In your opinion, what are the worst things about a video game / video gaming?

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  1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years ago

    In your opinion, what are the worst things about a video game / video gaming?

    I'm about to start a new series on YouTube called "Greasy Gripes", a gaming equivilant to James Rolfe's "You know what's Bulls**t?". In this series, I'll be going on about my pet peeves in video games such as dire control, jump scares, small subtitles, checkpoints, passwords, DPS meters and many more minor irritations just for a laugh. My question to you is, what features of video games annoy you, and could you give examples of games with them?

    1. Hezekiah profile image86
      Hezekiahposted 10 years ago

      What annoys me the most about some games is when save points are too far apart. You do all that work, spend so much time, then die and start back at a point like 20 mins back !!!

      1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
        JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        A very common problem in the ~NES generation of video games, most notably in adventure games like Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania. I feel your pain ^^

      2. Joel Okimoto profile image61
        Joel Okimotoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I agree, I notice this a lot when playing Mario games on my Nintendo consoles.

      3. aliasis profile image74
        aliasisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Haha I remember the old games that didn't HAVE save points at all. A lot of my childhood NES/SNES games were basically, beat it in one play through or bust (arcade style)... Oh, those were the days, lol

      4. Hezekiah profile image86
        Hezekiahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Many modern games are similar tho. E.g. Just Cause 2 has you going back to the beginning of a mission if you die.

      5. aliasis profile image74
        aliasisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hezekiah - that's true, but with old games, I was more referring to no saving in the entire game - as in, you have to play the whole game start to finish in one sit, no saving. smile Childhood memories of Zombies Ate My Neighbors come to mind, haha...

    2. jjackson786 profile image79
      jjackson786posted 10 years ago

      I absolutely hate timed missions like the ones in Assassin's Creed. They achieve the opposite of what they aim for, leaving me feeling anxious and frustrated, and I've quit entire games because of this ( Assassin's Creed 3 being the latest).

      I also don't like highly-specific mission criteria. I recently ran into this with Far Cry 3; if you don't do exactly what the game tells you to do, you fail certain aspects of the mission automatically. That is really infuriating when you do everything else perfectly. But overall I thoroughly enjoyed that game and stuck it out.

      Last but not least, I don't particularly enjoy what I refer to as "filler content". The "Levianthan" DLC from Mass Effect 3 was a good example of this. Poorly developed and overly simplistic DLC is both a waste of time and of money. Some game developers fill in the gaps between missions with uninteresting and time-consuming side quests and DLC options, both of which draw attention away from the main storyline.

      Oh, and I agree with Hezekiah as well.

      1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
        JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Some very nice points, all of which I agree with. Out of all of them, the former two for me are the worst. I hate timed missions, especially when you've plenty of time left over and wonder what all the stress was about. Thanks again! ^^

    3. cfin profile image65
      cfinposted 10 years ago

      You know what's Bulls**t? I am so sick of all of the games being the same. Rather than being fun, they are just intense, mostly involve one weapon (a gun) and follow the same path. Run, run, shoot, shoot.

      I like having one shooting game, one strategy game, one 2d side scroller etc etc. The computer game industry is over saturated with the same old same old.

      1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
        JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Indeed. Publishers fail to see the big picture by clogging the market with games that don't matter, and become genres we'll never want to come back to. Sooner or later, there will be no money left from any video game genre. It has happened before sad

      2. cfin profile image65
        cfinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Also the lack of local multiplayer games like rayman origins or mario. Its sad not to be able to sit down at home and play with someone else beside you.

    4. Alex Brockie profile image69
      Alex Brockieposted 10 years ago

      the worst thing is all dependent of the internet connection because if it's crappy then it can affect gameplay when you're playing online

      1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
        JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I hate this too, especially getting content online. I don't see why it can't be on disc as an alternative, even though I'm heavily outspoken on the overuse of packaging nowadays.

    5. Mr Awbery profile image79
      Mr Awberyposted 10 years ago

      My Gripe is the inability of top assassins and anybody who you control in the game to do something very basic as to swim. This is pertinent in the early assassins creed game when you could jump from rooftops but just couldn't swim. This branches out to games where you have an inability to jump or perform a basic interaction with the environment, I just get so frustrated!

    6. Wacky Mummy profile image61
      Wacky Mummyposted 10 years ago

      Being a gaming widow tongue seriously though, for the most part it's fine, but when a new game comes out I hate how much it takes away from family time, thankfully my partner doesn't buy new games very often so I find it hard to feel resentful as it doesn't happen very often these days smile

      1. Hezekiah profile image86
        Hezekiahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yep I need to get my family time back

      2. cfin profile image65
        cfinposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe try to get a game that you would all enjoy, i.e. Mario Kart 8. I play it with my family. Fixes all issues involved. Also makes him see that you are showing and interest in his interests.

    7. Vlorsutes profile image80
      Vlorsutesposted 10 years ago

      My personal gripe against video games in general anymore is just the lack of originality from a lot of the bigger companies anymore. Rather than venturing out and creating original products, they stick to constantly using their same formula again and again. Whether it's successive entries that, while initially revolutionary, are now just so repetitive that you can't even easily distinguish them (Street fighter for example with countless "sequels" to their numbered titles), or rebooting a franchise again and again.

      Outside of indie games, real innovation is almost gone video game wise, and sadly indie games need to have a lot of marketing or media backing in order to have any chance of success, resulting in the market still being predominantly populated by clones, reboots, or redundant sequels.

    8. M. T. Dremer profile image82
      M. T. Dremerposted 10 years ago

      I struggle with games the create the illusion of productivity. Farmville was a good example of this, but I run into it more so with World of Warcraft. Grinding experience or reputation can get really tedious, but I keep doing it because it gives me the impression that I've done something. We should be playing games because they are fun, not because they are filling a void of stagnation. I'm not really sure how you could turn that idea into a youtube video, but it's something that has always bothered me about certain video games. Basically, if the game requires you to come back every day in order to make any sort of progress, then it's doing something wrong.

      1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
        JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I could easily do a video on this, because I could compare being a drone to having fun, i.e comparing quest/reputation systems of WoW to say, Fallout. But I totally agree with you there and this is something I'd like to talk about. Thankies! ^^

    9. Thief12 profile image90
      Thief12posted 10 years ago

      Either to be too boring, or so tough that it's virtually unbeatable.

      1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
        JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I like the sight of virtually unbeatable games, but if there isn't a reward in sight that's worth it, it just makes the experience worse ^^

      2. Thief12 profile image90
        Thief12posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, my issue wouldn't be with challenging games, but rather with those whose challenge borders in fastidiousness :-D

    10. sprickita profile image58
      sprickitaposted 10 years ago

      FPS control is an ability I find useless and very much bites in my opinion.
      (Tekken Rocks with any control pad but) Probably would be a better feature if I had enough manual dexterity to you no... achieve movement anywhere in the first screen.

    11. aliasis profile image74
      aliasisposted 10 years ago

      Hmm, some from my perspective.. (I mostly play action/adventure games or RPGs)

      -Games that require an Internet connection but aren't inherently multiplayer (or blatant Internet games. Just normal games that demand that you be on the Internet at all times.)
      -Linear levels, no opportunity to explore on your own
      -Challenges or even parts of normal plot that are "busywork" - not necessarily difficult, just obnoxious, repetitive and long. Additionally, secrets that are completely impossible to figure out and require outside knowledge to achieve - I think basically everything should be possible within the context/knowledge of the game alone
      -Ridiculous female armor (if the male characters have armor that actually covers them and is practical). Pasties and thongs aren't going to raise your defense and block sword blows, jeez.
      -Games that require you to play twice to see the whole story. I don't really even like getting extras or buffs for a second play through. I don't often play a game twice because there are too many games out there to play, so I want to have the full experience in one play through.
      -Not being able to jump. Not all games require it, or the character can jump when the level demands it (like, say, Ocarina of Time) but I don't know, it's a pet peeve, I like to jump around when I'm walking. lol
      -Useless money. Once I get far into the game, I usually am overflowing with money and nothing to spend it on. Often you can find the best armor/weapons right in dungeons, so buying them is pointless.
      -Having to pay extra for DLC that was already completed before the game was released. If it's a game I like, I'll buy DLC, but it seems dishonest to make us pay even more for stuff that could have been easily put in the original game.

      1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
        JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Loads of great points here, nearly all of which will see a script for a Greasy Gripes episode! I hope to start this on the weekend, and have five ready to be filmed so far! ^^

      2. jjackson786 profile image79
        jjackson786posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with useless money. I had tens of thousands of dollars (or "credits") in both Far Cry and Mass Effect- you eventually just run out of things to buy!

    12. j Warren profile image60
      j Warrenposted 9 years ago

      When a video game is too short, or isn't worthy of being completed!

    13. Phasmatis profile image81
      Phasmatisposted 9 years ago

      I'm going to give a meta answer here and say other gamers. Now I'm not a anti gamer and I'm not bashing all gamers and lumping them together as if they are a singular person, so please hear me out.

      Many games have horrible mechanics, horrible story lines, or incorporate crummy practices that just drive the industry in the wrong direction. But gamers will still purchase this stuff willingly. Of course these sales numbers are dwindling and companies like Capcom are nearing bankruptcy, but if people weren't willing to purchase these products in the first place then the problem of investor corporate driven games development could have been resolved by now.

      That's just gripping I know, but here is the real aggravating part, you then have a vocal minority who will defend everything wrong with gaming today. Most gamers, play a crappy game, maybe talk about it in forums, but for the most part move on, but then you have that click of  people who will travel to sub reddit to sub reddit and defend everything wrong with gaming. They'll defend a crappy game eminently as if you were insulting their god or something. Worse thing is like with Bioshock Infinite in about a half a year they move on and then talk about how the game was always utter crap.

      Worse still are the people who won't let you have civilized discussions about things you don't like about your favorite games. A good example is the  Bethesda forums where it was impossible to have a conversation about anything wrong with Skyrim without toxic members  coming in with their usual love it or GTFO regalia of the same quotes you've heard time and time again.

      So yeah, while I love hanging with my fellow gamers, and chatting with my fellow gamers, gamers are also probably the most annoying thing about gaming, not all of them of course.

      Mechanics answer: Hand Holding or it's opposite. Can't stand when a game gives generous markers especially for things that you are supposed to not know or figure out yourself. It's on thing that really bugs me about Fantasy Life that I'm playing right now.


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