Who Is Your Role Model, And Whom Would You Like Your Kids To Follow?

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  1. quicksand profile image83
    quicksandposted 12 years ago

    Who Is Your Role Model, And Whom Would You Like Your Kids To Follow?

    You have a seven year old kid and you are gladdened to notice some amazing traits in him. So you begin to map out plans for his future. In whose footsteps would you like him to follow? Whom, in your opinion need be followed by the younger generation and copied in every action, attitude, and personality? It could be any famous person living or deceased, belonging to any era. Do you think there is anyone worthy of being followed as a role model, or would you like him to "just be himself" irrespective of what he grows up into? Whose footprints would you point to him and say "that way please?"

  2. A Little TRUTH profile image79
    A Little TRUTHposted 12 years ago

    Although there are many excellent examples of loving, giving people of great moral character and integrity, I don’t fix myself on a role model and neither do my children. We can certainly learn from such people, and point out their good qualities to our children; but I follow my own dreams and my children follow theirs.

    Caution is needed in specifying any public figure since much or all of what is known about him or her comes through the banker owned and controlled media, which is carefully tailored to lead the masses to believe - exactly what they want us to believe.

    1. quicksand profile image83
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Quite true, but there have been great people whose greatness can be easily be observed without relying on any media reports. Hint: They left footprints in far away places!

  3. TeaPartyCrasher profile image63
    TeaPartyCrasherposted 12 years ago

    I have several, but Nelson Mandela, Rafael Nadal and Georges St, Pierre are all people I could see any young person looking up to!

    1. quicksand profile image83
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, you've picked well. Thanks for posting here. smile

  4. shasha123 profile image72
    shasha123posted 12 years ago

    My mom, dad and grandmother were my first role models. I am not saying that my parents got it all right.  I am saying that I took the positive and learned from the negative and applied them to my own life. And by doing that I hope became a positive role model for my kids so that in return they become positive role models for their kids.  Thanks for the question quicksand!

    1. quicksand profile image83
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, it's right living that matters in the end. Refraining from the evils that the world presents to you is of utmost importance. Fame is not the least important and should not be sacrificed for ethics. Thanks for responding. smile

  5. James-wolve profile image77
    James-wolveposted 12 years ago

    Many to mention but the most outstanding and good to follow is the prophet Mohamed peace be upon him because he has been been endowed with a life that is an epitome of success. He was born an orphan and rose to become a ruler of integrity. Each of the different phases of his life provides examples for anyone who wishes to emulate it for righteous living.
    The Prophet's character alone is a paragon of virtue, a model for all men,women,kids.

    1. quicksand profile image83
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sure, you should encourage your kids follow someone who's been a paragon of virtue. Thank you for responding. smile


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