my a college history professor words are spelled the way the sound.

    Immediately, the word "knife" came to mind.

  9. profile image0
    paxwillposted 13 years ago

    I agree, but Hubpages doesn't really enforce any writing quality guidelines. They only enforce guidelines that prohibit you from writing on certain topics.

    People just presume that their writing is fine simply because their articles don't get flagged, and they don't want to spend the extra effort looking over their work for mistakes since there are no penalties for it.

    All I can say is that even if Hubpages doesn't care about the quality of writing on the site, Google sure as hell does.

  10. Chris Neal profile image77
    Chris Nealposted 12 years ago

    I try hard to check both spelling and grammar when I post a Hub. Hub's spellchecker is limited, limited, limited, so I often find spelling errors that should have been caught by it on subsequent readthroughs. And sometimes you just miss certain misspellings the first time through, or if they're farther down in the Hub.

    Grammar, I've learned, is a matter of preference. I use commas the way I was taught to when I went to school. My teenage son says I use way, way too many commas. Granted, some rules of grammar have not changed and people should be more careful, but sometimes it's just because things change.

  11. giocatore profile image79
    giocatoreposted 12 years ago

    It doesn't matter if someone is a native English speaker or not. HubPages is an American site for professional writers, and writers here should be expected to write correctly in the English language. I would be embarrassed to publish some of the stories that I see on this site.

  12. thilanwij profile image61
    thilanwijposted 12 years ago

    They're probably too excited to publish it and see results and if there is any traffic that comes to it. Or, they just never learned from their English classes.


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