What is the best and effective way to increase stamina naturally ?

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  1. dghbrh profile image81
    dghbrhposted 11 years ago

    What is the best and effective way to increase stamina naturally ?

  2. artist101 profile image65
    artist101posted 11 years ago


    Increase the consumption of good fats, and protein. Reduce sugar, and empty carbs. Sugar only gives you a boost for the moment, and empty carbs cause fatigue. Increase water consumption, just being dehydrated can cause muscle weakness, lethargy, and fatigue. Among one of the best protein supplements is whey protein.Avaiable here http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8 … lias%3Daps If you are concerned about gaining weight, replace a meal with a protein drink. Skipping meals can also contribute to fatigue. B complex vitamins are also a good way to acheive a boost. For other recommendations read my article http://artist101.hubpages.com/hub/Natur … d-Function

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Many thanks for your reply here. I am sure concerned about weight gain. I will visit the hubs you have mentioned here.

  3. chef-de-jour profile image100
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    A sure way to increase stamina is to gradually develop muscle strength (and muscle memory) over time by challenging the body through exercise and activities as well as stretching the mental processes. In some ways they go together and true stamina is only achieved when mind and body are united.

    A walker for example might want to slowly lengthen the distance they walk over a number of weeks/months in order to go long distance walking. Building stamina is a question of adequate training and sensible diet.

    Whilst diet is important I think the physical and mental regimes hold the key. Of course you need sufficient lean proteins, good fats and sugars to maintain a foundation but without challenging exercise and regular doses of it I don't think stamina will be built.

    Bottom line is it's up to the individual to decide just what sort of regime they need or want and for what purpose. I can say with experience that consistency is paramount;it's about building up, without too much stress, with enough calorie intake and a sensible attitude to it all.

    I have a couple of hubs on similar topics that may help - one on natural weight loss and the other on healthy breakfasts!

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Many thanks for your comprehensive reply here.

  4. Abby Campbell profile image70
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    As a nutritionist, I would have to say that diet is key to everything that has to do with our bodies. Getting the appropriate nutrients (i.e., vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients) will help our bodies have the energy to workout physically and focus mentally, Some supplements that may help you include Vitamin B Complex, as well as Maca. There are so many wonderful benefits from both of these.

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Its quite help full and thank you very much indeed.

  5. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 11 years ago

    Thank you my dear friend, Deergha. I am not an expert here. I also do have my problems. I have tried various things for years, without much success. I believe that you have been given great advice so far. I'm only adding the spiritual aspect as I feel it applies to me. Nothing is without a root cause, and sometimes I feel that one needs to find the cause and deal with it, before the problem goes, even if it's weight gain. Minor contribution, here, perhaps, but let everything work in harmony, and of course do these other things as well. Loving thoughts.

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Many thanks for your guidance here. I quite agree with you here. Have a good day ahead:-)

  6. ChitrangadaSharan profile image95
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    Good question and some very good answers! While I am not an expert, but speaking from day today experience, a combination of factors are responsible for increasing stamina.
    First of all, You have to eat well, that is sensibly---avoid junk food, fats, excess salt and sugar. Include more fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables. Have control on portions.
    Secondly, regular exercise and brisk walk is a must, at least for 40 to 50 minutes everyday.
    Thirdly, get periodical health check ups, to reassure that you do not have any health issues or deficiency problem of essential nutrients. So that you can program your health routine accordingly.
    Fourth, Sleep well and drink enough water.
    Take care!

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Many thanks.........you have covered some very vital points for boosting up our stamina. You too take care:-)

  7. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 11 years ago

    So far I tested and found that swimming is one of the best way to increase my stamina. I swam 50 laps a day and slowly increased to 100 laps. It has the effect of expanding my lungs and now my breathing is much constant when running.

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great tips. Thanks you.

  8. Man of Strength profile image68
    Man of Strengthposted 11 years ago

    To increase stamina quickly, I'd say grab a jump rope and start skipping. In a short amount of time your endurance will build quickly.

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Many thanks for your kind advice here.

  9. Mark Ryan Briones profile image61
    Mark Ryan Brionesposted 11 years ago

    By getting enough sleep, and proper mindset.
    By also drinking the recommended amount liters of water per day will increase all our body's effectiveness, so as preserving our energy.
    Be more than of positive all the time, for negative energies will just drain our energy.

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your reply here.

  10. WalterPoon profile image71
    WalterPoonposted 11 years ago

    I think the best and most effective way to increase stamina naturally is to exercise. But people like me are just too lazy to do so. So what's the best alternative? I'm still searching... if you should find the answer, do let me know, LOL.

    1. dghbrh profile image81
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sure will do......thank you:-)

  11. Steve Burgess profile image57
    Steve Burgessposted 10 years ago

    Join a gym. There are experts working at such facilities that can help you to access your level of fitness. They can also help you to customize a workout plan that is going to increase stamina. Make sure you tell them that is one of the desired outcomes you want from your workout sessions.


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