How can you help a person with addiction to diet coke that causes medical prolem

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  1. brakel2 profile image69
    brakel2posted 12 years ago

    How can you help a person with addiction to diet coke that causes medical prolems?

    The aspartame in the drink causes issues Caffeine may be too much for body.

  2. profile image0
    Marie Brannonposted 12 years ago

    If the person is an adult, and if you are not a physician or an addiction counselor, there's really not much you can do to 'help', according to Al-Anon.  No matter how much we love someone, we must remember that we didn't cause it (the addiction), we can't change it and we can't control it. 

    Blessings to you.


  3. profile image0
    SparrowMinistriesposted 12 years ago

    I am so sorry, I am afraid Marie is right. However, if the person is asking for help and is invested in change,  there may be things you can do to support them. An addictions counselor or therapist can help you with a plan.  There is also such a thing as harm reduction.  If the person can reduce the amount, perhaps by keeping a diary of the times of day and situations in which they drink the coke, and start thinking about whether some of those could be eliminated or substituted.  As an ex-diet coke addict, I found that proactively drinking plenty of water greatly reduced my craving for diet coke.  As Marie alluded to, getting help for yourself may be your only option, so therapy, Al-anon, or just re-investing in your own life by eating well and participating in activities you enjoy, getting enough sleep, etc.  I hope this helps..Remember you are the most important person in your life.  Without you in your life, no one else can benefit from you being here.  So take care of you first, and there will be an abundance from which to care for and add to the lives of others.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    You have to ask yourself why you would want to help, if they do not want to stop or help themselves.  Unfortunately, addiction to any substance is a very complex problem.  There is little we can do on the sidelines but support and be there to listen.  We cannot make them want to change.

  5. Astralrose profile image88
    Astralroseposted 12 years ago

    I was addicted to coke or pepsi before but somehow I managed to get over with it.

    How did I do it? From every meal and snack coke session I made it one-two glass a day then three to four times a week then twice a month then once a month. Now, once in a once in two months, really very rarely these days. I got over with it totally for at least 6 months.

    Now, I'm contented with fresh fruit juices like lemon, banana, mango, pineapple...anything that is in season.

    Addiction is also a mind-game so the more you don't think about you wanting to drink coke the less you crave for it. Indulge in activities that make you thirst a lot then quench it with water, lots of water. You'll get by.

    Just do it slowly! Nobody is over with any addiction in one go. It takes time! You have to be disciplined too!

  6. fitmom profile image71
    fitmomposted 12 years ago

    I think if someone has something healthy to replace it, then it will make it easier for them to give up their addiction. With diet coke, I'd replace it with a healthy drink that I like to make. You take a can of sparkling water and add some flavored stevia drops to it. It's a healthy alternative to soda, has no calories and tasted yummy. You can check out my hub for some more info- Sweet Tooth Solutions.

    Diet sodas and regular sodas are so unhealthy. Getting over it may be hard, but once they've done it, they will be so glad they did.

    Best ~ fitmom

  7. litsabd profile image65
    litsabdposted 12 years ago

    First of all, the person with the addiction has to understand he/she has an addiction and secondly that he/she has an addiction he/she wants to get rid off. That's were your role begins by encouraging the aadicted person to see a counselor. In Greece there are special clinics as part of hospitals that deal with addicted people free of charge (the insurance pays for the cost). I am sure there are such clinics where you live. At first it is going to be hard so be prepared. Both of you. I sincerely wish and hope it all goes well.God be with you.


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