Was Richard Nixon The Worst Crook We Ever Had As President?

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  1. crazyhorsesghost profile image72
    crazyhorsesghostposted 10 years ago

    Was Richard Nixon The Worst Crook We Ever Had As President?

    Was Richard Nixon the worst crook we ever had as U.S. President? What do you think? What did you think of Richard Nixon? How will future history judge Richard Nixon? What do you think? What president do you think was the biggest crook? Tell us all about it. I'm waiting to see what everyone has to say about this.


  2. Man of Strength profile image71
    Man of Strengthposted 10 years ago

    To be honest, no politician should ever be trusted. I think Nixon was the only one to be caught in an enormous magnitude.

  3. LandmarkWealth profile image67
    LandmarkWealthposted 10 years ago

    Richard Nixon was caught lying to cover up a petty burglary, that by all accounts he had know prior knowledge of before it happened.  There are a number of other things that he did that I did not agree with, that would not meet the definition of a crook.   But if lying it to cover up a petty burglary makes him a crook, then how does that compare to the current administration. 

    The President went to the UN and told the world that the attack on Benghazi was motivated by some obscure video weeks after he knew that wasn't true.   He told us that the targeting of US taxpayer through the IRS was the result of a few rogue agents weeks after the White House knew it wasn't true.  Then we were told the WH had just found about it, when in fact we later learned that they knew well in advance of the election.  Poor Jay Carney has been made a fool of having to deliver the Presidents messages and then change his story almost weekly in front of his piers.

    The point it that every administration has had their dark secrets, some much worse than others. Some I have been more supportive of than others.  But none are completely clean.  But in comparison to Watergate, this administration and several others make Nixon look like a choir boy.

    Nixon was not very supportive of the limited gov't that most conservatives are in favor of.  He was the true country club Republican.  I would personally prefer to critique him on policy decisions that I greatly disagreed with.  Price and wage controls...Leaving Bretton Woods...etc.  That is a far more productive discussion.  Because if we are going to compare who was caught in more lies...We'd have to wait for the end of this Presidents term to see if he rivals the Clintons long before we compare him to Nixon.  Although I think he has way surpassed them in the misleading department already.

    1. crazyhorsesghost profile image72
      crazyhorsesghostposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great well thought out answer. Enjoyed reading your answer there.

  4. Laura Schneider profile image84
    Laura Schneiderposted 10 years ago

    I certainly hope Nixon was the worst, but I wouldn't be surprised. Clinton sleeping with the intern girl--wow, THAT's a shocker (nottt!). (Why it's anyone's business but Hillary's is a shock, though. Just destracted him from running the government.) Hoover was no prince, persecuting innocent people on trumped-up charges. Kennedy was a pretty-boy (who slept with more than ONE person other than his wife on a regular basis, but we forget that), but mostly ineffective. Johnson actually got it in gear and completed most of Kennedy's projects. Carter's head was in a noose his entire presidency, so it's not surprising that the Iranian hostages weren't freed until the day after Reagan was sworn into office--just to spite him. Carter had to be the most honest president next to Abe Lincoln, at least, because he was flat broke when he left office. Obama is plagued by a highly polarized congress and nation, under a too-fine microscope at all times, yet we blame him for not accomplishing "anything" (what president could with this congress?), though Obamacare is a godsend to the people who need it as are many of his other successes, hence his Nobel Peace prize.

    Worst presidential crook EVER? Not sure if it was Nixon, but in recent history (Nixon and beyond): yes, he's probably the worst crook or we'd have started hearing about it through the unofficial, shameless biographers of the world who are out to make a buck at someone else's expense, denying anything positive they may have done while in office. Bottom feeders can find something wrong and blow it way out of proportion for no reason if they want to, and the bigger they are the harder they fall. (Have I used enough cliches?)

    1. LandmarkWealth profile image67
      LandmarkWealthposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Obamacare is a real godsend to the 15k UPS workers who's spouses just lost their insurance because of it.  Along with the countless others getting dropped.  Anybody who passed Econ 101 could have seen this coming...Except the President apparently

  5. suzettenaples profile image88
    suzettenaplesposted 10 years ago

    No, he wasn't the worst crook, he just got caught.  There have been many presidential scandals and crooked presidents before our time.  I don't remember them all now, but the one's I do remember are the Teapot Dome scandal and FDR tried to stack the Supreme Court with judges of his choosing and he tried for or maybe he did get a third presidential term.  Reagan was involved in the Iran-Contra affair.  So, it is not only Nixon who was tricky.

  6. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 7 years ago

    Not at all. Nixon did not know about the bungled burglary, but he made the mistake of covering it up thinking that it was probably a minor affair, in the beginning, and that it would blow over. When Nixon resigned, the world, i.e., international leaders were shocked because they respected him greatly. As for who really was a crook, I'd have to go with the Clintons.
    Anyway, rest assured, if Hillary gets back in the White House you can expect more of the lies and corruption she has become accustomed to. The Clinton's wrote the book on "How to be a Crook and Get Away With it."


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