Seriously! How does one find help "managing" their life?

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  1. stanwshura profile image72
    stanwshuraposted 13 years ago

    Seriously!  How does one find help "managing" their life?

    I'm talking clinical level support for someone impaired by Nonverbal Learning Disability, severe anxiety, Executive Dysfunction, OCD and the material and everyday chaos and mess.

    Takes a whopping amount of energy not to give in to the downward spiral!  Sometimes, like now, I just don't have it.

  2. Tony DeLorger profile image64
    Tony DeLorgerposted 13 years ago

    Hi Stan,
    I have suffered from clinical depression from 18 years of age and I've been on the couch for several years with CBT. What made a difference with me was a course I did a few years ago- Midefulness Based Cognizant Behavioural Therapy or MBCBT
    It originalted in the US and is a simple process of controlling thought through meditation, mindfulness and awareness. It helps you cope with all the frustration and trauma of day to day living and lets you make informed decisions about what you think and feel. This turned my life around. I have not had a depressive episode since completing the course. Even when my wife decided to leave me and two kids, I did not go down. Look it up on the net and give it a go, I think you'll find it helpful in a lot of ways. Good luck, there is help.

  3. stanwshura profile image72
    stanwshuraposted 13 years ago

    Tony, thank you so much for answering.  Could you tell me a little more about how this would be *applied* to the nuts and bolts that I can't get a handle on.  I feel like I should change my middle name to "Look!  Shiny!" - because I can't organize myself or my thoughts well enough to plan, decide, order, manage - let alone FINISH anything. 

    And the anxiety issues - woah - they've been hell.  When I'm near freaking, my bpm is around 140!!  Resting/standing!

    Well - obviously SOME stuff gets done.  But, man - I gotta tell ya, I'm getting a little sick and very drained of what seems like a 5:1 ratio (at best!) of effort I must put forth compared to the average "responsible adult".

    I'm thrilled by your success, and may it continue for you for the rest of your life.

  4. Mr. Happy profile image70
    Mr. Happyposted 13 years ago

    I go to the forest when I feel that the city is getting to me. Me, my tent and a forest (sometimes of one my good buddies too) - works miracles. Being in nature always helps me slow-things-down if they seem to be getting a little hectic.
    You just need to switch perspectives, nature can help you do that.

    Mr. Tony's answer was very good too. Meditation can help; a changing of awareness and being mindful or maybe mindless ... just drop the anxiety - it is only there because it sneaked-in. Pay no attention to it - it is useless. Why be anxious? Pick a happy state of mind to be in, instead of the anxiety. Look at the blue sky and breath ... let that be the only thing that matters. That can be a start, in my opinion.

    Maybe try listening to this and/or chanting it:

    I wish you the strength necessary to overcome your "obstacles"! All the best.

  5. renegadetory profile image59
    renegadetoryposted 13 years ago


    I can relate to your question because at one point in my life I had depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, Irritable bowel syndrome all at the same time.  I was a mess.  Needless to say, it was a very dark time in my life, I was having a lot of difficulty just functioning.

    I know about the downward spiral, some days it seems like you will never get yourself out. 

    Here is what I learned from going through this in my life.... if it wasn't for God, I wouldn't be here right now, and I also learned a thing or two about my anxiety and depression.  I learned that I was more sensitive to things around me compared to other people and I wasn't crazy afterall.

    My anxiety was triggered by a difficult event in my life compounded by many more smaller difficulties that piled on.  Panic attacks and anxiety was my body's response to this because it was emotionally overwhelming.  What finally stopped my downward spiral was the realization that I didn't want to just survive life, I wanted to live it again. 

    I stopped beating myself up for every little thing I felt was a failure and I started giving myself credit for even the smallest accomplishments like walking to the grocery store and back (when you suffer from agaoraphobia, that's a big accomplishment).  I also got mad at my anxiety  because it took away so much from my life those couple of years that I suffered.  I became determined not to let it win. 

    During my process of recovery I realized that it was one step forward two steps back.  I'd have a great day and almost feel normal, then I would have 2 days after that had me back in my anxious, depressed state.  Once I realized that it took me time to get out of the terrible place I was, it was going to take time to get back to my old self, maybe longer and that made me feel better.  Eventually I had more good days then bad.

    To finally answer your question, I don't think there is one solution to managing your life or overcoming.  You have to find what works for you, what inspires you, what gets you through.  There are so many great books out there, programs, you name it.  For me, my help for managing was God.

    I wish you all the best and I hope that others on here can give you great suggestions.

  6. jennifermdunn profile image60
    jennifermdunnposted 12 years ago

    I would suggest Dialetical Behavior Therapy. Find someone that is "intensely" trained. Better yet, find a DBT skills group. The support from the other participants is invaluable. Let me know if you need help locating one.


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