Does Hubpages miss me? So what's new? And where do I start again?

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  1. theraggededge profile image87
    theraggededgeposted 6 years ago

    Hi Tess,

    I wondered where you had gone. Welcome back smile

    Nothing much has changed in the last couple of months. You are aware of the Maven takeover, aren't you?

    I think that word count when writing hubs is just a guide. I've written lots with many more.

    As to your view count. I'm not sure about that.

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 6 years ago

      I would be absolutely amazed if the total views is not the sum of the "ever" column for all the hubs.  Which means that yes, the total will drop if you delete hubs.

      Does it really matter?  How important is that accolade to you?  How badly do you want to get rid of hubs?

      1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
        Sherry Hewinsposted 6 years ago

        wilderness is correct; if you delete a hub, any views they have will be deleted from your total.

      2. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image76
        Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

        I've close to 300 pages here. I bet I've deleted well over 100 over the course of 8 years. Most of those weren't especially good webpages, but at one time I thought, 'screw it, this thing has ten thousand views? I don't care. I don't like it. I can do this same thing much much better.'

        Delete, and when the page is actually gone after 24 hours or so, the total view count will be adjusted downward.

        1. Jean Bakula profile image87
          Jean Bakulaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          I've deleted hubs that were on niches, but because I came to dislike them too. I don't think I suffered from it.

          Usually I come back and write something different. Or write about the same thing, only express it better the second time around.

        2. paradigmsearch profile image59
          paradigmsearchposted 6 years ago

          Yep. Personal experience. When hubs are deleted, the total does indeed drop.

        3. Natalie Frank profile image92
          Natalie Frankposted 6 years ago

          Welcome back, Tess.  Absence may not make the heart grow fonder but you were indeed missed. Have you had success on Medium?  I have written a few things there to try and see if I can earn something extra as my earnings never seem to go up here no matter how many views I get.  400 views is a buck fifty to two bucks so is 600 or 1000.  Don't know how that is but it just is.  Medium is a bit odd as income is based on "claps" but only for those who have bought a membership and then you get a small percentage of their monthly fee based on how many articles they clapped for.  I have earned 6-10 dollars on a couple of articles the first week they were up, another couple of bucks but then it stagnated.  I seem to be spreading myself too thin, trying to keep up with a bunch of social media sites, bookmarking sites, Medium and HP.  I need to streamline.  I guess everyone gets into that position at some point or another.  Congrats on the ebooks!  That takes a lot of perseverance.  Hope you stick around!

        4. Kenna McHugh profile image93
          Kenna McHughposted 6 years ago

          Welcome back!

          1. lobobrandon profile image76
            lobobrandonposted 6 years ago

            Nice to see you back on the forums smile Btw, out of topic. But how is the water situation in Cape Town right now? It's been off the news for a while.

            1. profile image0
              TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              GDPR Deleted

              1. lobobrandon profile image76
                lobobrandonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I see. Yes, there is a scare of both in that region and many other regions around the world. I hope they work to make things better.

                1. profile image0
                  TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  GDPR Deleted

                  1. lobobrandon profile image76
                    lobobrandonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    That's good. There are still many in power who say climate change is a hoax. It was the same when the ozone hole was getting bigger, many in power said it was a scam.

                    1. profile image0
                      RTalloniposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                      Not sure anyone truly believes climate change is a hoax, though they may use the phrasing because those promoting all of the phrases connected to it have confused the related theories. Everyone knows the climate has always and will always change.

                      Water is a precious commodity and in areas where people over build usage needs to be managed properly. The earth is a closed water system that people need to better understand and work with in order to face population concentration issues. Over population is not the problem, but over concentration of populations creates issues. 

                      Just as people in hurricane prone areas need to be prepared to deal with all that can happen when a large one hits, growth in areas prone to drought need to realize that if there is an over concentration of people/buildings they need to be prepared for times of drought. The best case scenario for people who do not have a backup plan in these sorts of situations is displacement.

                      1. profile image0
                        TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                        GDPR Deleted

                        1. lobobrandon profile image76
                          lobobrandonposted 6 years agoin reply to this


                        2. DrMark1961 profile image99
                          DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                          Only in America? What about communist China?

                          1. lobobrandon profile image76
                            lobobrandonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                            Communist China is pushing for green energy more than any other country in the world right now. Mr. Trump says China invented the term to take down the US economy, so even he knows Communist China is better than the US in this aspect. Read this for instance: … hange.html

                            1. DrMark1961 profile image99
                              DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                              Really interesting. Thanks.

                            2. wilderness profile image89
                              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                              I'm not sure that China's push for green energy has much to do with climate change; I would guess they are more concerned with not killing off half their population with intense pollution.

                          2. profile image0
                            TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                            GDPR Deleted

                            1. DrMark1961 profile image99
                              DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                              Yes, I do read. Amazingly enough, we have education here in Brazil. What we do not have is massive rows of factories leading to even more global warming.
                              Forgive me, but do you think that is okay?

            2. EricDockett profile image92
              EricDockettposted 6 years ago

              This thread made me chuckle.

              Starts out as "Does HubPages miss me" and quickly devolves into the OP and others hurling insults at the American people, American business and the American President.

              I suppose it would be useless to point out the irony of this happening courtesy of a platform created by an American company via American capitalism which has a disproportionately huge American audience whom many of the critics here profit from.

              I got a laugh out of it, anyway.

              1. theraggededge profile image87
                theraggededgeposted 6 years agoin reply to this


              2. lobobrandon profile image76
                lobobrandonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                It's not pointing fingers at America if you read it through. It's more of trying to open the eyes of people to the problems of the world. Capitalism and democracy have nothing to do with the bigger picture and everyone needs to work together. But I'm out of this thread, some people are just too boundary centric and can't see wider. Boundaries are man-made. Most of them didn't exist 200 - 300 years ago.

            3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image76
              Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

              I'm literally ashamed that I didn't vote for Trump. I'm going to get it right this time though, and in 2020. I can see US democrats for what they are now. I'm voting Republican all the way in November, and I'm going to proudly vote for Trump in 2020.

            4. lobobrandon profile image76
              lobobrandonposted 6 years ago

              I don't want to bring this forum thread alive again, so please do not reply to this post, send me an email if you want to. Check this out:


              (begin quote) republicans, previously: there's no need to reduce fossil fuel emissions because climate change isn't real

              republicans, now: there's no need to reduce fossil fuel emissions because climate change is unavoidable (end quote)

              I personally don't have the time nor motivation to look into that report, but quite a few well-informed people have commented on it.

            5. Sherry Hewins profile image87
              Sherry Hewinsposted 6 years ago

              You guys really are kind of piling on here.


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