What is your earliest memory?

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  1. Don Ship profile image73
    Don Shipposted 13 years ago

    What is your earliest memory?

  2. albc profile image60
    albcposted 13 years ago

    i think i remember sth happened when i was 2, and very sure i can recall sth when i was 3

  3. Yami-L profile image57
    Yami-Lposted 13 years ago

    Well my earliest memory is of me trying to run away from my mom in a supermarket big_smile, it's quite strange but that is what I remember, I was very little, a few years old I think.

  4. Right On Time profile image60
    Right On Timeposted 13 years ago


    Playing with one of these phones at like 3 yrs i think...                                                     .

  5. Right On Time profile image60
    Right On Timeposted 13 years ago
  6. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 13 years ago

    I remember my mom coming home from the hospital with my baby brother.  I would have been going on 3 years old.  I remember having pneumonia.  I was about 4.  I remember reading Mickey Mouse in the comic strips.  I was about 4 or 5.

  7. shannon86 profile image60
    shannon86posted 13 years ago

    I'm guessing I was around 2, and my aunt was showing me and my older cousin moss on the rocks in my grandpa's backyard. I tried pulling the moss off the rock and she yelled at me.

  8. C.V.Rajan profile image60
    C.V.Rajanposted 13 years ago

    Getting stung by a scorpion at my forehead; profusely sweating and on account of it, getting my dress changed a couple of times; being taken in a bullock cart at midnight to the house of a quack to cure the ailment using mantras.

  9. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    I was two and sitting in the kind of car seat people used in those days, which was a lightweight fabric thing that was slung over the back of the front seat and held with big "hooks".  It had a plastic  steering wheel so the occupant could pretend to be driving.

    The car seat was between my father and mother, and the heat in the gray Plymouth was on, as the sun came in through the window and made me really hot and uncomfortable.  I was whining and pulling at the wool,under-chin, tie on the green bonnet I was wearing.  My mother (USUALLY and OTHERWISE a very kind and wonderful mother) kept tying the ties that I was pulling at, and she kept saying, "Why do you keep undoing the ties.  You look pretty."  (It's too bad questions/answers don't have mean-face emoticons because I'd put a great big one right here!  But I digress...)

    I don't recall actually trying to tell her I was hot or uncomfortable.  I know the woolen tie was scratchy.  I just recall whining and fussing.  I'm not even sure I was able to tell her.  I just know I didn't care how "pretty" I looked.   (mean-face emoticon would go here too!).    (but smiley-face would follow it too).

  10. Fat_Be_Gone profile image59
    Fat_Be_Goneposted 13 years ago

    My earliest memory is falling off of a couch onto some ugly green carpet then puking haha my mom says that was when I was just learning to walk.

  11. mcrawford76 profile image80
    mcrawford76posted 13 years ago

    I was curious about this myself, and now that I see some answers I'm very jelous. My earliest memories are from when I was 8 and 9, but I had a lot of head trauma as a child (they called me crash for good reason)

  12. Claudin_Dayo profile image59
    Claudin_Dayoposted 13 years ago

    I think I can recall things when I was 5 years old, when my father use to bought me a compact mirror and a comb smile

  13. Phanti profile image61
    Phantiposted 13 years ago

    My earliest memory is of my Father & I in a store where he is buying me a doll.  He left shortly after that, so I think that is why it has stayed with me.  I must have been about three or four years old.

  14. brittanygc profile image68
    brittanygcposted 13 years ago

    I remember being on my mom's hip while she was standing at the counter at a convenience store, and I was staring at these suckers being displayed on the counter. I had to have been 2 or so. Other than that, I don't really remember anything up until I was 10 or 11, which I do think there is something wrong with that.

  15. n_sightful profile image61
    n_sightfulposted 13 years ago

    My earliest memory (or at least one of them), was when I was about 5 years old. My mother had taken me to the emergency room because I was having another asthma attack. She had to do this quite frequently because my asthma was really bad when I was a child. I remember on this occasion though, she was standing beside the gurney while we were waiting for the doctor to come in, and all of a sudden she started crying. She never said a word, but it really bothered me to see the tears rolling down her face. I think it was just hard for her to have to do this so often as she tried to care for my other 5 brothers and sisters too. I had never seen her so sad.

  16. LeisureLife profile image67
    LeisureLifeposted 13 years ago

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