Some of my intelligent friends don't want to understand why some people are using violence to attack the Second Amendment Rights of every law abiding citizen of the United States. Only feelings count!
Banking - as it was will never be again. Funding is by far a better option for many transactions. Better for all but the bankers!
Some industries require a salesperson come with a "book of business" or a list of close relationships assuming they will transfer that relationship to the new company based on great value of the rep.
Patients expect their doctor to know what the patient needs. The doctor needs to be in a place to diagnose properly. Neither happen if the doctor is broke.
Sure that "hand-me-down" from your father is special in a lot of ways, but is it the best choice for the sport you are getting into?
Fundamentals are not optional. Knowing you have to have your head right comes first, then get your feet right.
Before hunting season did you sight in your rifle? Is your red dot on your pistol spot on? Why haven't you checked the POI of your shotgun?
cant 1 (kănt) n. 1. Angular deviation from a vertical or horizontal plane or surface; an inclination or slope.
Wow that new vest is really cool looking, how is that going to affect your game?
When a competitive shooter has broken every clay on a course at least once, they have proven they have the physical ability, now the challenge becomes mental and this is the tough part.
A shooter's log includes information on the sport (trap, skeet, sporting clays, 5-stand) shot that day, weather, clothing worn, lenses/glasses, ammo (shot size, manufacturer, load), shoes, health
Telling someone to focus is like telling someone to breath; they know they need to focus, but it involves more than just looking at an object, it involves owning the object visually!
Raping 7 year old Christian girls doesn't raise the hackles of American feminists, but do they know the girls cannot get abortions or contraceptives?
My son came to me with a definitive statement that Branding, as "my older generation has known it" is dead and cannot carry the weight of the cost. Is it a result of the market, or something else?
Any business must define where it wants to get in order to avoid the destructive forces of diversion disguised as opportunity.
The World Economy has been pretty stale for the past 5 years with some local exceptions. Money can be a huge problem and may lead to other issues. Exploring challenges directly may lead to freedom!
Alternatives to oral medication are available. Reasons to consider include addiction, adverse reactions, cost, fear of mis-use by others, effectiveness and overall health options.
Size, temperament, quirks, needs, hair, all go into making the right decision about getting the right puppy. Remember, puppies grow up to be dogs. Some are BIG dogs. Plan ahead and prevent a mistake.
Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation, Interferential Current and Neuromuscular Stimulation can relieve pain or cramps and atrophy without oral medications and may still be covered by insurance.
In the current hot debate over guns and safety, I hope to offer a little more information to non-gun owners to answer some questions in a logical, reasonable way. Emotions aren't fuel for good decisions. I never want to see another Sandy Hook, but my idea is education, not the loss of Liberty.
In light of the recent tragedy, what are some logical and reasoned options to make our schools and homes safer?
Medical sales reps have to find reasons beyond the patient in order to help their end user. Getting past a multitude of gatekeepers is the first task - then bringing something to the party is the question.
Urinary incontinence is a very common situation. Don't think for a minute you are alone. Although the statistics suggest 80% of sufferers are female, it is primarily because men won't admit to it. There are things you can do to improve your control. Read on.
Did you just get hired for a new sales territory? Here are some tried and true first steps that will help you leap to the front of the line in your new role!
Being a good sales manager takes a special person who can motivate without giving the farm away . Nothing ever happens until someone sells something!
The use of electrical stimulation therapy has been around for decades. Patients may also be candidates for peripheral nerve or spinal cord stimulators - and now there is a test for that..Biomed Pro!
A press release can set the stage for success or failure depending on how well it is written. Choose words carefully and where it is released to just as carefully.
There is no way I will ever admit to enjoying shopping. I'm just trying to be sure to have what it takes to put food on the table, right?
When you take a kid fishing, remember who you are taking and why. The fun they have and the time spent with you are what it is all about. Getting to keep a few, and cook them up will add to a great memory!
I have the most fond memories of my grand-fathers taking me on some of my first fishing trips. Half a century later I can still remember what we did and what we caught. Take a kid fishing!
I grew up hunting and enjoying the outdoors. It is still possible and should be considered a part of your life and the life of your child. Get really close to nature.
Marketing takes on a lot of twists and turns when it comes to schools. Everyone has a stake in making the best end game. The marketer must win over the best of the best for the school they represent. It shows who is the best in the student body.
As the new health care law unfolds into the general provisions and new taxes, limits on how treatments are to be allowed are being expanded rapidly. Cutting edge is being dulled. Will you lose out?
Prepping should include having an SCBA on hand to enter the potentially IDLH atmosphere and test it before not using.
Know what you like, where you want to be, and develop a map showing how you intend to get there - ON PAPER, not "in your head."
Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) is produced using a patients own blood to concentrate positive cellular products including one's own cells. The key is really growth factors, cytokines, and IMPS. AmnioFix ex
Finding a doctor that will work with you to use new technology like mesenchymal stem cell treatments is too difficult. Great companies, like Osiris, MiMedx and others are working to bring these products to the marketplace.
Your contact list is valuable, but the privacy expected by your contacts is valued too. Yes you can make money from your contact list, make sure it is worth it.
Planning a sporting event can be a daunting task. Take some time and answer a lot of questions. It may spur more thoughts as to what is going to be require to make the event successful.
Planning for extreme success may involve some planning for setbacks and other potholes during a meteoric rise!
Sales calls are lost by lack of preparation. Know your products, your customer's needs and how they match up BEFORE you set the appointment!
Does your company have the opportunity to provide summer or semester long internships? Are you missing out on potential talent in your business that could make a huge difference?
Choosing the right advertising medium can make the difference between a well planned ad campaign and a flop! Proper signage sets the whole premise of your location.
Keep the outcome in the forefront for your customer and your own success.
Dealing with the board of directors is a rare situation few people ever encounter on significantly large companies. It can be fun, profitable, and a great learning experience.
Stick with your products, programs, features and benefits and leave politics, religion and family out of the discussion.
Hiring the next new employee is always a role of the dice. There are some guidelines you can follow to be more secure in your decision.
An all-to-often concept that is left off of the business plan is consideration of the correct marketing channel.
Building relationships with customers insures sales today - and tomorrow. It also may lead to sales beyond the current customer as satisfaction with the relationship improves.
To finish the race you have to start it. Taking action as a salesperson is required to make something happen. Fish don't jump into the boat, you have to bait the hook and put it into the water. Step up and do it!
Small business owners can utilize credit cards to purchase products for sale and receive credit card payments with possible powerful improvements in profits. It could also sink the ship of prosperity if used poorly!
It is up to your to decide to make yourself and your opinions relevant. Know for sure, your vote is valuable, and very relevant!
Everyone needs a support network. Whether it is for business, sports or family, building a good network will bring your team to their peak!
Finding the right person to bounce ideas off of is all important in growing your own business value.
Selling requires planning. Part of the plan is owning your territory and the decision to make what happens in it depends on what you allow to happen.
Effective presentation skills produce results - good and bad. Take charge of the presentation and connect with your audience, then let them take something home with their head.
We have all heard the axiom, If we have 2 ears and 1 mouth, we should be listening twice as much as we talk. Here is my take on that for sales and marketing people!
Planning sales calls for the first few weeks of January will pay big dividends compared to prior years!
Applying just the right amount of torque at the right time, a sale is made. Deciding to bring in customers by pulling them through advertising or selling products through salespeople makes the call for push or pull.
Finding a product that actually works led me to go to the manufacturer and become their next, best distributor. When was the last time a product motivated you like that?
My family participates in a lot of food traditions - not just around the holidays. What are your traditions?
Sure it is tough to make quota during the holidays, but maybe you need to revisit which quota needs to be made!
Shopping for the outdoorsman (or outdoors woman) on your Christmas list shouldn't be that difficult.
Learn how to perform CPR, learn how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver, and do it.
I do a little shade tree mechanical work every now and then, just to remind me why I pay others to do most of my mechanic work.
Just a few lines about the things the author loves about the fall.
Placental allografts are now being used to close diabetic foot ulcers, venous stasis sores, debubitous sores, enhance healing in labrum tears, rotator cuff tears, knees, hips and even spinal fusions.
Bringing ideas forward at your company - large or small - is something you should almost always do. The opportunity may be your way to the top.
Making the decision to stay in business or pull the plug is a very tough decision but one being faced by more and more small - and large - businesses.
Scott Martin, one of the highest earning professional bass fishermen on the tour in 2011 has joined the Bruiser Baits Pro Staff team! He has chosen these plastic baits which to me is an indicator of the quality and difference they make in the opportunity to catch fish.
Selling requires the lost art of listening to your customer or prospects needs. Matching up your products with your customer's needs leads to long term relationships and happy customers.
Venison has fed Americans and others world-wide forever. It turns out to be a very high protein, low fat, valuable source of nutrition. I plan to take full advantage of our 12 deer limit in Georgia this year.
Deciding you are going to do your job every day requires the right mental attitude. Realizing just because there are hurdles doesn't mean people don't do business with people. Sure, there are nuances in your business, business principals ultimately rule.
Are you in sales? Constantly reminding yourself of what your job is makes it more likely to succeed. Focus is the key!
Obama is willing to give his favorite unions billions - but you don't hear anything about the value of the productive jobs in the space industry. What an idiot.
Rich folks can buy what they "want." How do you find something to give someone of means that can be meaningful?
I just planted my fall crop of broccoli September 1. Collards, cabbage, and a number of other frost hardy veggies can still be planted for a later crop.
Nothing gets me more than a vegan extolling the virtues of eating tofu and nuts because it is better for them and the environment. Nothing is further from the truth.
My father constantly told me if my bait wasn't in the water it was unlikely I'd catch any fish. If you don't take the chance at succeeding, you can't have the possibility of success.
When big companies can't hire, and when government decides it is time for paying for 200 year old issues calling it "infrastructure," it is time for the rest of us to build our own way out.
What did I learn that I felt was worthy of passing on to the next generation? Other than not screwing up with money, what are the other valuable concepts to continue?
Plan ahead this year, gather your own wild fresh fruit and put some up for the rest of the year. Canning isn't that hard, can be done in any kitchen that can boil water and is fun! It makes a great gift too!
Kings, Red Snapper, Grouper, Wahoo, it is time for a trip to the coast for some real fun! Go inshore for trout and reds!
First impressions count - and elevator speeches are critical. Know how to peak your prospects interest in what you have in 30 seconds or less.
Durable goods, medical devices, many high dollar items - or services, require patience, persistence and a defined plan that is adjustable to changes in the market.
Dr. Jackson asked me to paddle him around the lake so he could fly fish. By the end of the morning I had learned something to take with me the rest of my life.
You sold them something once, it is proven, fertile ground. So why aren't you going back to the same folks you already have a relationship with? If nothing else, they can be the key to new prospects through their own interactions and contact.
I have had both my children graduate at least once from college. I've never been more proud of either of it is up to them...
Organic designation is probably the biggest lie to the consumer available. But it does sell products. Does it really matter to your body if a potato has been irradiated so it doesn't sprout? Or if I sprayed beer on my tomato plants to keep off aphids?
How do you take advantage of your experience, knowledge, education, and years of hard work to get the next job instead of being put at the bottom of the pile because of your age? Here are some thoughts.
From my earliest childhood fishing trips to now, plastic worms have been my favorite bait. Improving on the tried and true is Bruiser Baits new line of plastic worm offerings.
Sure the job market is tough, so? Why not finally give it a go with that idea you have had floating around in your head for years? Nothing will be more fulfilling.
Starting up in the service industry is a lot different than manufacturing. What are those differences? What are the risks and the pitfalls? Explore these with the Inventurist.
Service business or manufacturing? Which is best as a new entrepreneur?
What kind of company are you going to build? Who are the customers you are going to serve? What must come with the why - figure it out...
Creating your next new job can be within your current employer, within a potential new employer or as your own boss. Figure through the maze...
Can't find a job, invent one, or invent something others need - product or service. It isn't that hard and there are a lot of people out there that will help if you ask.