How much weight do you want to gain, or lose ?

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  1. twilanelson profile image60
    twilanelsonposted 13 years ago

    How much weight do you want to gain, or lose ?

  2. petertheknight profile image66
    petertheknightposted 13 years ago

    I feel pretty happy at the weight I am, but at times I feel like I want to be really fat and other times really skinny depending on my mood.  Each body type is interesting to touch and has it's good and bad features depending if you think anything is good or bad.  I think just about every body type is attractive.  I have been attracted to both really skinny, fat, and inbetween people.

  3. edhan profile image34
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    I have just lost 5 kgs and now I am in the correct weight according to my height.

    So what I am doing is maintaining it. I find myself fasting once a week helps to maintain my correct weight as well as getting rid of the toxic that I consumed from the food.

    My secret of losing that much weight is monitoring the amount of calories intake and reducing it. Example if I am taking 3000 calories per day, I reduce it to 2500 calories and in a month I reduce by 2 kgs.

  4. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    I'm generally too thin.  I'd LOVE to gain a good 15 pounds - but I need it most in the legs, my chicken legs. . . .are almost embarrassing

  5. nanetteparker profile image63
    nanetteparkerposted 13 years ago

    sometimes, i am thinking of losing about at least 5 pounds on my current weight, which is 118.8 lbs

  6. shiloh01 profile image59
    shiloh01posted 13 years ago

    I want to loose at least 4 kg. I think I would look even more better then. I am 50 right now.

  7. your cybersister profile image61
    your cybersisterposted 13 years ago

    I am one of those who wants to lose weight.  I decided at the start of the year to set a goal of losing 20lbs. (knowing I would be happy to lose 10lbs. and thrilled with 15lbs.)  So far, I have only managed to lose 8lbs. and I'm sure they were the easiest 8.  So I guess I am 2lbs. from happy, 7lbs. from thrilled, and still 12lbs. from ecstatic...

  8. ChristineVianello profile image59
    ChristineVianelloposted 13 years ago

    I NEED to loose 20 pounds by October 7th, my wedding day.

  9. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    I'm fine with how I am.  I am fit and look okay in a dress.  Shrug.

  10. MazioCreate profile image67
    MazioCreateposted 13 years ago

    Currently I'm 5 kilograms over my weight range. (God only knows what my BMI has risen too.  Scared to go to doctor to find out.) I'm usually in the middle of the suggest range for my height, but due to injury I haven't been able to exercise. I'm hanging out to get back on the bike and ride those kilos off. Hopefully I'll be back there in the next couple of weeks.

  11. aurora337 profile image60
    aurora337posted 13 years ago

    At the moment, I am actually quite happy with my weight, and I'd like to keep it at the current number. Of course, if I keep eating like I have been for the past couple of weeks (I've been feeling a little restless lately, so that's what I do), my self-satisfaction will not last for much longer....

  12. Jenneez profile image59
    Jenneezposted 13 years ago

    This is great question. I would love to weigh around 125 or so! I can't seem to ever get over 112 or 115. The most I have ever weighed was 115. I have a fast metabolism and it's all a part of my genetics. I can eat like a little fat piggy, but never gain a pound. DON'T say it! NO, you don't wish you had my problem! It sucks for us naturally thin people just as much as it does for those who want to lose weight. It's extremely frustrating to try and gain weight and very difficult! Are we healthy, YES! I was once declined for health insurance through a company I won't say, for being TOO HEALTHY....haha LOL. Regardless, my BMI isn't what it needs to be but I am a really healthy little lady. I've tried all the protein drinks on the market, but those kinds of things constipate me, so that is NOT a good thing. You would be surprised how hard it is to actually stretch your stomach, compared to those that need to shrink it, in order to lose weight. It’s pretty tough! All the thin people know what I mean ;-) I've always hated the word skinny, and for thin people, the word skinny is like the word FAT is to overweight people, so it's an ugly word for me and many many others! :-) One great thing about being a healthy thin is I've been offered several times to do modeling :-)

  13. Joanna Lynn profile image57
    Joanna Lynnposted 13 years ago

    Actually, i am not too fat but i have much flesh at my belly, so i wanna lose 3kilograms, all from my belly i hope, LOL.

  14. alisha4u profile image38
    alisha4uposted 13 years ago

    Actually i am not too fat but i want lose 2kg from my belly side....plz help

  15. profile image0
    Muldanianmanposted 13 years ago

    I have lost over a stone in the past two months and now weigh 11 stone, which I don't think is a lot.  However, no matter how much I lose, I still have a spare tyre, which refuses to go.

  16. profile image0
    Guantaposted 13 years ago

    I am currently in the process of taking off twenty pounds.   Not too much to report yet!

  17. profile image0
    nikashi_designsposted 13 years ago

    Would like to gain about 30 hamburgers, 5 large meat lovers pizzas, and 5 large chocolate milk shakes. Or gain about 15-20 pounds.

  18. mkrandhawa profile image59
    mkrandhawaposted 13 years ago

    i want to gain 5 kg because i am thin according to my age and height.

  19. ravenblueu profile image61
    ravenblueuposted 13 years ago

    It isn't something I want to lose. It's is the amount I really need to get rid of lol. Around 30lbs I believe. I just spoke to a health care professional and advised me that I really need to serious on losing wight and watching what I eat.

  20. The Ghostwriter profile image81
    The Ghostwriterposted 13 years ago

    I decided this week to lose a few pounds and lost 2 in three days. This encouraged me to lose more and I've set a target of 12 pounds in 12 weeks.

  21. carlmueller profile image38
    carlmuellerposted 13 years ago

    I need to get back into lifting some weights. I'd like to put on 10-15 pounds. Basically put back the muscle I lost by not working out!

  22. Anna Black profile image60
    Anna Blackposted 13 years ago

    I'd love to lose enough to feel confident in a bathing suit this summer. I'm starting swim classes with my toddler this weekend and I'm terrified at the thought of wearing my suit in public. I'm hoping my son's cuteness will draw the attention away from me!

  23. ThePracticalMommy profile image91
    ThePracticalMommyposted 13 years ago

    I'd like to lose at least 20lbs more. Since Feb. I have lost 20lbs, which was the rest of my pregnancy weight. I'd like to be back to the weight I was in college five years ago, before having my two kids.


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