What is best time of the day to take vitamin supplements?

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  1. Ultimate Hubber profile image67
    Ultimate Hubberposted 13 years ago

    What is best time of the day to take vitamin supplements?

    I've heard that it is best to take them after dinner, what do you think?

  2. ameljor22 profile image60
    ameljor22posted 13 years ago

    It doesn't matter what time you take them.  Check the label as most of them need to be taken with food. 

    I usually take mine in the morning with my breakfast, and if I forget I wil take them with my evening meal.

  3. goddess888 profile image49
    goddess888posted 13 years ago

    Most of the vitamins are advised to be taken after a meal. It is not advisable to take supplements when you have an empty stomach because they will simply pass out in your urine which is true for water soluble vitamins such as vitamin B and C.

    The fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) can stay in the body for 24 hours and are sometimes stored in the liver for an extended period.

  4. Zubair Ahmed profile image75
    Zubair Ahmedposted 13 years ago

    I usually take mine before going to sleep, I guess it gives my body some time to digest and put it good use for 8 hrs before its time for the no 1 and 2 again.

  5. profile image58
    Ovan451posted 13 years ago

    Any time ethnicity is taken into consideration, vitamin D levels had been lower in Chinese girls as compared to other individuals.

    Vitamin D can be present generally within snacks just like fatty sea food, cod liver oil, egg yolks, animal meat and also mushrooms, and in fortified snacks such as dairy products, orange extract, fat free yogurt and cereal products. In a case where some of these snacks are definitely not suitable for you, one of the ideal purely natural sources of this particular nutrient is undoubtedly exposure to sun's rays : a half hour each day, couple of times a week with no suncream.

    The professionals hypothesize that vitamin D degrees will probably be greater around the summer months, since you can get significantly more hours of sunshine and also everyone is outdoors a lot more regularly.


  6. poojamehta profile image59
    poojamehtaposted 13 years ago

    Vitamins are generally present in the food we eat. Its just that you gotta take a proper diet at a right time.

  7. HealthGuru1248 profile image66
    HealthGuru1248posted 13 years ago

    This really depends on the vitamin being taken.  Some supplements need to be taken with food, others between meals.  Some vitamins should not be taken together because they can interfere with the others absorption, such as iron and calcium.  Some vitamins are best to take in the morning, like B vitamins because they can give you energy. Others, like magnesium, help you sleep so it is best to take them at night. You should also avoid taking supplementation with most medications. Visiting a nutritionist can help you decide what is best for your individual needs.

  8. evictorino profile image39
    evictorinoposted 13 years ago

    I usually take it in the morning after my breakfast that will help me sustain my energy the whole day

  9. AppsHub profile image38
    AppsHubposted 13 years ago

    After breakfast, just before you start to write your hubs:)

  10. sanathara profile image60
    sanatharaposted 13 years ago

    No, it's not advisable to take vitamin supplements after dinner,The best time to take any supplements is after breakfast.

  11. profile image49
    roopkangposted 13 years ago

    I think morning is the time to take vitamin supplements.

  12. registerdomains profile image61
    registerdomainsposted 13 years ago

    The best time is after breakfast. Body absorbs most in that time. Its the food you give to your body after  a long interval.

    Taking after dinner is not a good idea because our digestive system is slow in sleep.

  13. moiragallaga profile image79
    moiragallagaposted 13 years ago

    Best time is usually after meals as vitamin supplements are absorbed better after you have eaten something. The answer of HealthGuru1248 is quite informative because it also depends on what type of supplements you're taking.

  14. smile51everyday profile image60
    smile51everydayposted 13 years ago

    it's better to take it in the morning after breakfast. it could help to get energy. (Breakfast is the most important one among the three meals because we need energy at the beginning of one day.Vitamin should be taken at that time.)

  15. venki_indiain profile image65
    venki_indiainposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to take it after breakfast. Since it will start to work in the morning itself as we need more energy in the morning, hope it will help.

  16. skywebuk profile image59
    skywebukposted 13 years ago

    When I tried some I just took them whenever I remembered lol but I soon stopped taking them as I don't think they made a difference. I always have too much energy though...don't understand how because I eat really bad food and nothing healthy.

    Just my personal opinion though but I see no benefit in taking them.

  17. Slices of Life profile image67
    Slices of Lifeposted 13 years ago

    Like a lot of people have already said. The best time is taken after a meal preferrably breakfast and not dinner. The reason is breakfast is the first meal and the vitamins will help keep you active throughout the day whereas doing it after dinner can make you stay awake all night.

  18. Kyle Rivers profile image60
    Kyle Riversposted 13 years ago

    Depends on what you're taking. I know most vitamin supplements implore that you take them twice a day. Usually with a meal. It enables your body to absorb all the proper nutrients, and for digestive purposes.

  19. Freegoldman profile image40
    Freegoldmanposted 13 years ago

    Many vitamins are best ingested with food, so taking them at meal time is advised. It's easy to remember to take vitamins with meals, since you are eating and drinking at that time, anyway.

    Fat-soluble vitamins need fat in order to be absorbed, so they should always be taken with meals that contain fat. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K.

    Vitamin C lasts only a few hours in the bloodstream. It should be repeated every three hours for best results, or the entire dose should be divided up to take a third with each meal.

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/026670_vitam … z1SoAGNxrG

  20. basementideas profile image60
    basementideasposted 13 years ago

    Take Vitamin C everyday. Probably this is the most important vitamins of all to have.

  21. nabeelplus profile image61
    nabeelplusposted 13 years ago

    i think best time is to take in breakfast...as u start your day its give more energy

  22. ktealorlando profile image61
    ktealorlandoposted 13 years ago

    It can depend on many different factors such as your daily activities, what types of vitamins, your bathroom cycle, your sleeping cycle, how many times a day you eat and more.

    But- if you are just asking in general- morning-to afternoon is usually the best time to take vitamins and with a meal or a full glass of water.

    If you have any questions regarding what types of vitamins you should be taking let me know!

  23. profile image48
    tomasrobert12posted 13 years ago

    It is recommended to start working with additional vitamins and minerals along with d vitamin. The effectiveness of d vitamin grows in the event it interacts with other supplements. It is also not recommended to use only one supplements but to make use of multivitamins. When you take only one vitamin there's a risk of vitamin toxicity and vitamin deficiency in different vitamins and that's why you ought to benefit from multivitamins.
    Here is a link that might be useful: http://www.vitaminddeficiencyonline.com/

  24. unknown spy profile image40
    unknown spyposted 12 years ago

    Oh no! I've read that taking vitamin supplements, (on a pill form) is not recommended unless you have illness. Vitamins in pill form increase your chance to be sick. Here's one of my hubs, maybe you could read some natural way to get vitamins to your body:

    http://unknownspy.hubpages.com/hub/Vita … atural-Way


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