Hi Tess,
I wondered where you had gone. Welcome back
Nothing much has changed in the last couple of months. You are aware of the Maven takeover, aren't you?
I think that word count when writing hubs is just a guide. I've written lots with many more.
As to your view count. I'm not sure about that.
I would be absolutely amazed if the total views is not the sum of the "ever" column for all the hubs. Which means that yes, the total will drop if you delete hubs.
Does it really matter? How important is that accolade to you? How badly do you want to get rid of hubs?
wilderness is correct; if you delete a hub, any views they have will be deleted from your total.
I've close to 300 pages here. I bet I've deleted well over 100 over the course of 8 years. Most of those weren't especially good webpages, but at one time I thought, 'screw it, this thing has ten thousand views? I don't care. I don't like it. I can do this same thing much much better.'
Delete, and when the page is actually gone after 24 hours or so, the total view count will be adjusted downward.
I've deleted hubs that were on niches, but because I came to dislike them too. I don't think I suffered from it.
Usually I come back and write something different. Or write about the same thing, only express it better the second time around.
Yep. Personal experience. When hubs are deleted, the total does indeed drop.
Welcome back, Tess. Absence may not make the heart grow fonder but you were indeed missed. Have you had success on Medium? I have written a few things there to try and see if I can earn something extra as my earnings never seem to go up here no matter how many views I get. 400 views is a buck fifty to two bucks so is 600 or 1000. Don't know how that is but it just is. Medium is a bit odd as income is based on "claps" but only for those who have bought a membership and then you get a small percentage of their monthly fee based on how many articles they clapped for. I have earned 6-10 dollars on a couple of articles the first week they were up, another couple of bucks but then it stagnated. I seem to be spreading myself too thin, trying to keep up with a bunch of social media sites, bookmarking sites, Medium and HP. I need to streamline. I guess everyone gets into that position at some point or another. Congrats on the ebooks! That takes a lot of perseverance. Hope you stick around!
Nice to see you back on the forums Btw, out of topic. But how is the water situation in Cape Town right now? It's been off the news for a while.
GDPR Deleted
I see. Yes, there is a scare of both in that region and many other regions around the world. I hope they work to make things better.
GDPR Deleted
That's good. There are still many in power who say climate change is a hoax. It was the same when the ozone hole was getting bigger, many in power said it was a scam.
Not sure anyone truly believes climate change is a hoax, though they may use the phrasing because those promoting all of the phrases connected to it have confused the related theories. Everyone knows the climate has always and will always change.
Water is a precious commodity and in areas where people over build usage needs to be managed properly. The earth is a closed water system that people need to better understand and work with in order to face population concentration issues. Over population is not the problem, but over concentration of populations creates issues.
Just as people in hurricane prone areas need to be prepared to deal with all that can happen when a large one hits, growth in areas prone to drought need to realize that if there is an over concentration of people/buildings they need to be prepared for times of drought. The best case scenario for people who do not have a backup plan in these sorts of situations is displacement.
GDPR Deleted
Only in America? What about communist China?
Communist China is pushing for green energy more than any other country in the world right now. Mr. Trump says China invented the term to take down the US economy, so even he knows Communist China is better than the US in this aspect. Read this for instance: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/19/worl … hange.html
Yup. China is a role model for the rest of the world when it comes to trying to go Green. They do have one of the highest pollution indexes in the world, but that's because they buy waste from the West and it's a huge cradle of manufacturing for the world. They recently decided to stop doing this and put the health of their people first.
When you have a communist rule, I guess you need to make sure your people are somewhat happy. In a diplomacy, you can blame the past and other parties. I'd still not want to live there though.
I'm not sure that China's push for green energy has much to do with climate change; I would guess they are more concerned with not killing off half their population with intense pollution.
GDPR Deleted
Of course it's a good thing. It just isn't being done for the altruistic reason of global warming, and to applaud their efforts on global warming is nonsense. I have a really hard time believing that the upper echelon of China politics cares about anything outside their personal life. Any more than the majority of politicians anywhere does.
Of course I'm rather jaded on politicians and don't trust any of them as far as I could thrown them (always with a few exceptions, of course).
I feel the same way. They are polluting the enviroment so badly that people are not even able to breathe, but as long as they come along and say "we are against global warming" some persons are going to think they are a bunch of great politicians.
GDPR Deleted
No, despite what you choose to believe, they have placed industry way above any enviormental concerns. Their government is centralized, so if they really did want to change things as much as they have convinced you it would be easy.
Their pork industry is a good example. The Chinese central farms feed tons of antibiotics to their pigs every year, and then dump the sewage into the rivers. Centralized farms, owned by the people (which is the goverment.)
GDPR Deleted
Don't blame the president, he is a JA, but he's got loads of supporters. So something is wrong with the people in general. They need to get out of their bubble.
Living in Europe I have met so many travelers from the US who have literally thought that Europe is one country and were baffled when they arrived. They thought Paris was the capital of Europe. I'm darn sure this is not the majority or any decent proportion, but these people have at least a high school degree. Something's wrong lol.
Before someone says why does China have so many people or why does India have so many people, I'd like to clarify. The lands in these two countries are super fertile and the middle east and south-east Asia were the cradle of human civilization for millennia. Over time, the population grew in these regions because of the conditions, it was just not possible in other regions until the industrial revolution and the potato boom. That's when the rest of the world's population exploded, while this region maintained it's growth. Yes, they need to control their growth and a lot is being done to achieve this.
I make it a point to cross reference my stuff too and I see that I talk to locals about the stuff before I set my mind on stuff. That's the whole reason I asked you about the situation in Cape Town. Who better to ask than someone living there.
GDPR Deleted
Yup, wasn't an argument against what you said, I just wanted to add to it.
Trump has done more for the USA in less than 2 years than Obama and Bush did in 16.
If you are still so naive at this point that you believe that research cannot be manipulated I feel sorry for you.
Yes, you choose to believe.
luckily some of us know how to tell truth from lies.
GDPR Deleted
Wow, are your powers of persuasion really so bad that you feel it necessary to stoop to a personal attack?
GDPR Deleted
When a person makes a comment like yours, they aren't done, they never started.
"I'm done".
"But I just can't resist one last barb..."
Give it a rest. Tess, there's no need to be like this here. You can state a point of view without making personal, unfounded attacks. Think before you press Send. Re-read your intended comment and ask yourself how you would feel being on the receiving end of it.
GDPR Deleted
I really don't care about your views. As far as I am concerned you are free to express them till the cows come home.
However, I do object to you singling out someone's education in a denigrating fashion in order to undermine their point of view. It's rude, unnecessary and unacceptable.
I am not sure why you feel it necessary to denigrate my education. You have appearantly honed the skill of personal attacks by participating in the topical forums.
After all, the political forums teach you that anyone that does not feel EXACTLY like you do is obviously wrong. Or is that what they taught in your school?
I think the reason that you disappeared from the forums for so long is that you were banned because of your repeated personal attacks. Do you feel it necessary to attack anyone that disagrees with you?
It does not make you appear superior in any way. Why do you behave like that?
Trump is the single greatest POTUS of my lifetime.
GDPR Deleted
Sure they're ahead...as their farmers still use oxen and wooden plows in the fields.
China builds a new high tech, beautiful city...that no one lives in because there is nothing to do there. So they force people out of their homes into the city, where they country is forced to support them because there is nothing to do there.
China is great at blowing it's own horn, but all it has is a handful of projects, while the millions of peasants see no change at all.
You choose to believe what they want you to believe. I choose to believe their actions.
I choose to believe what I saw and the locals I've spoken to. I also believe the Chinese researches I work alongside with.
You live in a green coutry. The actions of the Germans are in line with what they say. The Chinese pollute the environment. Even if the government says "we are alll for improvement and want to stop global warming" their actions do not follow their words.
You can blame it on the industries that are producing so much and polluting the environment. Really though, do you think those industries would be allowed to operate if the Chinese goverment was not in favor of them?
Volkswagen, hello. Very green diesel engine tests. Oh, and I meant the time I was in China. I've traveled a lot and lived in a few countries. E-waste from here goes to China and most of the plastic as well. Let's not begin to talk about paper.
But to be honest, this thread reminds me of Indian politics. The blame game instead of saying hey they do that well, why aren't we doing that? Instead of aiming to improve, why not point out the splinter in the eye of a nation across the globe that takes away the focus from me.
Pointing out the splinter in the eye of a nation across the globe. You mean like Tess pointing out "only in America"?
It was the same with the ozone hole. The entire world governments came together not to save the planet, but to save humans from cancer and worse.
Luckily the best way to save humans is to save the environment and so China is definitely doing the right thing. I don't see one government doing it for the sake of "global warming", everyone has ulterior motives, and that's okay in some situations.
GDPR Deleted
Yes, I do read. Amazingly enough, we have education here in Brazil. What we do not have is massive rows of factories leading to even more global warming.
Forgive me, but do you think that is okay?
LOL! Don't you love that Tess is back to insult us?
Yes, I have seen you take some serious hits. They must build you Welshmen with some really thick skin.
They can't handle unadorned sentences.
Am a Cornish woman, by the way Tougher still.
GDPR Deleted
I think so too, all my friends are highly educated, but most rarely read and I know many who believe the fake news. I am often on Reddit and I love it. It's almost always to the point and people know what they are saying most of the times. Anyone who doesn't seem to know what they are talking about is downvoted and you don't even see their posts.
I am often shocked by how little people read. Or that they read the same things, and not anything new to broaden their outlook or knowledge. It's important to look at issues from other points of view.
I read almost a book a day too.
Not too long ago, I was emptying a room to be painted. My friend said, "You would have so much more room if you got rid of all these books." I was stunned, and answered, "I love my books." He couldn't relate.
We have a general dumbing down going on in the U.S. I saw it when my son was in college. I used to look at what he was working on, and it was all the subject matter I learned in High School. He later told me he learned everything he knew from his father and I. He never missed a Dean's list and didn't even try.
It's really a shame. And this country spends a lot of money on Education. But it pays teachers such low salaries, and for some reason it's not a respected field. So it attracts lazy teachers, mostly young women who want to work for a few years until they start a family, and figure they will come back when their children are old enough to begin school. It's straight out of the 1950s.
Brazil can do a lot more for the protection of the Amazon and for this they should be paid by other countries that benefit from their massive, yet rapidly depleting carbon sink. I personally do not buy anything that uses Palm oil, the rainforests in Brazil and Indonesia are burnt down to grow palm trees.
The greatest deforestation I have seen is due to the cattle industry. We have the largest cattle population in the world, and unfortunately it just keeps on growing. A few years ago I visited the relative of a friend up north and he was proud to show off his 1500 hectare ranch, which at one time had been the Amazon rainforest.
Such a waste!
Damn. Yeah, all I know about the deforestation there is from documentaries. Never seen one of these, but yeah I can see that it's a huge thing too.
GDPR Deleted
I wish I had an answer to that. I am not a fan of government interference but so far the only thing I have seen work are laws that require ranchers to conserve land. If someone buys 1000 hectares of forest, he is only allowed to deforest 800 because if he clears it all the government can punish him. (I know that sucks because the fauna need more than 20%, but if that law was not in place the ranchers would strip all of the land.)
Unfortunately this law does not work for much of the land. I am trying to set up a capybara reserve in my swamp land and when the ag people were out recently to measure one of my fences I talked about it and the person said "Oh, but you do not have to do that since you are a smallholder." I know I do not HAVE to do that but if the small ranchers do not do something that 20% law is not going to save our flora and fauna.
From what I have read about your country, many of the large ranches first settled by the Boers are being broken up and turned into small farms. The same thing is happening here, and since the government does not expect the small farmer to keep any of his land in forest, we are losing it.
(I have not seen a Capuchin monkey or sloth in months. I am feeling very pessimistic about this.)
I have a large forest in my back yard (I live in the Atlantic rainforest) and am pretty used to daily visits from bands of Capuchins and marmosets. Sloths are solitary animals so I only saw one once in a while but I have a grove of umbaumba trees next to my house so at times was visited by one of them. (Umbaumba seems to be one of their favorites.) At times I would hear cats too, but have not heard a jaguar in many months. (They are migratory so may just be hunting elsewhere.)
Awesome. I grew up close to a forest, I miss that environment.
This thread made me chuckle.
Starts out as "Does HubPages miss me" and quickly devolves into the OP and others hurling insults at the American people, American business and the American President.
I suppose it would be useless to point out the irony of this happening courtesy of a platform created by an American company via American capitalism which has a disproportionately huge American audience whom many of the critics here profit from.
I got a laugh out of it, anyway.
It's not pointing fingers at America if you read it through. It's more of trying to open the eyes of people to the problems of the world. Capitalism and democracy have nothing to do with the bigger picture and everyone needs to work together. But I'm out of this thread, some people are just too boundary centric and can't see wider. Boundaries are man-made. Most of them didn't exist 200 - 300 years ago.
I'm literally ashamed that I didn't vote for Trump. I'm going to get it right this time though, and in 2020. I can see US democrats for what they are now. I'm voting Republican all the way in November, and I'm going to proudly vote for Trump in 2020.
I don't want to bring this forum thread alive again, so please do not reply to this post, send me an email if you want to. Check this out:
(begin quote) republicans, previously: there's no need to reduce fossil fuel emissions because climate change isn't real
republicans, now: there's no need to reduce fossil fuel emissions because climate change is unavoidable (end quote)
I personally don't have the time nor motivation to look into that report, but quite a few well-informed people have commented on it.
by Andria 15 years ago
Having only joining this two days ago, all I can say is ... it works. I'm too tired to work out the whys etc, I just know that it does. My traffic has already doubled (more than) and that is, I presume, the point.I never was a hubber that had a thousand views per day but perhaps that's achievable...
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How many hubs and months did you take to touch 10000 page views?
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by Mike Pugh 11 years ago
What's the most hub views you've ever received on a single hub.Write an entire hub article about it, if you wish, many new folks would love to know what it took for that cool hot hub to take off, or how you put it together, let us in on some of your juicy secrets, we all would love to know.
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