Is President Obama politicizing the Frankenstorm by going to Washington?

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  1. Inventurist profile image76
    Inventuristposted 11 years ago

    Is President Obama politicizing the Frankenstorm by going to Washington?

    Obama went to Florida today for a rally/fund raiser then back to DC. Romney, it appears, is locked into Ohio for now. Will Obama play the "here is your money for your suffering" role in a bigger than normal way to win votes in areas affected by Sandy the Storm?

  2. ecoggins profile image90
    ecogginsposted 11 years ago

    In light of the criticism Bush received about not being acutely involved immediately after Katrina, Obama must be ready to respond. He is the man in the White House and he must stay engaged in the affairs of his people. That will most likely mean that he will have to release FEMA funds to bring relief to the States and regions impacted by the storm. While I did not vote him (and still will not), this is what the people elected him to do. That is, they elected him to be at the helm and in the White House dealing with the problems of the people before campaigning for re-election. They way he deals with it may garner more votes than he would have otherwise received, but that's the way it goes.

    1. Inventurist profile image76
      Inventuristposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are pretty accurate in your response, thank you. I also believe that the news media being centered in the target for the storm will nullify any further coverage of Bengazi. Obama can be seen monitoring a storm, but not attacks in Libya.

  3. Attikos profile image82
    Attikosposted 11 years ago

    Obama has no real role to play here, at least not at this point, but he can't afford to be seen grubbing for money and votes in Miami as Sandy pummels the northeast. Of course he'll try to convert it into a staged, camera-ready image of a dedicated, overburdened leader working himself half to death for the suffering people. Any politician would, and he always has seized those opportunities more energetically than most. This return to DC is an interruption to his campaign, one he didn't want right now, but there it is. He'll make the most of it, and no doubt he's grateful that it knocks Benghazi out of the headlines and will bring additional opportunities for him to helicopter into carefully selected scenes of devastation for more photo ops in a couple of days.

  4. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image86
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years ago

    You're kidding, right?  For Pete's sake, he's the PRESIDENT!  It's his responsibility to try and keep the country safe.  How is making sure he's helping Americans a means of playing politics.  Methinks things have gone way too far if people really believe this one!

    1. Inventurist profile image76
      Inventuristposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting that you would say it is his responsibility to keep the country safe. I agree. How is it that when it is a storm, he can put on his FEMA jacket, cancel all fund raisers and campaigning. But only 6 weeks ago, Americans being killed - Vegas

    2. Attikos profile image82
      Attikosposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Explain how a campaigning pol's photo ops keep America safe.

  5. Inventurist profile image76
    Inventuristposted 11 years ago

    I think this explains it pretty well, when Americans were dying, he flew off to Vegas for a fund raiser and campaign. When he can make a grand appearance as Commander in Chief - in full FEMA with our checkbook regalia - He cancels campaign dates. Interesting comment from Mr. Obama - "we won't let rules get in our way"....unlike that mean old Bush who did follow rules.

  6. NecroBernard profile image62
    NecroBernardposted 11 years ago

    I try to think of everything political from a Machiavellian standpoint.  It's likely he'll exploit it to gain the vote, and very likely it will gain him support.  He may be helpful or it may just be a political show, but it's a great opportunity for him to gain support, and the more effective he is at handling it (or at least advertising his ability to handle it), the more support he'll gain.  Plus, in contrast with Bush and his terrible handling of Katrina, it'll make him look vastly more competent if he handles it right.

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