100 Scariest Movie Moments...

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  1. kpfingaz profile image65
    kpfingazposted 15 years ago

    100 Scariest Movie Moments in Movie History...

    Has anyone seen this? Its a Bravo Tv Special and the list is on their website.

    Two things I noticed and have a problem with.

    Willy Wonka is on there! WTF!? I haven't seen the movie...its too cheesy(not the word I wanted to use) looking for me to even think of looking at it. But what can be so scary in the movie?

    And Blair Witch Project....that is a cheap azz, chitty movie that is overrated all because its a cheap azz, chitty movie.

    The rest of the list looks good though very predictable. Top 5 is like duh!

    1. AEvans profile image71
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Blair witch was horrible and I believe they are talking about the new Willy Wonka as my children were frigthened by his character , it was let's say a little dark. The original Willy Wonka portrayed by Gene Wilder was although a little up tight and stern, he also had a heart that came out in the movie. :0

    2. tristaprez profile image61
      tristaprezposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      In the original Willy Wonka with Gene Wilder, the scene on the boat is actually kind of scary for a child, trippy if you're an adult.

      1. brad4l profile image71
        brad4lposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah the boat scene kind of freaked me out a little bit the first time I saw it when I was a kid.

  2. TravelMonkey profile image61
    TravelMonkeyposted 15 years ago

    The wizard of oz?

    1. AEvans profile image71
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my!!! I know that frightened me as a child, especially that witch and my son still is freaked out about her. He doesn't even like them at Halloween and I have to keep explaining to him that it isn't a real person. smile

  3. profile image0
    Adam Bposted 15 years ago

    I like the horror movies that show something disturbing and has me thinking about it long after the movie has ended.

    May be spoilers listed below:

    1408 - When Mike Enslin (John Cusack) is at home with his ex-wife (Lily) after he had survived the hotel room and plays his tape recorder.  Lily (Mary McCormick) walks by Mike as he presses play on his pocket recorder and hears the voice of her dead daughter talking to Mike.

    The Mist - After escaping the grocery store and surviving through attacks by monsters and spider-like creatures David Drayton (Thomas Jane) and his son (along with 3 other passengers) get stranded in the middle of nowhere in the thick of the Mist.  David has a handgun with 4 bullets and had promised his son he wouldn;t let the monsters get him.  Thinking there was no other choice, David uses the handgun to kill his son and the three passengers leaving himself to be killed by the creatures.  Moments after he kills everyoine the mist lifts and the millitary arrives on the scene.

    Event Horizon - A special rescue mission was launched after a lost space ship is found after 7 years of being missing.  After the crew has tried for the majority of the movie to recover the captains log and enduring some pretty horrific occurances, they are able to see the video captains log.  The Videom shows the crew poking thier own eyes out, ripping off thier skin and speaking in latin.  The ship had created a black hole and traveled to Hell.

    I have a lot more...maybe I should make this into a hub.

  4. royalblkrose profile image59
    royalblkroseposted 15 years ago

    Terminator- Sara Connor in that machine with the Terminator coming after her... the fact she's got NOWHERE else  to go and she's frantically reaching for the button that starts the press that stops the machine that has its' hand at her throat...

  5. Stacie L profile image87
    Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

    I saw the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in a drive in when it first appeared and I am still  scared to death whenever I see trailers or hear a chainsaw,wink

  6. RavynSteel profile image68
    RavynSteelposted 15 years ago

    I've seen around 90% of those movies and I can't honestly say I agree with any of them being 'scary'. but then, I have an extremely high tolerance for that kind of thing and I've yet to see a movie which does actually scare me. That's not to say I don't like those films; most of the ones on the list are my personal favourites. Just not very scary at all.

    I think the only film which I would class as being scary in any way is one called the Asphyx; it's about a victorian photographer who uses a light beam to capture the greek god of death (aspyhx) at the point of a person's death, thus rendering that person immortal. There's a part of the film where the photographer goes to a hanging to test out his equipment, and on capturing the hanged man's Aspyhx, it screams right up to the camera. Kind of shocking if you're not expecting it! But still, not really what I'd call 'scary' per se.

    But then, how does one define 'scary' anyway? How do you decide what is scary? Personally, I try to put myself in the place of the characters, try to feel what they'd be feeling if it was real. Still don't get scared but it makes for interesting viewing!

  7. FunFacter profile image50
    FunFacterposted 15 years ago

    If I would select a scary movie, I'd go for a Thailand Movie (I dunno how it's called), The Eye.. It's so hair raising.. You should see it..

  8. profile image49
    barredposted 15 years ago

    Scary moment? I gonna recommend this japanese movie entitled Audition. There is a scene in that movie that leading woman tortures her lover by cutting his feet using strings. Maybe not scary but more of disturbing. But still it freaks me out.

  9. Junkster profile image60
    Junksterposted 15 years ago

    I remember the Kevin Bacon film "Stir of echoes" freaked the hell out of me when I went to see it at the cinema as a teenager.  My friend even hid his head in an upturned popcorn bucket for most of the film.

    I know it's not a movie but the video game "Condemned" (not the shitty Stone Cold/Vinny Jones movie) freaked me out, we played it whilst drunk on new years eve at a friends house when we were going to go to the pub but stayed in and played this game in the dark with 5.1 surround.

    I don't know whether it was the scarily real "crack head" enemies or the fact we were still drunk but there were certainly a few jump-so-much-you-throw-the-controller-in-the-air moments accompanied by manly screams smile lol

    I still can't play that when alone in the dark! haha

  10. profile image52
    rinasings2uposted 15 years ago

    the foreign movies are way more scarier,.


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