Google Traffic to hubpages - what are the stats

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  1. Wilma Proops profile image56
    Wilma Proopsposted 16 years ago

    I know there's a website that can tell me where hubpages traffic comes from but I can't remember where it is - please add a link if you do.

    I've been a member for 10 days but as yet I've had no google seacrh traffic.  In your experience how long did it take for traffic from google to build up?

    I have a website (launched Feb 2007 where I can monitor traffic stats) - about 75% of all its traffic arrives via Google - I'm hoping it will be the same here.  What's it like in your experience here?

    1. profile image0
      terrygposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I believe the site your referring to might be

      and for anyone else interested here is the breakdown

      If you need topics for hubs with traffic I suggest looking under the Lifestyle tab.

      1. Mark Knowles profile image58
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Well, that certainly helps to explain the tattoo and sexy girls ads:

        Audience Also Visits

        The people who visit are also likely to visit:

              freetattoodesigns.or ...
              tattoo-picture-desig ...

  2. Rik Ravado profile image81
    Rik Ravadoposted 16 years ago

    Go to 'my account' then select 'traffic sources' from the grey box top right.  This will give you a summary of traffic to all pages.  If you want more detailed stats you can use Google Analytics - you'll find info on this on the HubPages site.

    I find I get an initial burst of google traffic (new stuff rates high on Google) but this falls away for a few weeks then once the search engines settle down I get a proportion of SE traffic.  Some hubs continue to get HubPages traffic but others end up predominently SE traffic.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago


    To begin with, nearly all my HubPages traffic was from other Hubbers.  In fact for the first three months at HP, I earned practically nothing and had very little traffic, in spite of having over 50 Hubs in short order.

    Then the traffic and the Adsense clicks started to happen.  These days, 95% of my traffic comes from search engines.

    By the way, I think part of the reason it took me a while to get going was duplicate content - mentioned in the thread that just got resurrected.  It has nothing to do with what a site likes or dislikes, really.  It's Google that dislikes duplicate content and penalises it, which obviously affects your earnings.

  4. Wilma Proops profile image56
    Wilma Proopsposted 16 years ago

    Thanks for the comments and the links.   

    Today my stats here have changed and most of my traffic has come from google.  I'm pleased - this is what I've wanted to see, now I'm considering which other articles I should publish as hubpages.  I've some ideas for new articles too which I plan to publish here first.  I've published three new articles here to date and they do seem to have higher scores - I'll check out the lifestyle topics as suggested too - thanks for that tip.

    About google penalising duplicate content, so far that hasn't been my experience.  I've a few articles at the top of page one for a few google keywords I think people must use - they are in clusters - e.g. the same article published on purpleslinky, xomba and (now hubpages). 

    Do you know of anywhere I can check the search terms people use to find my articles?  (I have this facility with one of my websites).  Is this something available from google analytics?

    Thanks again

  5. EpicTreeHouse profile image60
    EpicTreeHouseposted 16 years ago


    Yes, Google Analytics does allow this.

  6. sunstreeks profile image80
    sunstreeksposted 16 years ago

    I like that part where Guantcast thinks that 6% of the viewers are between 3 and 11..

    I think we are missing out on adsense click opportunities by not writing TO the reader.. We should be adding more to our portfolios.. I'm willing to bet there is some search engine traffic in the following.......

    How To Make The Biggest Bubble Gum Bubble.

    How To Get Mom To Buy Everything

    How To Get stuff Out Of Carpets So Mom Doesn't Take Away The Wii Away Again.

    or to play on a different set of longtailed keywords

    How To Get Stuff Out Of Carpets So Mom Doesn't Take Away The XBox 360 Away Again.

    Facts About Cooties.

    Where Does Toliet Water Go

    What Really Happens To Gum When You Swollow It.

    Is Dirt OK To Eat?

  7. rancidTaste profile image62
    rancidTasteposted 16 years ago

    Thank you guys all. All these information is really helpful for me.
    Specially, thanks to "terryg" and "Mark Knowles" for providing such information.


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