Between drug and alcohol addiction, which one is more destructive?

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  1. ajuvr profile image60
    ajuvrposted 13 years ago

    while both contribute to destruction there is no point in discriminating , just keep off.
    yeah you can compare cost wise, generational is the worst.

  2. Kirmani profile image61
    Kirmaniposted 13 years ago

    in my view both of them dissolves our sence as the result the time in which it takes effects our conciousness did not take proper decision in common we know DO N DONTS     
    we r totally depend upon monetery temptation n every good human wants he may earn n spend it by moral means but the worse loss by being addictive to alcohol or drugs its impossible to check it on

  3. angelicwarriors profile image72
    angelicwarriorsposted 13 years ago

    that is a catch 21 for many people like which came first the chicken or the egg... I know for me I never really tried drugs (although alcohol is a drug by def) both are equally destructive... As with any addiction it is not the substance it is the user that is the biggest problem...

    Take the alcohol away and I am still self destructive, as addicts we use something to not feel the pain we feel... over time we will destroy anything we have anyone around us to not feel that pain inside...

    For me even after being sober for many years it wasnt until I fully found God in step 3 that I found a peace that no drug could replace...

    I could write a lot more but may save this for a hub in the near future

  4. moiragallaga profile image76
    moiragallagaposted 13 years ago

    Both are equally destructive. The person addicted to either will go to any lengths to indulge their addiction, including risky behavior whether as a result of their intoxication or as a means of indulging their addiction.

  5. litsabd profile image66
    litsabdposted 13 years ago

    In Greece we say " Among two bad things, choose the least bad". In this case, I really don't know exacly which one is the worst. If we see both addictions on the basis on how damage they do to the addicts ,I personally think they are equally bad. But if we see the impact they have on other people's lives , I think alcoholism brings more destructive and abusive behaviours.

  6. Rai 18 profile image59
    Rai 18posted 13 years ago

    Alcohol addiction is way more destructive.  Not only do you hurt yourself in the process of being drunk but you can hurt someone else if you become violate.

  7. nolongerintndrln profile image60
    nolongerintndrlnposted 13 years ago matter what you destructive.  Remember the key word is ADDICTED and if a person is addicted to something...that something is matter what...and it WILL take priority over many things in ones' life...most takes priority over RESPONSIBILITY.  As you read the other answers, you'll see that they cover a broad spectrum.  Myself...I know people who drink that can put it down after one or two...and others who take one and can't stop.  I know people who drug and can pit it down...and others who just can't stop.  And...the type of drinks and the type of drugs vary, also.  Not all people are affected the same way with the same kind of drink or drug.

  8. Pikachusif profile image61
    Pikachusifposted 13 years ago

    Well, I would say that they are about the same. Trust me when I say about. If you mean drug as in cocaine, methamphetamine, acid, etc. then it depends. It is commonly perceived that hard drugs like the ones listed before would really put you down before you could say ' minimum wage.' Most of that is correct.

    You can drink alcohol in a minimum and suffer extremely little, or you can load up with gallons of booze and really pay for your foolish mistakes. However, it is near morally impossible to do a small amount of heroine and walk of jolly & scotch-free like Willy Wonka.

    So, it is apparent from our 'evidence' that hard drugs like acid & coke will leave you more brain-dead that a small glass of Jack-Daniels will.

  9. Philanthropy2012 profile image81
    Philanthropy2012posted 13 years ago

    Of course you meant alcohol vs recreational drugs and the answer of course is recreational drugs.

  10. cathyaddams567 profile image59
    cathyaddams567posted 12 years ago

    I think both of them are destructive. Whether it is monetary and emotionally not to mention physically. Nothing good will come out of drinking too much. If you know someone who is an alcoholic, you must encourage him to go to an Inpatient Alcohol Treatment. To know more about this, go to


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