Do you have a supplement regimen?

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  1. livelonger profile image91
    livelongerposted 17 years ago

    Here's mine:

    - multivitamin
    - fish oil capsule (deodorized, mercury-free - for essential omega-3 fatty acids)
    - resveratrol - all around great stuff, even wrote a hub on it
    - vitamin C (time-release)
    - alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) - great antioxidant, great for antiaging

    I also take a couple of probiotics on a less regular basis - Culturelle and Primadophilus - you know, to keep the engine clean. smile

    Would be interested to hear what other people take, and why.

  2. profile image0
    Lisa Bargerposted 17 years ago

    Hmm . . . considering that I work in natural health you'd think I'd have a whole list of supplements but actually I don't even take a multivitamin regularly.  I suppose I feel that I get all I need from my diet.  hmm

    1. aka-dj profile image67
      aka-djposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If only!!

      Much has changed in the last few decades!

  3. waynet profile image73
    waynetposted 17 years ago

    I and my family need to get healthy as we are only young considering and we often feel tired all the time and this should not be the case.

    boredom could factor into it, but we eat the most dreadfull food anyone has ever had the misfortune to feast upon, even though I am a great cook, it cannot mask the high in fat and pretty polly saturates and fart inducing calories dripping off our food.

    I hope to get into some sort of health supplement agenda quite soon before I end up in a coffin and can't breath....!!!!

    1. Maddie Ruud profile image70
      Maddie Ruudposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like you need some healthy recipes to get yourself on track!

  4. livelonger profile image91
    livelongerposted 17 years ago

    waynet, that's hilarious! Ironically some of the healthiest foods out there, like beans and broccoli, are also the biggest fart-producers!

    Lisa, kudos to you for having a balanced diet every day. I usually eat healthy but take those supplements as an insurance policy of sorts.

  5. profile image0
    daflaposted 17 years ago

    I used to take these every day, but I've been bad lately, and I can tell:

    High potency Multi-vitamin w/minerals
    B-12 (don't eat a lot of meat)
    Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc pill
    Red clover combination
    Flax seed oil/borage oil/fish oil capsule
    Icelandic Kelp

    And as needed:
    Potassium (for leg cramps)
    Melatonin (for sleep)
    Iron (when feeling tired..never more than twice a week)

  6. compu-smart profile image83
    compu-smartposted 17 years ago

    Here in the UK vitamin supplements get good press one year and bad the next..

    I used to take any and every pill available and have now stopped and try to eat healthy to obtain the nutritents i need, as noone really knows the true positive or negative effects of taking they?

  7. profile image0
    Lisa Bargerposted 17 years ago

    Well, one problem with supplements is that they never perform as well as real food in tests.  There was yet another study released . . . maybe 3 weeks ago (?) showing that women who took heart-healthy supplements were offered no real protection while women who got those nutrients from food WERE.

    Then, of course, there are the questions about which processing methods, purity, bio-availability, etc.  At best, it's a complicated issue. wink

  8. livelonger profile image91
    livelongerposted 17 years ago

    Agreed. Case in point: fish oil.

    I used to take a fish oil capsule that always gave me heartburn and awful "fish burp". Found out later that the oils were probably rancid. I don't even want to know if there was mercury in it or not.

    Now I take another that is purified and independent studies say it doesn't have any mercury in it. It also gives me no burp or heartburn. A bit more expensive but worth it.

    At the same time, spending more does not always ensure better quality.

    Complicated issue? Definitely. wink

  9. compu-smart profile image83
    compu-smartposted 17 years ago

    Theres always the placebo effect ito take into account, which can only be a positive thing. But would it be enough to out weigh the negative effects if taking vitamains were harmfull.!? 


  10. Apae profile image61
    Apaeposted 16 years ago

    During winter I usually take garlic and echinacea to prevent illness. It usually works to boost your immune system. However, you gotta stop taking them after the cold season, otherwise your body becomes dependant on them and they don't help as much.

    Apart from those, that's it =]

  11. lowlowg profile image59
    lowlowgposted 16 years ago

    Its funny you are interested in what others take i am on a 2 ounce supplement drink called vemma thats all natural i was in a bad accident and started taking it and it has helped alot also i have a energy drink i take called verve ive talked about it in my posts but im proud to talk about it again its a great product it has 13 vitamins and 65 minerals in it i use to take alot of vitamins but i like the liquid better i can take more in now with all my injurys since my accident bulging disc's,ripped muscles,tendons,legements,tmj,arthritus,ect but anyways if u havent seen my posts the websites i will place below the 2 ounce supplement drink first then second the energy drink


  12. SparklingJewel profile image68
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    Hi Everyone !

    I am new to this realm, but am having a go at it !

    As a wholistic health practitioner, I believe a supplement regimen needs to be individually unique. We all lead different lives that create unique kinds of stresses for us as individuals. Hence, we utilize our vitamins and minerals from supplements and foods differently. After years of working with the changes in my life aspects, I have come to understand my unique needs and do the best I can to meet them, first through foods and then through supplements, herbs and other aspects as needed.

  13. VioletSun profile image80
    VioletSunposted 16 years ago

    Hi:  smile Yes, I do and have for decades! My regimen changes depending on my age; since I am a baby boomer my needs have changed, so I take Omega 369 for heart health, 5-HTP to keep my moods stable (it works!), a woman's daily, Emergence C, Evening Primrose Oil.

    I wrote an article about a study regarding the pros and cons of vitamins which had my eyes rolling a little, (the study that is)  LOL! and will share in HUB later on as I become more familiar with the process... but in essence what I said is that regardless of what studies may say about supplements, which changes all the time, I will still take my vitamins because I know they work in strengthening and preserving one's health.

  14. sjtpalmer profile image59
    sjtpalmerposted 16 years ago

    I take resveratrol , fish oil, garlic, and just about all the letter vitamins. I'm not quite sure if it really helps with anything, but I feel better doing it. My wife (who is a nurse)  is always telling me I take too many and I could actually harm myself. Any thoughts on that?

  15. SparklingJewel profile image68
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    Hi sjtpalmer,

    I never ditz my own or another's positive feelings about what they do to feel better!...but try to understand what specifically it is your wife is telling you. she may have a point. Continue to learn and investigate the research of vitamins and minerals, herbs, oils, etc. Doctors, natural health practitioners and researchers are recognizing something new each day.  I like to believe that one day all health oriented professionals, as well as everyone else, will recognize the validity in a wholistic perspective of health, one that is individual and promotes a spiritual/faith and emotional side to health. Not necessarily a religious side, but a sense of well being, grounded in a belief of one's purpose in life and how we are affected by our own inner and outer environments and that of others,too.
    In my experience, there are ways to harm onesself by taking too many chemically synthesized pills, be they prescription drugs, or vitamins and mineral supplements. How they are created, processed and what other ingredients are put in ( waxes, fillers, etc) for whatever reasons can be very unhealthy. Check out your local healthfood stores and start reading about whole-food supplements (made from real food, not synthesized chemicals) Our body can't process chemicals, they end up just clogging up our biological systems or we just pass them right out again.
    It has amazed me over the years to learn how strong "just believing" can be. If we take truly healthy supplements along with the foods we eat, what a boon for our health; to get what really is healthy, not just what we would like to believe is healthy.

    Happy and Healthy Wholistic Living !

  16. honesty2008 profile image36
    honesty2008posted 16 years ago

    We all have heard about "Olive Oil", and how it is good for us.But the ones who haven't listen up, although  the olive tree orginated in Asia, it has been culivated for over 3,000 years in Mediterranean countries, this is where much of the olive cop is used to make olive oil. Ancient civilzations used olive oil to help heal wounds. Today it is considered a good remedy for skin problems and an effective moisturizer. A helpful tip; Use only olive oil that is labeled  "extra virgin". This guarantees that the oil has been cold- pressed from freshly harvested olives and does not contain chemicals. Extra virgin olive oil supplies the best flavor and oil that is golden yellow in color is of higher quality than green. This is a tip for you  Olive oil lovers. like myself!

  17. Jan Greeff profile image34
    Jan Greeffposted 16 years ago

    My supplement regime has paid the following dividends, inter alia:

    Avoided a L4/L5 fusion in 1994/5 after having had the L5/S1 done in 1989
    Total freedom from arthritis at age 65
    Stabilised  at ideal weight since 1995
    Free from colds and flu after history of annual respiratory infections
    Abnormally high collagen count for age
    Taking no medication of any kind

    Since the technology breakthrough at the turn of the millennium, I have insisted on only taking vitamins and minerals that are molecularly bonded to the protein carriers in plant cells, thereby providing food-like nutrients that improve utility approximately ten times and extend retention in the body from 2-4 hours for synthetics and inorganics to 18 to 24 hours. 

    My regular maintenance regime includes a multivitamin/mineral/herb/anti-oxidant/glyconutrient combination, omega 3/6/vit B/magnesium/zinc capsules and calcium/vit C/vit D/magnesium/potassium.  My family and I also use specialised combinations formulated to support specific systems as and when required, e.g. the digestive, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, urinary and musculo-skeletal systems.

    This regime has worked wonders for us, even since before 2000 when only synthetics and inorganics were available, albeit in excellent chelates which have now become outdated.

  18. profile image0
    Marc Davidposted 16 years ago

    I'll refrain from talking about brand names and such as I think we all have our opinions on those and many times price is a factor.  Let's just stick to the overall basics.

    Here's mine...

    Foundational Supplements: (I take these every day)

    * Multi-vitamin
    * Essential Fatty Acid complex
    * Glucosamine

    The multi-vitamin will act as an insurance policy.  Variety in your diet is great and you should strive for it, but not all of us get everything we need for optimal performance.  And with the debates on food quality, it's just a decent idea to take a multi- vitamin.

    An EFA complex gives you so many benefits to fat burning and muscle building by increasing your metabolism and the heart healthy benefits, it's just a must.  Eating plenty of fish will help ensure you are getting your Omega acids but again, insurance policy and a decent foundational supplement.

    Glucosamine for joint health is simple and has shown positive results in test studies to be effective at maintaining joint health.  It helps to protect existing cartilage.  If you are lacking in that area, it won't help to build it.

    And that's it!

    Performance/Muscle Building Supplements:

    * Whey protein
    * Creatine

    Why isn't protein a foundational?  Because I believe that if you wanted to, you could get all your protein needs from whole foods.  It's not a foundational to take a shake even after a workout.  And while you can argue that the body will absorb it better and such, it still doesn't make it a must even as an insurance policy.

    But it sure as heck does help.  I think most bodybuilders will take some form of whey shake at some point during the day.  My guess is in the morning upon waking up and after a workout.

    Good old creatine.  It's proven in over 300 peer reviewed published articles on its improvements to the bodybuilding athlete.

    Optional Supplements:

    * Beta-Alanine
    * Glutamine
    * Casein
    * Other proteins

    An up-coming major player in coo hoots with creatine is beta- alanine.  From my own research and experimentation, it's a fine supplement and not a bank breaker.  I do stack this with my BCAA supplement that has creatine in it.  One to watch at the least.

    Glutamine is something that gets a lot of attention but rarely do we find studies that show it's clear link to bodybuilding. Needless to say...

    You can try it out if you want.

    Casein is just a slower digesting protein.  Many people are firm believers in mixing proteins especially at night when you want a slower digesting protein.  Some products have protein combinations in them already.  Dairy proteins like cottage cheese have casein in them and make a very good nighttime snack.

    Other proteins like egg white protein or vegetarian proteins might be something optional if you find it necessary or beneficial.

    Experimental Supplements:

    * BCAAs
    * Caffeine

    Branch Chain Aminos are great.  Especially in a pre-workout formula.  At the moment, I've had great personal success using a BCAA powder with creatine mixed in it.  Not something for everybody but if you are looking for that extra edge, BCAA style supplements sure do have a lot of valid research behind them to suggest a performance enhancement.

    Caffeine for weight loss or a metabolism boost or maybe you just like your local coffee shop.  I don't experiment with it at all but I do like my coffee.  Many people find that caffeine in coffee or green tea make good herbal weight loss products that are safe.

    Remember, there are hundreds of supplements out there and the list is growing daily.  These few are really all you'll need in addition to your 5-6 meals a day.

    If you were to stick just with the foundational supplements, you would still make fantastic progress and spend under $30 a month on supplements.

  19. Bug Mee profile image59
    Bug Meeposted 16 years ago

    Fish Oils

    Postworkout Shake
    50 grams Carbs
    25 grams Whey Protein
    5   grams Creatine Monohydrate

  20. profile image49
    sheripopeposted 16 years ago

    Hey Everyone!

    I am new to this forum and saw the postings on vitamins and supplements, so I thought I would jump in and give my input also.

    I take vitamins and supplements that are patented and have an 80 to 95% absorbency rate.  For those of you who are taking vitamins and supplements, I would suggest that you investigate the absorbency rate - this makes a big difference.  Also mine are all natural and they are absorbed on a cellular level, therefore they do not pass through the stomach and out into the sewer system.  Yet they are not expensive like some of the products in the marketplace!  I have the assurance with the patent that the vitamins and supplements will do what they say they will do.  I have realized over the years that the amount of food I would have to eat to get what my body needs would be outrageous and I would end up looking like a blimp.  So for me this is a better road to take.


  21. Evelyn Lim profile image68
    Evelyn Limposted 16 years ago

    Thanks for the reminder.  As a mother, I tend to focus so much on my kids having to take their supplements than myself.  I try to be regular in taking organic virgin coconut oil for my dry eczema skin and probiotics.

    1. profile image51
      salazarlposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      here is the regimen I follow.
      fish oil
      mineral supplement
      1 gram L-glutamine+1 gram L-arginine+1 gram BCAA+ 2 scoops Dairy whey.

      Amino acids are key to robust health and are essential especially if you are 40+.  science has now defined aging as the inability of the body to repair itself. Check out these pages to learn more. … efits.html … efits.html … ction.html

  22. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    I don't have a regimen.  (Well, I tend to not to have "regimens" when it comes to most things in life anyway.  smile).

    OK, here's my confession (which is, I guess, healthier than waynet's):  I keep a bottle of regular multi-vitamins (the kind for people UNDER 50, because I absolutely refuse to take Centrum Silver, and I don't want to be looking at that on the shelf every time I open the cabinet door).  I also keep a bottle of multi's with a "healthy heart" angle to them.  I alternate between them.  Well, maybe it's more accurate to say that I take one or the other on a willy-nilly basis, depending on whether I think of it, or am in the mood.

    I also keep a bottle of B's and a bottle of Calcium with D (although I'm afraid to take that too often because someone I know once got kidney stones from taking too much calcium.  Then again, contrary to my owning the under-50 multi-vitamins, I am over 50 and think I should occasionally be popping some Calcium from time to time.

    As for the B's, sometimes if I'm too tired to be bothered going to get the multi-s, and if I'm SO tired I can't even imagine dealing with a tablet that size, and opening the bottle that holds tablets that big; I'll just pop one of the tiny B's and call that "enough".  roll   I know that maybe if I'd have an actual regimen I might not be so tired so often, but I'm too tired to have a regimen (or lift those huge multi's).  It's so much easier to just eat some blueberries, a bunch of grapes, some peanut-butter on crackers; and drink orange juice - and call myself "healthy".  big_smile

  23. Simone Smith profile image83
    Simone Smithposted 13 years ago

    Here's mine:

    Dr. Who / Battlestar Gallactica
    Fetal position
    Calcium (with vitamin D)

    I don't know if this particular mixture is FDA approved, though.

    In all honesty, I find the supplement world to be pretty interesting, but for every bit of health-related literature I read about supplements, I read something else about how it's better to ingest the various beneficial vitamins and minerals in food form, so I thought it might work best to down about one and a half pounds of veggies per day.  Mmmmm.

  24. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 13 years ago

    B12's (sublinguals)

    Obscene amounts of caffeine and green tea

    I slip aphrodisiacs into the wife's meals too

    Sleep in on weekends

    Yep, thats the lazy pescatarian supplement system ... havent been sick in nearly a decade, still have no cavities and am aging kind of slowly. One of the above is doing it for me.

    Probably not the b12's , i always forget those and they are a bit pricey

  25. Night Magic profile image61
    Night Magicposted 13 years ago

    I take my vitamins every day.

    -  Liquid multi vitamins
    -  Liquid calcium
    -  Enzymes
    -  D3 & K2
    -  Vitamin C

  26. greenshellmussel profile image61
    greenshellmusselposted 13 years ago

    I use green shelled mussels along with omega 3 oils which provides me with plenty of nutrients plus helps me with inflammation of the joints.


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