I just found out that I have MILD FATTY LIVER.. Need to know if anyone else has

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  1. Deborah Brooks profile image60
    Deborah Brooksposted 11 years ago

    I just found out that I have MILD FATTY LIVER.. Need to know if anyone else has it and what to eat.

    Can anyone tell me What to eat and drink or what to stay away from if I have Mild Fatty Liver.. and what causes it?.. I know I must stay away from alcohol that it is very harmful. ...


  2. profile image0
    Rayne123posted 11 years ago


    Well to be honest I have never heard of this before.

  3. carol7777 profile image75
    carol7777posted 11 years ago

    yes I have heard of this and have known a few people who have it. It is said that eating a diet of fresh produce, whole grains and keeping away from processed foods would be good. Just keeping a very clean diet away from high glycemic foods might be good. Did some research....and I am sure you have also. I know it has nothing to do with alcoholic beverages. Keep us posted on your progress.

    1. Deborah Brooks profile image60
      Deborah Brooksposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Carol thank you.. I goggled it and I didn't understand a lot.. thanks for your answer.. I appreciate it

  4. Sparklea profile image60
    Sparkleaposted 11 years ago

    Deborah, did you google it?  I always google any diagnosis that comes my way, and, most often, it calms me down.

    For a few years all x-rays I have had show I have at least 2 or 3 cysts on my liver.  The doctor said this happens as we get older and he is very UN-concerned about it. 

    As for diet I don't know...I guess common sense?  I had major surgery a few months ago and the internet listed tons of food restrictions but my surgeon says I do not have to restrict my diet at all.

    That being said, I'm still going to be careful.  I don't do alcohol either, and I think one of the secrets of choosing what to eat is balance.  Don't overeat too much of the same thing.

    A relative of mine has a hamburger almost every night...after she goes to a bar and drinks.  I don't think that is a good diet regimen.Not being critical, but I worry about her health.  She is also a smoker, and has had part of her colon removed.

    In the meantime I suggest you LIVE YOUR LIFE.  Have a sundae every few weeks!  Or an ice cream cone.  I feel good by being biorhymthmic...I eat at the same time every day, go to bed around the same time every night and I don't snack in between meals.  Be kind to your body, but don't over-restrict.

    These are all just my personal opinions.

    One thing I know, you are a gorgeous lady and I can tell you take good care of yourself...and you are going to be fine.

    Blessings Sparklea )

    1. Deborah Brooks profile image60
      Deborah Brooksposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you dear friend.. what a great answer.. you have made me feel so much better about everything.. Now those hamburgers every night would make me sick..lol.. I love my vegetables and fruits.. you are so nice. thank you again.

    2. profile image0
      Rayne123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      calms you down or makes it worse. Sometimes when I have something and I google it, I think I have what they suggest it could be so you start to worry about it more.

  5. kj force profile image61
    kj forceposted 11 years ago

    Deborah....sorry to hear, but do not fear..mild liver fatty disease is easily reversible. It's simply a matter of reducing your body fat and adding exercise to your daily routine, about 90 minutes a week Choose your meals carefully and decreasing your consumption of fatty foods can also reverse the condition , replace high-fat foods with fat-free or low-fat alternatives--fruits, whole grains , legumes and vegetables. It is also a good idea to drink " lemon water " as it is a natural cleanser for the organs..start your day with either warm or cold fresh squeezed lemon in water....I have had this condition, so I speak with experience...and yes avoid alcohol as it only increases more discomfort in an already ailing liver...hope this helped...

    1. Deborah Brooks profile image60
      Deborah Brooksposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      thank you dear heart.. i am upping my workout program... and drinking more lemon water thank you.. you are amazing.. great answered,,

    2. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, lemon water is great!  My sister gets a lemon and cuts it in half and squeezes it into warm water and drinks a glass a day.  It is very helpful for cleansing your body.  One can always Google it, but asking your doctor is best.  Love you

  6. artist101 profile image62
    artist101posted 11 years ago


    The natural supplement for kidney, or liver function is Milk Thistle, no matter what the cause. Will help to rejuvenate, and rebuild the liver, proven in many clinical trials to be very effective in improving liver, and kidney function as well. Stay away from the amino acids as they are utilized through liver, and may cause a problem, as well as high protein drinks, and supplements. A very effective way to utilize any supplement is sublingual, under the tongue. This route of administration is directly into the blood stream, and bypasses the liver completely, thereby utilizing the supplement fully. The way to do this is to buy a supplement in liquid form, and put under the tongue available through Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Botanic-Choice-Ex … id+extract
    Botanical choice is an excellent brand, manufactured in Hobart, my home town, which I recommend Highly!! Manufactured to USP standards, and guaranteed consistency, and strength stated on the bottle. USP means united states pharmaceutical grade. The usual dosage for milk thistle is 400mg twice a day. I used it to clear out toxins and so forth, as Drs found bacterial infection, and doing much better now.

    1. Deborah Brooks profile image60
      Deborah Brooksposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      awesome.. thank you .. I will order it right away..

    2. artist101 profile image62
      artist101posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are very welcome. I hope it helps, like it did me.

  7. profile image52
    MichelleHRNposted 6 years ago

    I too have this as a 'diagnosis' but recently discovered possible issues with my common biliary duct. I had my gallbladder out 13 years ago and was not 'careful' with my diet. I await the results of my MRCP. I have since this began been more careful with my diet but discovered I cannot even eat peanut butter.  At this moment I am eating fruits and vegetables that are specific to targeting thinning out the bile, reducing saturated fats which have been replaced by fish and avocados, drinking tons of green tea and have returned to using turmeric. I was diagnosed after my 'first' visit to the ER in May by my PA with a 'fatty' liver. However, it could be I have a common duct blockage and experience pain when there is bile released in response to eating the wrong type of fats. I am also doing weight bearing exercises. It is very scary when your liver enzymes increase from May until now and it's blamed on a fatty liver. I thought I had made enough changes but obviously not. This has taken a toll on my life as a nurse having been sent home from the urgent care I am employed at a few times as I could not function. I wish you well in your journey and stay in touch with your physician/practitioner. Ps. I do not over use alcohol nor have I EVER used IV drugs. smile


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