I am so happy and grateful now that........

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  1. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I'll let you fill in the blanks.
    Here are some examples:
    I am so happy and grateful now that new clients are coming to me now.
    I am so happy and grateful now that my health is back to normal.
    I am so happy and grateful my car got fixed in a speedy fashion and for very little $$$$.

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I look forward to hearing what you are happy and grateful for.

  2. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that things are moving in a more positive direction.
    I am so happy and grateful that it will be in the 50's today Yeah!!!

  3. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for my new client buying a new package.
    I am so happy and grateful for my parents health.
    I am so happy and grateful my parents are still alive to enjoy!!
    I am so happy and grateful for all my wonderful friends.

  4. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for all my abundance coming to me now.
    I am so grateful for my health.
    I am so grateful for wonderful friends.

  5. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 12 years ago

    I'm so happy and grateful that I figured out how to submit billing to insurance company for private practice and get paid.
    I'm so grateful and happy that other income will start coming in before I see hp payout. big_smile

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you janshares for your exciting news!!!! You have alot to be happy and grateful about. Yeah you!!!!

  6. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that all my bills will be paid on time.
    I am so happy and grateful to be self employed.
    I am so happy and grateful that I am always provided for no matter what!!!

  7. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I am so very happy and grateful now that I have my space back. Freedom rings!!!! Yahooie!!!!

  8. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I am so happy and gratefu now that I have won the powerball jackpot.(great imagination smile  )
    I am so happy and grateful all my abundance is taken care of.
    I am so Happy and grateful for my freedom!!!!

  9. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 12 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for all my good coming to me now.
    I am so happy and grateful to have my space back,it's so lovely ,quiet and peaceful~~~~!!!!!
    I am so happy and grateful for all that I have and all that I am.
    I am so happy and grateful for freedom of expression.

  10. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and greatful for my freedom.
    I am so happy and grateful that both my parents are still alive.
    I am so happy and grateful for my life.
    I am so happy and grateful for all my blessings!!!

  11. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that I have most of today off to check messages ,do laundry and clean a bit and get ready for the upcoming week.
    I am so happy and grateful for all my wonderful clients.
    I am so happy and grateful for all my bills being paid ontime.
    Please feel free to write what you are happy and grateful for. look forward to hearing from you.smile

  12. wardchambre profile image56
    wardchambreposted 11 years ago

    I am greatful that I saw 10 clients today and made money on the internet. We are so low on money I am greatful for any money I can make

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      wardchambre thank you so much for sharing what you are grateful for. The more we think about and thank about the more we bring about. So yeah you for inviting good things to come into your life by being thankful for even the smallest things smile keep being grateful and watch what happens smile . Come back and share whatever you are grateful for in your life here whenever you want.

  13. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for my wonderful, loyal clients.
    I am so happy and grateful for money coming in and food on the table and in the cupboards.
    I am so happy and grateful for family.

  14. Relationshipc profile image79
    Relationshipcposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful now that I have figured out a daily schedule that I am happy with. Chaos is definitely not the way to success.

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good for you!!! Great thing to be happy and grateful for!!! yeah you!!!

  15. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that I am free after listening to others problems with relationships and dating ,it's nice to be free!!!!
    I am so happy that my computer is finally working again so I can respond to e-mails and check up on things.

  16. Louise Lately profile image59
    Louise Latelyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that I got a promotion this week and that I received my next karate belt on the same day smile

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah for you Louise you go girl!!!!
      Thank you Louise for your fan mail comment!!! You are awesome too!!!

  17. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for my freedom...emotionaly ,mentally and physically!!! Let freedom ring!!! Yeah!!!
    I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful family and friends that I have in my life now, they are all a true blessing.

  18. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for all the abundance and good coming to me now.
    I am so happy and grateful for all the wonderful clients and have and all the new ones coming to me now.
    I am so happy that new packages are being bought and money is coming in now.
    I am so happy for winning millions of dollars now!!!! Thank  you Universe!!!Thank you Angels and guides!!!Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  19. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for an open mind and a great imagination.
    I am so happy and grateful for all positive possibilities and outcomes to any situation.
    I am so happy and grateful for all my good coming to me now.

  20. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy a greatful for synchronicity.
    I am so happy and greatful for all these new clients calling me now.
    I am so happy and greatful for family and friends.

  21. ar2coolwriter profile image38
    ar2coolwriterposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful for an awesome company and team members who keep me going and inspire me each and every day. I am grateful for people in my life who are compassionate and want to help.

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ar2coolwriter: Thank you for sharing what you are happy and grateful for.

  22. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful now that the snow has gone and the sun is shining and the warmth feels good!!! So many more happy people also it's Friday!!! yahooie!!!

  23. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    Lots of healthy,happy and smiling faces are things to be grateful for...even the people at the super market today were very pleasant and that's not a usual occurrence, just a sometime thing.

  24. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that my Dad's bump on his chest is benign and that he's o.k. Also my mom's cancer is gone!!! Lot's to be happy and grateful for today!!!

  25. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that they have found the bombers in Boston.
    I am so happy and grateful for a sunny warm day today!!!

  26. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that  a cousin I haven't seen for over 30 yrs. has looked me up and will come and visit  me next week, when he is in my town for business. should be interesting.

  27. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    I am so happy and grateful that the sun is shinning so warm and brightly.


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