Do you read at least a book a month?

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  1. Marsei profile image92
    Marseiposted 12 years ago

    Do you read at least a book a month?

    I'm curious because I read a lot, all kinds of stuff, good books and trash.

  2. cat on a soapbox profile image94
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    Hi Marsei smile   I love to read! Yes, at least one per month. My average is really 4-6 per month if I'm reading thrillers. Serious novels take me a bit longer.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I understand totally.  Sometimes all I want to read is thrillers, just something mindless that keeps my attention.  I love having a great novel that I can't stop reading.  Haven't had one like that for a long time!  Thanks for answering.

  3. Alisa Arishina profile image59
    Alisa Arishinaposted 12 years ago

    I'm reading several books at the same time, so... no. I get stalled by switching between them all the time. So I always read *something*, I just don't always finish it.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do that sometimes too and end up frustrated because I don't finish.  it's fun, though, because you don't get bored.  Thanks for commenting.

  4. profile image0
    marked4destinyposted 12 years ago

    Sadly, no I do not read at least a book a month. I read one book continually. At the moment, my plan is to reread the books on my shelf every couple of months.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My husband is rereading all his John Clancy books that he read five or six years ago.  They bore me to tears, but he says they're better that second time around.  Good luck with your plan.
      Thanks for answering.

  5. Jodi Ralston profile image59
    Jodi Ralstonposted 12 years ago

    I try to.  Sometimes it is fiction, sometimes it is nonfiction, but I can't go long without reading something.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am the same way, never go to bed at night without a book!
      Thanks for answering.

  6. Midasfx profile image67
    Midasfxposted 12 years ago

    I hardly ever have time to sit and read a book. So I usually listen to an audio book on the way to/from work. Been averaging 2-3 audio books per month.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You've made me remember audio books!  I'm going to pick up a couple from the library today.  Perfect for the drive back and forth to our place in Kentwood.  What a pleasant way to drive to and from work!  Thanks for answering.

    2. Midasfx profile image67
      Midasfxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You can find most titles online for download from 3rd party sites or your local libraries' website .  Ask your librarian about it, i am very glad i did!

    3. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I enny you the book club.  I so want to join one, but can't give up my lucid dreaming group which meets twice a month and no time for more.  I think that's a smart idea, alternating who choses the books.  Thanks for answering. marsei

  7. noelyesakay profile image61
    noelyesakayposted 12 years ago

    I try to read a book a month, at least. My goal is to finish 52 books a year, so sometimes the list includes graphic novels and plays because they're easier to finish in a short period of time. But I have read plenty of fiction and nonfiction too and they're the ones that take me a month to complete.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, wow.  You've certainly got me beat!  That's wonderful that you read that many books a year.  I find nonfiction difficult but try to read some once in a while.  Thanks for answering and keep up the incredible 52 books a year!

  8. bhargvi sharma profile image33
    bhargvi sharmaposted 12 years ago

    Yup i had read a book in a month. I'm a reading freak so i can easily read anything that catches my eyes. I love reading books related to biotechnology, genetics, novels, nanotechnology & many more. Reading a book is one of my favourite pass time when i get bored... smile))

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent.  And it sounds like you're learning as you're reading by the subjects you read about.  I agree, reading is definitely my favorite pastime of all.  Thanks for your answer.

    2. bhargvi sharma profile image33
      bhargvi sharmaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Anytime... smile

  9. melbelle profile image59
    melbelleposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I read at least one book a month.  Last month I read 3.  If I don't have a new book to read, I will pull down one from my bookcase and reread a favorite. I am in the process of ordering a few more books, so until I get them, I have pulled down an old favorite to reread till they come in.  I love to read.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Three in a  month is wonderful.  I do the same reread favorites, like The Paris Wife.  I keep going back to favorite parts.  So glad so many share my passion for reading.  Thank you for answering.

  10. Atiquemr9 profile image41
    Atiquemr9posted 12 years ago

    It depends on the kind of book available for me. It took me only two days to finish the last saga of Harry Potter and nearly two weeks to finish Joyce's "Portrait of an artist as a young Man"

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I understand, and they're both equally meaningful in their own way.  Potter is always riveting for me also.  Thank you for your answer.

  11. MamaTschet profile image61
    MamaTschetposted 12 years ago

    I try to!  Being in a Book Club helps keep me on track.  Although I don't always enjoy those books and often find myself reading something of my own choosing.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think I would too, although sometimes it's fun to read what someone else recommends.  One day I'm going to join a book club!  Time is the problem as with everything.  Thanks for your answer

  12. hagsvilleUSA profile image67
    hagsvilleUSAposted 12 years ago

    i'm almost always reading at least four books at a time -- nonfiction: usually language, psychology, politically, or sociologically based; and fiction: a novel and some poetry or short stories.  it's not that i try to be an overachiever, i just like different things at different times.

    on average, i finish one or two a month.

    1. Marsei profile image92
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I'm  impressed.  I can barely handle two.  One or two a month is marvelous.  And I agree that sometmes I'd prefer something different than the book I'm reading, but my mind is not ready for four!  Thanks for answering my question.


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