The Family Bed

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  1. Janet21 profile image81
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    This is my 5th hub.  Any tips or advice would be appreciated! smile

    1. ASHWINSPGA profile image57
      ASHWINSPGAposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This is a very important topic and im very glad you actually took the time and effort to voice this issue out Janet. For people like me who are going to be married and starting a family in the near future educating ourselves with issues like this can really help in nurturing our young child from the very beginning. There is alot of taboo surrounding co-sleeping. but if you look at it in a unbiased way are we not bonding with our child? Yes the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warning of suffocation, entrapment, or SIDS comes to mind immediately. However many pediatricians and pediatric organizations have provided sensible guidelines to avoid such tradgedies.Further, some research has clearly identified how co-sleeping may reduce infants' risk of SIDS due to the lighter sleep and synchronized parent-infant sleeping patterns. I know co sleeping isnt approved by everyone and it does not guarentee against SIDS, but i have seen people who co sleep and grew to love it so much. and i know i too would love to give it a try. Thanks for sharing this info and thumbs up for a well written hub Janet.

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Janet21,

      This is a really great Hub - I love that it has a personal feel, all while still being very informative for the reader. You've used your own experience to become an expert in the subject and you've communicated your thoughts, concerns and recommendations in a very clear and enjoyable read.

      Keep up the great Hubbing! smile

  2. profile image0
    Marye Audetposted 15 years ago

    I think you have an excellent hub there.  I would,perhaps, link to the research that backs your position...and there is alot of it!  Most people are too lazy to google for if you are trying ot just get hits you will probably get them with that subject but if you are trying to influence people to think outside the box I would add some links to studies and official research sites.

    we co slept with all of our 8...and they seem pretty normal to me...the only one the requires someone in the bed with her currently is the 26 year old..and she prefers that her husband of 7 1/2 years co sleep with her. LOL!

  3. Janet21 profile image81
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    Thanks everyone who took the time to visit and comment on my hub.   Marye, I agree there are tons of co-sleeping studies and other family bed info out there.  I have probably read most of it!  I may add some to the hub.  Thanks for the suggestion.

    One thing, though, when I first created the hub, the adsense ads were spot on and relative to the hub content.  For some reason now I am getting ads on child abuse, sexual abuse, etc.  I don't like it.  Makes it look like co-sleeping is a form of child abuse.  Not the message I would like to get out there. Any thoughts on what I can do about this?

  4. Brainstormer profile image59
    Brainstormerposted 15 years ago

    Janet I just noticed that I posted a comment that was meant for this forum on your hub's page. I am so sorry. I must have been half asleep. You might like to delete it and I will post a more appropriate one there.
    Once again I am very sorry about that. Now I feel like a real jerk.

    Hi Janet,

    Great Hub. As a click in reader who doesnt know what Co sleeping is, it took me a couple of sentences to be sure of the topic. No problem but for an ignoramous like me I would have titled the first paragraph so that it was explained in bold up front.

    The rest was very easy to follow. When you had a point it was in bold. Your points were supported with good solid information. Your Hub was well developed, and looks good on the screen.

    Maybe one last big conclusion at the end.

    Now if I could only write as good a hub.


    1. Janet21 profile image81
      Janet21posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No need to feel like a jerk. wink  I did kind of wonder why you posted two comments to the hub.  I'll just delete the one that is critiqueing the hub.  No harm done.  Thanks for visiting!

      By the way, the google ads are much better now.  It was the RSS news feed that was contributing to the child abuse ads.  I deleted that capsule and all is well now.

  5. Brainstormer profile image59
    Brainstormerposted 15 years ago

    Thank you for your understanding.
    That is very interesting about the RSS feeds. One to watch and glad you sorted it out.

  6. hot dorkage profile image77
    hot dorkageposted 15 years ago

    I think it is a fine hub just as is.   It is honest, your take on the matter and not put forward as a science piece.  If you wanted to appeal to the science geeks, perhaps a few more research links, but your conclusion is the same as mine:  follow your heart.

    1. Janet21 profile image81
      Janet21posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your thoughts on my hub. wink

  7. Janet21 profile image81
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    Thanks, Ryan. smile


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