What is the component that must be present in a song that causes you to come bac

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  1. Diane Woodson profile image60
    Diane Woodsonposted 11 years ago

    What is the component that must be present in a song that causes you to come back and listen again?

    Its your call here, please give details!


  2. Flixya profile image56
    Flixyaposted 11 years ago

    just say I love it.................its awesome...........................really awesome.

    1. Diane Woodson profile image60
      Diane Woodsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank YOU Flixya His songs are not  easily described by this writer.

  3. Angela Blair profile image70
    Angela Blairposted 11 years ago

    Having been in the music business for over 40 years and knowing lots of musicians/songwriters there's an old rule about hit songs that goes something like: If you can dance to it, cry to it or drink to it -- you've probably got a hit! I'd add another to that list -- if a song is unusual AND humorous -- something main stream America can appreciate, you also have a hit. A good example is a tune my brother, Steven Fromholz wrote called "I Gave Her A Ring --  She Gave Me the Finger."

  4. Beata Stasak profile image78
    Beata Stasakposted 11 years ago

    The right words that catch your attention in the right moment and the beat, that somehow add to your own heartbeat...but also the meaningful words, that make you stop and think and the melody with it that takes you on the wing of imagination...it is hard to pin point, but usually you know when you hit the right tone and write the words that just flow with it...

  5. Billie Kelpin profile image85
    Billie Kelpinposted 11 years ago

    "...it goes like this, the 4th, the 5th, the minor fall, the major lift..."  I have no idea what that means but Leonard Cohen seems to, and I'm trusting that "baffled King composing "Hallejulah" and all of you who give the rest of us such wonderful gifts just know instinctively what it is. Being a word person, lyrics that I can use in my life make me keep coming back.  "the wind shuts the open door, the wind shuts the open door, there, I almost got caught again"; "Whispering Jesse rode right by my side;" "I'm going back some day, come what may to Blue Bayou, where the folks are fine and the world is mine;"  "The oil king sits on his arrogant throne, away and above and apart;" "Little things I should have said and done, I just never took the time, you were always on my mind, you were always on my mind;"  "You gotta get up and try, try, try"  (Love the picture at the piano)

  6. profile image0
    Rayne123posted 11 years ago

    I really dont agree with the woman  that said, if you can dance/sing/cry to it, you probably have a hit, however just my opinion, you may have a hit but you may not have a song that touches the heart.

    There are certain componets that contribute to a good song/artist. The way it is performed, the performer, the truth behind the song and their stage presence. It has to tell a story, a believable story.

    I have heard the same song, sung by other artists and it doesnt work for me.
    I may not be in the music business but sometimes the outsider knows best. I have this knack for picking the singers/songs.

    I also have heard performers perform a lie. They sing what they believe to be true but in reality they strike me as a lie they are living.

    I am picky when it comes to artists ,there are few far and in between that make me come back to listen.

    A few that I will listen to over and over.
    Cher, her stage presence is on the top. That is a big factor, if the performer has a lack of stage presence they have nothing. Confidence is a plus

    I like Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson, her voice is not only powerful but she is down to earth, she sings what she believes, fans are based on truth.
    Donny and Marie based on truth
    Susan Boyle is liked because she didnt become stuck up or change her image. She is what she is and she sings from the heart. Hence why she made it big.
    Adele, Beyonce, her dancing is the bomb.

    Not too many that strike my fancy.
    Eminem I was not too crazy about his songs or his performances, however he has admitted about his past and has come from a dark side and actually I have to admit he is one of the best rappers out there.
    His song .......`not afraid`was a song that took him from a dark place back into the light, and it is very inspirational especially for Em. so that song really has meaning to it.

    Then there is Chris Rene, he wrote many of his songs if not all. He credits his second chance to God and his inspiration comes from above and his family. His past gave him the motivations for his writing. This is where he is suppose to be. His songs are upbeat and truth and I can listen to them over and over.

    So with that said, those are the few components that a performer must have before I go back for seconds. Truth in the artist is number one.
    I could name more that are phoney than genuine actually.


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